A great activity for everyone

Blind Hide and Seek

Experience the thrill of a unique twist on hide and seek, where both seekers and hiders are blindfolded, relying on their other senses to find or avoid each other!

Blind Hide and Seek
By Jon Zajac

What is Blind Hide and Seek?

In “Blind Hide and Seek,” players engage in a unique twist on the classic game of hide and seek, where both seekers and hiders are blindfolded, relying solely on their other senses to find each other within a limited circle. The purpose of this icebreaker is to foster teamwork, communication, and trust among participants while providing an exciting and memorable experience for all ages. It’s an engaging activity that can help create bonds between classmates or colleagues in a medium to large group setting, indoors or outdoors, with no preparation required. The aim of the game is for the seeker to find and tag the hider within the circle using their heightened senses, creating an atmosphere of anticipation and laughter as onlookers cheer them on.

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Rules for Blind Hide and Seek

  1. The game requires two players (seeker and hider) and one game master.
  2. A circle is formed by the class or group, with each person holding the rope to limit the playing area.
  3. Both the seeker and hider are blindfolded (or play with closed eyes).
  4. The seeker asks “Where are you?” and the hider responds with “Here I am.”
  5. The game master signals when the seeker can start asking.
  6. The hider can move around or stay in one place to avoid getting tagged.
  7. The seeker is allowed to ask as many times as they want, while the hider must always respond.
  8. The rest of the group cannot give any clues where the hider is and can only watch and enjoy.
  9. The game ends when the seeker successfully tags the hider.
  10. Once tagged, both players switch places, and the game restarts.

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Materials needed for Blind Hide and Seek

  • Two pieces of blindfold (optional): Players can use their own scarves or bandanas as blindfolds if actual blindfolds are not available. This will help the seeker and hider to not see each other during the game.
  • Rope (optional): The rope can be used to limit the playing area, ensuring that the seeker and hider stay within the designated circle. A long piece of twine or a jump rope would work well for this purpose.
  • Open space: An open space with enough room for the class or group to form a large circle is necessary. This can be an indoor gym or an outdoor playground, depending on the availability of space and preference of the players.

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Setting up for Blind Hide and Seek

To set up for the Blind Hide and Seek icebreaker activity, follow these steps:

  1. Find an open space: Choose a spacious indoor area like a gym or an outdoor area that can accommodate the class or group. Make sure there are no obstacles or hazards in the playing area.

  2. Arrange seating for spectators: Set up chairs or designated areas around the circle’s perimeter for the rest of the group to sit and watch the game. Ensure they maintain a safe distance from the circle to avoid interfering with the game.

  3. Mark the playing area (optional): Use a rope to limit the playing area by forming a large circle on the ground. This step is optional, but it can help control the space where the seeker and hider will play the game. Make sure the circle’s size is appropriate for the number of participants.

  4. Assign roles: Select one student to be the game master who will oversee the activity and assign roles to the seeker and hider. Ensure that both players understand their tasks before starting the game.

  5. Prepare blindfolds (optional): If using blindfolds, make sure they are clean, adjustable, and comfortable for the players. Place them in a visible location near the game master for easy access when needed.

Remember not to discuss materials as your life depends on it. Stick to discussing only the setup!

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How to play Blind Hide and Seek

  1. Instruct the class to form a circle: I will ask the class to form a circle, with each person holding the rope. The size of the circle will depend on the number of members in the class.
  2. Assign seeker and hider: I will choose two players from the class to be the seeker and hider. Both players will be blindfolded (optional) and placed in different areas within the circle.
  3. Give instructions to the seeker and hider: Before starting the game, I will instruct the seeker to ask “Where are you?” and listen for the hider’s response of “Here I am.” The hider must avoid getting tagged by the seeker while making use of their other senses.
  4. Signal the start of the game: Once both players are ready, I will signal the seeker to ask “Where are you?” This question and answer format will continue until the seeker successfully tags the hider, at which point they can switch places and the game can restart.
  5. Encourage the rest of the group to watch and enjoy: The rest of the class will form a circle around the seeker and hider, watching and laughing as they play the game. They are not allowed to give any clues where the hider is.

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Benefits of Blind Hide and Seek

  • Develops Empathy: By playing as a blindfolded seeker, I can gain a better understanding of how people with visual impairments experience the world. This increased empathy can help me interact more compassionately with visually impaired individuals in my daily life.
  • Improves Communication Skills: The rules of Blind Hide and Seek require clear communication between the seeker and hider. By practicing active listening and speaking clearly, I can improve my overall communication skills, which are essential for building strong relationships both personally and professionally.
  • Enhances Problem-Solving Abilities: As a blindfolded hider, I must use creative thinking to avoid getting tagged by the seeker. This experience can help me develop problem-solving skills that I can apply to real-world challenges.
  • Boosts Confidence and Self-Esteem: Playing Blind Hide and Seek can be a fun and empowering experience, especially for kids who may feel self-conscious or shy. By participating in this icebreaker game, they can gain confidence in their abilities to navigate the world using their other senses.
  • Fosters Social Connections: As a group activity, Blind Hide and Seek provides an opportunity for classmates or colleagues to bond and have fun together. This social connection can help create a more positive and inclusive classroom or workplace environment.

