A great activity for everyone

Intimate Cooperation

A Fun and Challenging Game Requiring Synchronization and Teamwork Between Players Through Quirky Tasks!

Intimate Cooperation
By Jon Zajac

What is Intimate Cooperation?

The Intimate Cooperation icebreaker is a series of fun and engaging activities designed to promote teamwork and communication among participants. The purpose of this game is to encourage players to work closely with each other, relying on each other’s movements and coordination to complete various challenges.

The first challenge, Pucker Up, requires players to carry a tennis ball between their mouths from one end of the room to another without dropping it. The second activity, Ready Spaghetti, challenges players to use an uncooked spaghetti strand held between their mouths as a bridge to transport soda cans across the room. Lastly, Belly Balloon Break tasks participants to squeeze balloons between their bellies until they pop.

These activities are designed to be completed in pairs, promoting close cooperation and communication between teammates. The challenges require players to work together in creative ways, pushing them to think outside the box and rely on each other’s strengths. By engaging in these intimate cooperative exercises, participants can build stronger relationships with their team members while having a great time.

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Rules for Intimate Cooperation

  1. Place a tennis ball on top of the glass, making sure it’s accessible from all sides.
  2. Both teammates lower their faces to the tennis ball and place their mouths on opposite sides.
  3. Lift and move the ball using only your mouths and transport it to the bowl on the other side of the room.
  4. Drop the ball in the bowl, return to the starting point, and repeat for the remaining two tennis balls.
  5. The first team to finish all three balls wins.

Ready Spaghetti:

  1. Place empty soda cans with ring pulls on one end of the room.
  2. Designate a target area on a surface at the other end of the room.
  3. Hold one end of the spaghetti in your mouth and thread it through the can’s ring pull.
  4. Lift the spaghetti-supported can between you and move it to the target area.
  5. Release the spaghetti, return to the cans, and repeat for two more cans.
  6. The first team to transport all three cans wins.

Belly Balloon Break:

  1. Pick up a balloon, hold it between your bellies with your hands removed, and squeeze it until it pops.
  2. Repeat the process with the remaining balloons.
  3. The first team to pop all ten of their balloons wins.

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Materials needed for Intimate Cooperation

  • Tennis balls: You will need 3 tennis balls per team for this game.
  • Glasses: A glass for each team will be used as the starting point for the ball transport challenge.
  • Bowls: A bowl for each team will serve as the endpoint for the ball transport challenge.
  • Uncooked spaghetti: A strand of uncooked spaghetti per team will be used to transport soda cans.
  • Soda cans: 3 empty soda cans per player should have their ring pulls pulled into a vertical position for this game.
  • Balloons: You will need 10 balloons for each team to play the Belly Balloon Break game.

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Setting up for Intimate Cooperation

To set up for the Intimate Cooperation icebreaker activity, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Identify a room where you will conduct the game. Choose a spacious area to allow players to move around easily.
  2. Select two locations in the room to serve as the start and endpoint for each team. At one end, place a glass or starting marker, while at the other end, place a bowl or target area.
  3. Arrange players into pairs, ensuring they understand their roles as partners throughout the game.
  4. For the first activity, “Pucker Up,” position the tennis balls near the glasses on the starting side of the room.
  5. For the second activity, “Ready Spaghetti,” place the soda cans at one end of the room, facing the designated target area at the other end. Ensure that the ring pulls are pulled up vertically.
  6. No setup is needed for the third activity, “Belly Balloon Break.” Simply gather the players into pairs and ensure there are enough balloons for each team (10 per team).

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How to play Intimate Cooperation

  1. Gather the necessary materials: I need to collect three tennis balls, a glass, a bowl, and find a partner for this activity.
  2. Prepare the playing field: I place the glass and bowl on opposite sides of the room, put the tennis balls near the glass, and arrange players into pairs.
  3. Position the ball on the glass: One teammate places a tennis ball on top of the glass so that all sides are accessible.
  4. Place mouths on opposite sides of the ball: Both teammates lower their faces to the tennis ball and place their mouths on opposite sides, trapping the ball between their faces.
  5. Transport the ball: With the ball only in contact with both player’s mouths, they move the ball to the bowl on the other side of the room and drop it in.
  6. Repeat for the remaining balls: Players return to the starting point and repeat steps 3-5 with the remaining tennis balls. The first team to finish all three rounds wins!

  1. Gather materials: I need uncooked spaghetti, empty soda cans, and a designated target area for this activity. I also arrange players into pairs.
  2. Prepare the playing field: I place the soda cans on one end of the room and create a target area at the other end.
  3. Thread spaghetti through can ring pull: One teammate places one end of the spaghetti in their mouth, pointing it towards the can, and threads it through the ring pull. The second player then holds the other end with their mouth.
  4. Lift the can: With both players holding the spaghetti, they lift the can and transport it to the target area.
  5. Repeat for additional cans: Players return to the starting point and repeat steps 3-4 twice more. The first team to successfully move all three cans to the target area wins!

  1. Collect materials: I need 10 balloons per team.
  2. Arrange players into pairs: Each pair of players will work together to complete the challenge.
  3. Position a balloon between bellies: Players pick up a balloon, hold it between their bellies, and remove their hands so that the balloon is supported only by belly pressure.
  4. Squeeze the balloon: Both teammates squeeze the balloon until it pops.
  5. Repeat for all balloons: Players continue to pop additional balloons until they have completed the task with all 10 balloons. The first team to successfully pop all their balloons wins!

