A great activity for everyone

Banana Pass

A Messy and Hilarious Relay Race Where Teams Pass a Banana Using Their Feet!

Banana Pass
By Jon Zajac

What is Banana Pass?

The Banana Pass icebreaker is an engaging and enjoyable outdoor game that I like to organize at gatherings, particularly with groups of 10 years old and above. It’s a relay race designed to be fast-paced and somewhat messy, making it perfect for breaking the ice and getting participants to loosen up. The objective of this activity is to pass a banana down a line of teammates using only their feet, fostering communication, collaboration, and laughter among players.

The game commences with team members lying down in a straight line, heads-to-toes, maintaining a distance of about 2 feet between each other. The first player grabs the banana with their feet and passes it over their head to the next person’s feet. This process continues until the banana reaches the last person in line. Once received, this individual must peel the banana and eat it before running back to the starting line, concluding the race for their team.

Despite its simplicity, the Banana Pass icebreaker is an effective way to get people to engage with one another while having a great time outdoors. The game’s premise often results in spills, laughter, and memorable moments, creating a positive atmosphere that encourages participants to connect and enjoy their time together.

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Rules for Banana Pass

  1. Players lie down in a straight line, heads to toes, with each person’s toes about 2 feet away from the next teammate’s head.
  2. The first players in line grab hold of the banana with their feet and pass it over their heads to the next person’s feet.
  3. The next person receives the banana with his or her feet and passes it again until the entire team is done.
  4. The last person peels the banana, eats it, and then runs back to the starting line, finishing the race for the team.
  5. Players can only use their feet to pass the banana.
  6. The game ends when all teams have completed the relay race and the last player has eaten the banana.

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Materials needed for Banana Pass

  • Bananas: You will need at least one banana per team. The banana is used as the “baton” that players pass down the line using their feet.
  • Outdoor Space: This game should be played in an outdoor setting with enough space for teams to lie down in a straight line, head to toe.

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Setting up for Banana Pass

To set up for the Banana Pass game, you will need to choose an outdoor location with enough space for teams of 7-10 players to lie down in a straight line, head to toe. Each team will need a designated starting line and a clear path for the banana to be passed down the line. It’s important to make sure the area is free of any obstacles or hazards that could cause someone to trip or fall while passing the banana with their feet. Additionally, you may want to designate a finish line for the last person on each team to run to after eating the banana. It might be helpful to use cones, flags, or other markers to clearly define the start and finish lines and the path for the banana to be passed.

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How to play Banana Pass

  1. Gather Players and Form Teams: Assemble players aged 10 and up into teams of 7-10 participants each. Have teammates lie down on the grass in a straight line, with their heads at one end and feet at the other, placing each person’s toes about 2 feet away from the next teammate’s head.

  2. Prepare Bananas: Ensure there is at least one banana per team. Place the bananas near the heads of the first players in each line.

  3. Explain Game Rules: Clearly explain that the objective of the game is to pass the “baton” (banana) down the line using only their feet and, once received by the last person, have them peel and eat the banana before running back to the starting line to complete the race for their team.

  4. Start the Game: Begin the relay race by signaling the first players in each team to grab hold of the banana with their feet and pass it over their heads to the next person’s feet. Encourage teams to communicate clearly during the passing process.

  5. Continue Passing until Reaching the Last Player: Each subsequent player should receive the banana with their feet, then pass it along to the next person until it reaches the last teammate.

  6. Eat the Banana and Race Back: Once the last player receives the banana, instruct them to peel it and eat the entire fruit. After consuming the banana, they must run back to the starting line, completing the race for their team.

  7. Determine Winning Team: The first team to have their final runner cross the starting line after eating and delivering the banana wins the game.

