A great activity for everyone

Best Skills Showdown

Unleash Unseen Talents in a Hilarious Competition of Weird Skills!

Best Skills Showdown
By Jon Zajac

What is Best Skills Showdown?

The Best Skills Showdown is an engaging icebreaker activity that I would recommend for large or extra-large groups of eight years old and above. This game encourages friendly competition as teams compete in a series of mini-games, each testing different skills and talents. The purpose of this icebreaker is to promote teamwork, boost confidence, and provide an opportunity for participants to showcase their unique abilities.

At its core, the Best Skills Showdown involves dividing the large group into smaller teams and having them compete in various mini-games such as highest jump, most push-ups, longest middle name, or best dancer. Each round highlights a different skill or talent, allowing every participant to contribute to their team’s success based on their individual strengths.

What makes this icebreaker inclusive is the rule that each person in the team must compete in at least one round for the team to be eligible to win the game. This ensures everyone has an opportunity to participate and showcase their talents, fostering a sense of belonging among all members.

Overall, the Best Skills Showdown is an enjoyable and interactive icebreaker that will bring your group together while allowing participants to demonstrate their unique skills and abilities.

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Rules for Best Skills Showdown

  1. Separate the large group into smaller teams of 4-6 people.
  2. Announce the mini-game for each round and ask for one member from each team to compete.
  3. New volunteers should be chosen for each round.
  4. The winner of each activity round will receive one point for their team.
  5. Each player can only compete in every other round at most.
  6. Each person on the team must compete in at least 1 round for the team to be eligible to win.
  7. The team with the most titles (points) at the end of all activity rounds is the winning team.
  8. No team is able to win the game unless every single member on the team competed in at least 1 activity round.
  9. Include an “Inclusion tip” to ensure that each person on the team has a chance to participate and no one is left out.

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Materials needed for Best Skills Showdown

  • Bandanas: Material for blindfolding players in certain activities
  • Plastic cones: Material for marking boundaries in activities
  • Balloons: Multi-purpose prop that can be used in various mini-games
  • Foam balls: Lightweight balls suitable for throwing activities
  • Measuring tape: Necessary tool for measuring distance in certain games

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Setting up for Best Skills Showdown

To set up for the Best Skills Showdown icebreaker activity, you will need to:

  1. Prepare a list of mini-games for the game ahead of time.
  2. Separate the large group into smaller teams of 4-6 people.
  3. Ensure that there is enough space for the teams to compete in the various activities.
  4. If any props require setup before they can be used, prepare them ahead of time. Examples include bandanas for blindfolding and plastic cones to mark boundaries.
  5. Make sure that each team has access to the necessary materials for the activities, such as balloons, foam balls, and a measuring tape.
  6. Review the inclusion tip and make sure that it is communicated to the teams. No team member should compete in two rounds back-to-back, and each person on the team must compete in at least one round for the team to be eligible to win the game.

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How to play Best Skills Showdown

  1. Divide the group into teams: As the facilitator, instruct the large group to split into smaller teams of 4-6 people each, depending on the total number of participants.
  2. Prepare a list of mini-games: Come up with a variety of activities that test different skills and talents. Examples include highest jump, most push-ups, longest middle name, furthest object throw, best dancer, and most sit-ups.
  3. Explain the rules to the teams: Explain that one team member will compete in each round against representatives from other teams. The winner of each round earns a point for their team.
  4. Begin the first round: Announce the activity and invite one representative from each team to participate. Ensure that every team is represented in this initial round.
  5. Determine the winner: Judge the competitors based on the chosen skill or talent. Declare the winner, who will earn a point for their team.
  6. Repeat the process: Continue with new sets of representatives from each team for subsequent rounds until all planned activities have been completed.
  7. Enforce inclusion rules: Make sure that every team member competes in at least one round and no individual participates in two consecutive rounds.
  8. Calculate the total points: At the end of all rounds, tally up the points to determine the winning team. Ensure that no team wins unless every member has participated in at least one round.
  9. Conclude the game: Have the winning team showcase their titles (highest jumper, best dancer, etc.) as a fun way to conclude the activity.

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Benefits of Best Skills Showdown

  • Encourages teamwork: By dividing the large group into smaller teams, this activity promotes collaboration and cooperation among team members as they work together to win the most titles.
  • Boosts self-confidence: The mini-games require individuals to showcase their unique talents or skills, which can help increase their self-confidence and sense of self-worth.
  • Promotes physical activity: Many of the suggested activities involve some form of physical exertion, such as jumping, push-ups, or throwing objects, making it a fun way to incorporate movement into the icebreaker.
  • Fosters creativity: The variety of mini-games allows for creative expression and thinking outside the box, especially when inventing new activities that suit the group’s interests.
  • Improves communication skills: Encouraging participants to communicate effectively with one another during gameplay helps enhance their overall communication abilities.
  • Inclusive: The inclusion tip ensures everyone on the team has a chance to participate and showcase their talents, making it an accessible icebreaker for all.
  • Builds camaraderie: By engaging in friendly competition, teams can build rapport and connections with one another, fostering a sense of belonging within the larger group.
  • Develops problem-solving skills: Strategizing which team member should participate in each round and deciding on their activity helps participants practice decision-making and problem-solving abilities.