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Benefits of Intimate Cooperation

  • Builds Trust: By completing these intimate and cooperative tasks together, teammates can build trust and deepen their connections with one another.
  • Improves Communication: These games require clear communication and coordination between partners, helping team members practice active listening and effective communication skills.
  • Promotes Problem-Solving: Each challenge requires teammates to work together to find creative solutions to problems that arise during gameplay.
  • Encourages Patience and Empathy: Working through these tasks with a partner can help team members develop patience, as well as empathy for their teammates’ perspectives and experiences.
  • Boosts Morale: Completing these challenges together can create a positive and energizing atmosphere, helping to boost morale and build a stronger team dynamic.

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Skills built with Intimate Cooperation

  • Communication: Playing Intimate Cooperation icebreakers requires clear and effective communication between teammates. They need to coordinate their movements and actions in order to successfully complete the challenges. This helps build strong communication skills that are essential for any successful team.
  • Synergy: These icebreakers emphasize on working together as a cohesive unit, building synergy among team members. By working closely with each other and relying on one another’s strengths, players learn to trust and support their teammates, leading to improved collaboration and teamwork.
  • Problem-Solving: Intimate Cooperation icebreakers present unique challenges that require creative problem-solving. Players need to think strategically and adapt quickly in order to find successful solutions. This fosters critical thinking skills and encourages resourcefulness, which can be applied in various real-life situations.
  • Patience and Persistence: These games demand patience and persistence from players as they work through the challenges. By practicing these skills, individuals learn to remain calm under pressure and maintain focus on their goals, even when faced with obstacles or setbacks.
  • Self-Awareness and Empathy: Playing Intimate Cooperation icebreakers can help increase self-awareness as players recognize their own strengths and weaknesses in a team setting. Additionally, they develop empathy by understanding their teammates’ perspectives and working together to achieve shared goals.
  • Body Awareness and Coordination: These games often involve physical coordination and body awareness. Players must work together to move objects or maintain balance, which can help improve fine motor skills and overall physical fitness.
  • Leadership and Followership: Intimate Cooperation icebreakers provide opportunities for individuals to step up as leaders and take charge of a situation, while also encouraging active followership and the ability to trust and support others in their leadership roles. This balance is crucial for effective team dynamics and can be applied in various personal and professional settings.

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Why I like Intimate Cooperation

I enjoy the Intimate Cooperation icebreaker because it promotes teamwork and communication in a fun and unique way. The activities, such as Pucker Up, Ready Spaghetti, and Belly Balloon Break, require partners to work closely together and rely on each other’s movements and actions. This type of physical cooperation helps to build trust and strengthen relationships between team members.

The icebreaker also encourages creativity and problem-solving, as participants must figure out how to complete the tasks using only their mouths or bellies. This can lead to laughter and lighthearted moments, helping to create a positive and enjoyable atmosphere.

Additionally, the use of everyday objects, such as tennis balls, spaghetti, and balloons, makes the activities accessible and easy to understand for people of all ages and abilities. This inclusivity helps to ensure that everyone can participate and feel valued in the icebreaker.

Overall, I find the Intimate Cooperation icebreaker to be a fun and effective way to build teamwork, communication, and trust among group members.

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Tips for making Intimate Cooperation more inclusive

  • Tip: Provide a variety of activity options. Consider offering multiple activities that cater to different abilities, interests, and comfort levels. This allows participants to choose activities they feel most comfortable with, making the icebreaker more inclusive.
  • Tip: Offer adaptations for different needs. Ensure the activities can be easily adapted to accommodate various physical or cognitive abilities. For example, provide options to use a larger ball or softer spaghetti for those who may have difficulty handling smaller objects.
  • Tip: Use gender-neutral language and imagery. When describing activities and roles, avoid using gendered terms or assumptions. This helps create an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome, regardless of their gender identity.
  • Tip: Encourage consent and communication. Make it clear that participants should always ask for consent before initiating any physical contact and respect each other’s boundaries. Model this behavior by demonstrating how to ask for and give consent during the activities.
  • Tip: Promote a safe and respectful space. Foster an environment where participants feel comfortable expressing themselves and sharing their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment or ridicule. Encourage active listening, empathy, and open-mindedness among all participants.
  • Tip: Consider cultural sensitivity. Be aware that certain activities or communication styles may be inappropriate or misunderstood in some cultures. Make an effort to understand the backgrounds and perspectives of all participants, and adapt your facilitation style accordingly.
  • Tip: Reflect on your own biases and privileges. Recognize how your own experiences and perspectives might unintentionally exclude or marginalize others. Continuously educate yourself on issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and strive to create an inclusive space for all participants.

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Reflection questions for Intimate Cooperation

  1. What was the most challenging part of this icebreaker for you? Understanding the dynamics of working with another person in such close proximity can shed light on individual comfort levels and willingness to collaborate, which are important skills in a team setting.
  2. How did it feel to rely on someone else’s actions during these games? Building trust within a team is essential for successful collaboration. Recognizing how you felt while relying on your partner can provide insights into the importance of trust in team dynamics.
  3. What strategies did you use to communicate with your partner? Identifying communication methods that worked well or proved challenging during the icebreaker can help participants refine their interpersonal communication skills, which are vital for effective teamwork.
  4. Did you experience any moments of frustration or success in these games? How did you handle them? Understanding one’s emotional responses to challenges and successes while working with a partner can reveal important aspects of emotional intelligence, resilience, and adaptability – all crucial skills for successful teamwork.
  5. What did you learn about yourself and your partner through these games? Reflecting on personal strengths and weaknesses as well as those of the partner can foster self-awareness, empathy, and appreciation for diverse skill sets within a team.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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