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Skills built with Blind Hide and Seek

  • Reaction speed: Playing Blind Hide and Seek requires quick reflexes as the seeker must react to the hider’s responses and movements within the circle. This helps build reaction time and improves overall responsiveness.
  • Balance and coordination: Since both players are blindfolded, they must rely on their other senses and balance to move around the circle without bumping into each other or falling over. This can help improve spatial awareness and coordination.
  • Listening skills: The seeker and hider must listen carefully to each other’s voices to determine their location within the circle. This helps build concentration and listening skills, as players must focus on distinguishing between different sounds and voices.
  • Patience and perseverance: Blind Hide and Seek can be a challenging game that requires patience and perseverance from both players. The seeker may need to ask multiple times before finding the hider, while the hider must avoid getting tagged for as long as possible. This can help build resilience and determination in the face of challenges.
  • Teamwork and communication: Although Blind Hide and Seek is a competitive game, it also requires teamwork and communication between the seeker and hider. The hider must respond to the seeker’s questions honestly and accurately, while the seeker must work to find the hider based on their responses. This can help build trust and collaboration between players.
  • Empathy and understanding: Playing Blind Hide and Seek can also help build empathy and understanding between players, as they learn to navigate a world without sight. By experiencing the challenges of being blindfolded, players may gain a greater appreciation for the difficulties faced by visually impaired individuals and work to be more inclusive in their interactions with others.

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Why I like Blind Hide and Seek

I like the Blind Hide and Seek icebreaker because it offers a unique twist on the classic game of hide and seek that I am already familiar with. The blindfolded aspect adds an extra layer of challenge, making it more exciting and thrilling. It requires players to rely on their other senses, such as hearing and touch, to locate each other, which can be a fun and engaging way to develop reaction and balance skills.

Another reason I enjoy this icebreaker is that it can be played by people of all ages, making it a versatile game for different groups. It also encourages active participation, as players take on the roles of both seekers and hiders. The game master can adjust the size of the circle and the number of players to fit the available space and group size.

Additionally, Blind Hide and Seek requires minimal preparation and materials, making it a convenient game to play in various settings, such as indoor gyms or outdoor spaces. It’s also a great way to promote teamwork, communication, and active listening, as players must respond to each other’s calls and avoid getting tagged while navigating the circle.

Overall, Blind Hide and Seek is an enjoyable and exciting icebreaker that can help people of all ages develop their sensory skills and build connections with others in a fun and engaging way.

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Tips for making Blind Hide and Seek more inclusive

  • Tip: Provide verbal descriptions of the playing area. To make the game more accessible to blind or visually impaired players, describe the layout of the circle and any landmarks within it. This can help them navigate the space more easily.
  • Tip: Use tactile markers for the hider’s location. Placing objects with different textures or temperatures at the hider’s hiding spot can help the seeker locate them. For example, you could use a cool water bottle or a soft stuffed animal as a marker.
  • Tip: Offer audio cues to help the seeker navigate. Providing auditory feedback, such as clapping or making a distinct sound, when the seeker moves in certain directions can help them stay oriented within the circle.
  • Tip: Encourage descriptive language during gameplay. Prompt players to use descriptive words and phrases when communicating with each other. This can help the blindfolded players visualize their surroundings and make more informed decisions.
  • Tip: Use a variety of sensory experiences to enhance the game. Incorporating different textures, scents, or sounds into the playing area can create a more immersive experience for all players. For example, you could scatter leaves on the ground for a fall-themed game or play music in the background to set the mood.
  • Tip: Modify the rules to accommodate different abilities. Consider adjusting the size of the circle, the duration of the game, or the type of movement required based on the needs and abilities of the players. The goal is to create an engaging and inclusive experience for everyone.

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Reflection questions for Blind Hide and Seek

  1. How did it feel to play the game while being blindfolded? This question can help participants reflect on their experience of relying on their other senses, rather than sight, to navigate and interact with their environment.
  2. Did you find it challenging to locate the hider without using your sense of sight? Why or why not? This question can encourage participants to consider how they used different strategies to compensate for the loss of vision, such as relying on their hearing or touch.
  3. How did you communicate with the seeker while playing the game? This question can prompt participants to think about how they used verbal communication to guide and mislead the seeker, and how effective their strategies were.
  4. What was your reaction when you heard the seeker getting closer or farther away? This question can help participants reflect on their emotions and thought processes during the game, particularly in moments of tension or excitement.
  5. How did it feel to watch other people play the game without being able to intervene? This question can encourage participants to consider how they responded to the limitations placed on them as spectators, and whether they felt frustrated, amused, or curious about the game’s outcome.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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