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Skills built with Best Skills Showdown

  • Teamwork: Playing Best Skills Showdown requires participants to work together in small teams, collaborating on strategies and supporting one another during the mini-games. This helps build teamwork skills as players learn to communicate effectively and rely on each other’s strengths.
  • Sportsmanship: The game encourages friendly competition, giving players the opportunity to practice good sportsmanship by cheering for their opponents and graciously accepting wins or losses. This fosters a positive attitude and respect for others, which are important skills for building healthy relationships.
  • Creativity: With a variety of mini-games to choose from, Best Skills Showdown encourages players to think creatively and come up with new and exciting activities. This helps stimulate innovation and problem-solving skills, making the game more engaging and fun.
  • Physical Fitness: Many of the mini-games in Best Skills Showdown involve physical activity, such as jumping, throwing, or dancing. Participating in these games can help improve players’ strength, agility, and overall fitness level.
  • Public Speaking: During the game, players may need to present their skills or accomplishments to the group. This provides an opportunity for players to practice public speaking skills, such as articulating thoughts clearly and confidently, maintaining eye contact, and engaging with an audience.
  • Inclusion: Best Skills Showdown includes an inclusion tip that encourages fairness and equal participation among team members. This helps promote a sense of belonging and respect for diversity, which are important values in building inclusive communities.

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Why I like Best Skills Showdown

I appreciate the Best Skills Showdown icebreaker because it encourages friendly competition and teamwork in a large group setting. I like that this activity can be customized with various mini-games, making it easy to adapt for different ages and contexts. The use of props adds an element of fun and excitement, engaging participants throughout the game.

This icebreaker also promotes inclusion by ensuring each team member has a chance to participate in at least one round. I find this aspect crucial in fostering a sense of belonging among group members. Additionally, the competitive nature of the game encourages participants to showcase their unique talents and skills, making it an excellent way to learn more about one another.

The Best Skills Showdown icebreaker is not only entertaining but also contributes to building stronger relationships within the group, as everyone cheers for their teammates and celebrates each other’s accomplishments. Overall, this activity is a great way to engage participants, encourage teamwork, and promote inclusivity in any large group setting.

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Tips for making Best Skills Showdown more inclusive

  • Make sure all activities can be adapted for different abilities: Ensure that every participant can take part in each activity by having adaptable versions ready. For example, if one activity involves running, have an alternative option like wheelchair racing or a skipping rope challenge.
  • Encourage team members to support each other: Make it clear that this event is about having fun and showcasing unique talents, not just winning. Encourage teammates to cheer each other on and celebrate every victory, no matter how small.
  • Avoid gendered activities: Stick to gender-neutral challenges or explicitly mention that all participants, regardless of gender, can join a particular activity. This ensures everyone feels comfortable participating and prevents exclusion.
  • Consider cultural sensitivities: Be aware of cultural differences among participants when choosing activities. For example, avoid activities that may involve food if you’re unsure about dietary restrictions or preferences.
  • Provide clear instructions and demonstrate each activity: Make sure everyone understands the rules and goals of each challenge to prevent confusion or misunderstandings. Demonstrate the activities yourself or ask volunteers to do so.
  • Promote active listening and respectful communication: Encourage participants to listen carefully when others are sharing their skills and talents, and remind them to be kind and supportive in their feedback.
  • Make sure everyone gets a turn: Keep track of which team members have already participated in activities, and make an effort to give those who haven’t had a chance yet the opportunity to do so.
  • Consider language barriers: If there are participants who speak different languages, try to provide simple instructions that can be easily translated or use visual aids to help explain the activities.
  • Invite feedback and suggestions: After the icebreaker, ask participants for their thoughts on the event and any ideas they have for making it more inclusive in the future. This will show your commitment to inclusivity and help you improve future events.

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Reflection questions for Best Skills Showdown

  1. What was your favorite mini-game in the Skills Showdown? Knowing this can help you understand what types of activities are most engaging for the group, so you can incorporate similar elements into future icebreakers and team-building exercises.
  2. How did you feel when it was your turn to compete in a mini-game? Understanding how individuals experience nerves, excitement, or pressure during competitions can help you tailor activities to make everyone feel more comfortable and included.
  3. Did you learn anything new about your teammates through their unique talents and skills? Discovering shared interests or surprising abilities can strengthen relationships among participants, fostering a more cohesive group dynamic.
  4. How did cooperation within your team contribute to its overall success? Recognizing the importance of individual contributions as well as collective support can lead to increased collaboration and understanding in future group activities.
  5. What strategies did you use to encourage and motivate your teammates during the Skills Showdown? Identifying successful encouragement techniques can help you better foster a positive environment that supports growth and development for all participants.
  6. How might the skills showcased today be relevant in a real-world work or school context? Reflecting on how unique talents and strengths apply to various situations can encourage appreciation of diverse abilities within the group, leading to greater empathy and inclusivity.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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