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Benefits of Banana Pass

  • Builds Teamwork: The banana pass game requires coordination, communication, and cooperation among team members to successfully pass the banana down the line using only their feet. This process helps to build trust and strengthen relationships within the team.
  • Encourages Physical Activity: As an outdoor relay race, the banana pass game encourages players to be physically active. It involves stretching, reaching, and moving around, providing a fun way to exercise and stay fit.
  • Develops Problem-Solving Skills: The unusual method of passing the banana challenges players to think creatively and find new ways to transfer the object down the line efficiently. This process can help develop problem-solving skills and strategic thinking.
  • Fosters a Sense of Humor: Eating a mushy banana after it has been passed through multiple pairs of feet can be an unexpected and amusing experience. The game’s silliness encourages players to laugh, have fun, and enjoy the moment with their teammates.
  • Boosts Confidence: Completing the relay race and consuming the banana in front of others requires courage and self-assurance. This can help build confidence and resilience in individuals as they face new challenges and push past their comfort zones.

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Skills built with Banana Pass

  • Teamwork: Players must work together to quickly pass the banana down the line using their feet. This requires communication, coordination, and trust in one’s teammates.
  • Gross Motor Skills: The game requires players to use their large muscle groups to lie down, balance, grab, and pass the banana with their feet. This can help improve overall body strength and control.
  • Hand-Eye Coordination: Although hands are not directly involved in this game, the concept of using one’s feet as hands helps develop spatial awareness and hand-eye coordination.
  • Body Awareness: By being in close proximity to their teammates and having to navigate the banana with their feet, players gain a better understanding of their own body positioning and spatial orientation.
  • Comfort with Disgust: Eating a mushy banana that has been passed around with feet might not be the most appealing task, but it encourages players to push their boundaries and become more comfortable with potentially gross situations.
  • Goal-Oriented Thinking: The game has a clear objective – passing the banana as quickly as possible and having the last person eat it. This helps players focus on a goal and work towards achieving it in a fun, interactive way.

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Why I like Banana Pass

I enjoy the Banana Pass icebreaker for several reasons. First, it is a high-energy game that gets players moving and laughing, making it a great way to break the ice and get people comfortable with each other. The messy and silly nature of the game also adds to its appeal, as it creates a lighthearted atmosphere and helps players let loose and have fun.

Another reason I like the Banana Pass icebreaker is that it promotes teamwork and communication. Players must work together and communicate effectively in order to successfully pass the banana down the line and complete the relay race. This makes it a great activity for building trust and collaboration among team members.

Additionally, the game is easy to set up and requires minimal materials, making it a convenient option for large groups or outdoor events. The rules are simple enough that anyone can understand them, but there is still plenty of room for creativity and strategy in how players choose to pass the banana.

Overall, the Banana Pass icebreaker is a fun and engaging way to promote teamwork, communication, and laughter among participants.

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Tips for making Banana Pass more inclusive

  • Tip: Provide banana alternatives. If some team members have allergies or simply don’t like bananas, offer alternative objects that can be passed with feet, such as bean bags or soft balls. This ensures everyone can participate comfortably and enjoy the game.
  • Tip: Adapt the rules for physical limitations. Some players may have mobility issues, making it challenging to reach their feet or move quickly. Modify the game by allowing participants to use their hands, extending the distance between teammates, or providing additional time for each relay turn.
  • Tip: Create teams with diverse abilities. Mixing players with different skills and strengths makes the game more inclusive and enjoyable for everyone. Place fast runners alongside those with dexterity in foot passing, allowing both to contribute effectively to their team’s success.
  • Tip: Encourage positive sportsmanship. Emphasize the importance of having fun, supporting one another, and celebrating each other’s accomplishments during the game. This creates an inclusive environment where all participants feel valued and included.

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Reflection questions for Banana Pass

  1. What was your initial reaction when you heard that you had to pass a banana with your feet? This question can help facilitators understand the participants’ first impressions and how they approach new and unusual activities.
  2. How did you feel when it was your turn to eat the banana? Eating a banana passed around with feet can be gross for some people, so this question can help facilitators gauge the participants’ comfort level with getting messy and trying new things.
  3. Did your teamwork and communication skills improve as the game progressed? This question can help facilitators assess how well the participants worked together and how they communicated during the relay race.
  4. What did you learn about yourself and your ability to handle unexpected situations? Passing a banana with feet can be unpredictable, so this question can help participants reflect on their resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges.
  5. How can you apply the lessons learned from this game to real-life situations? This question can help participants connect the dots between the game and their daily lives, making the experience more meaningful and impactful.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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