A great activity for everyone

Keep the Ball Rolling

Get Your Team Rolling with this High-Energy Team-Building Game!

Keep the Ball Rolling
By Jon Zajac

What is Keep the Ball Rolling?

The “Keep the Ball Rolling” icebreaker is an engaging and interactive activity that breaks down barriers between participants in social gatherings, workshops, educational settings, or team-building sessions. It fosters a relaxed atmosphere where individuals can share personal interests, experiences, and insights while building rapport with others.

As the facilitator, I find this icebreaker effective due to its simplicity and versatility. By using a soft ball and arranging participants in a circle, I create an inclusive environment that encourages active listening and thoughtful responses. Through sharing and rolling the ball to the next participant, the group forms connections based on commonalities or simply enjoys learning about each other’s unique perspectives.

I particularly appreciate the adaptability of prompts used in this activity. Changing the theme after everyone has had a turn keeps things fresh and encourages deeper conversations as the session progresses. This dynamic approach to icebreakers not only warms up the group but also sets a positive tone for further discussions or collaborations.

The “Keep the Ball Rolling” icebreaker is more than just a tool for breaking the ice; it creates an enjoyable, interactive experience that fosters a sense of community among participants.

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Rules for Keep the Ball Rolling

  1. Use a soft, lightweight ball that can be easily thrown or rolled without injury risk or property damage.
  2. Participants should form a circle, either sitting or standing, allowing visibility and space to throw the ball across.
  3. Before starting, have a round of simple introductions if participants are unfamiliar with each other.
  4. The person with the ball starts by sharing something related to the chosen theme/prompt.
  5. After sharing, the person rolls or throws the ball to another participant, who then responds to the same prompt.
  6. The recipient becomes the roller in the next round and chooses the next person to receive the ball.
  7. Maintain a respectful, attentive, and positive atmosphere throughout the activity.
  8. Change the question or topic after all participants have had at least one turn.
  9. Facilitator brings the session to an end with a short debrief or by thanking everyone for their involvement.

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Materials needed for Keep the Ball Rolling

  • Soft Ball: A lightweight, soft-textured ball that can be easily caught and thrown without the risk of injury or damaging surroundings.

  • Space: A space large enough for participants to form a circle or stand in a loosely organized collection without risk of collisions or obstructions.

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Setting up for Keep the Ball Rolling

To set up for the “Keep the Ball Rolling” icebreaker activity, you’ll need to arrange participants in a circle, either sitting or standing. The key is to ensure that everyone can see each other and throw or roll the ball across the circle without any obstructions or risks of collisions. Before starting the activity, it might be helpful to have a round of simple introductions if the participants are unfamiliar with one another. They can say their names and share one quick fact about themselves. This helps create a friendly and open atmosphere, encouraging participation in the main activity. The physical setup is crucial as it directly impacts how smoothly the ball rolls (metaphorically and literally) throughout the game, fostering engagement and interaction among all members involved.

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How to play Keep the Ball Rolling

1. Gather Participants and Prepare the Ball * Assemble between 8-20 participants in a circle, either sitting or standing, ensuring everyone can see each other and throw or roll the ball across the circle. * Prepare a soft ball that can be easily caught and thrown without risk of injury or damaging surroundings.

2. Conduct Introductions * Before starting, it might help to have a round of simple introductions if participants are unfamiliar with one another. They can say their names and perhaps one quick fact about themselves.

3. Initiate the Activity * The facilitator or a selected participant begins by holding the ball, sharing something in line with the activity’s theme, and then rolling or throwing the ball to another participant across the circle.

4. Share Responses * The recipient catches the ball and shares their own response relative to the given prompt before choosing the next person to roll the ball to by making eye contact or nodding to ensure readiness.

5. Vary Prompts * Change the question or topic after each participant has had at least one turn, based on whether the aim is serious penetration of professional or personal depths, or just a fun get-to-know exchange.

6. Wrap Up the Activity * Once all participants have shared and interactively contributed to rolling the theme back and forth across the room, the facilitator brings the session to an end through a short debrief or by thanking everyone for their involvement.

This activity is dynamic and adaptable, breaking down barriers and encouraging spontaneous thinking among participants. It transforms static introductions into interactive engagement, making participants more at ease with one another while drawing out members who might feel reserved or hesitant initially.

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Benefits of Keep the Ball Rolling

  • Encourages Active Listening: By requiring participants to listen to each other’s responses before sharing their own, this activity promotes active listening skills and helps create a more connected group dynamic.

  • Fosters Open Communication: The interactive nature of the game reduces barriers and encourages open communication among individuals, making it easier for them to express themselves freely.

  • Enhances Group Cohesion: As participants learn about each other’s interests, experiences, or opinions, they often discover shared connections that strengthen group cohesion and rapport.

  • Promotes Fun and Enjoyment: The lighthearted atmosphere of rolling a ball while sharing personal stories makes the activity enjoyable, creating positive memories and associations for participants.

  • Boosts Confidence and Self-Expression: Providing an opportunity for individuals to practice speaking in front of others and share their thoughts can lead to increased confidence and better self-expression skills.

  • Improves Team Building: By observing how group members interact, respond to each other, and work together during the game, facilitators can gain insights into team dynamics and identify potential areas for improvement.

  • Adaptable and Inclusive: The versatile format of Keep the Ball Rolling makes it suitable for various settings and groups, allowing for easy customization based on participants’ age, interests, or objectives.

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Skills built with Keep the Ball Rolling

  • Active Listening: Playing “Keep the Ball Rolling” requires participants to pay close attention to what others are saying so they can respond appropriately when it’s their turn. This focus on active listening helps build a stronger sense of community and understanding among group members.

  • Spontaneous Speaking: The game encourages players to think on their feet, as they need to come up with quick responses related to the given prompt. By practicing spontaneous speaking, individuals can improve their ability to communicate effectively under pressure and in various social settings.

  • Interpersonal Connection: By sharing personal stories, experiences, and insights, participants create bonds with one another, fostering trust and rapport within the group. This increased interpersonal connection can lead to more productive collaboration and open communication in future activities or projects.

  • Nonverbal Communication: To ensure a smooth transition between speakers, players must use nonverbal cues like eye contact and nodding to signal their readiness to receive the ball. Practicing these skills can enhance overall communication abilities and help individuals better understand others’ intentions and emotions.

  • Patience and Empathy: Waiting for one’s turn while maintaining engagement in the conversation helps build patience. Additionally, listening to others’ experiences fosters empathy, as players gain insight into their peers’ perspectives and backgrounds.

  • Confidence and Public Speaking: As participants become more comfortable sharing in a group setting, they may develop greater confidence in their public speaking abilities. This newfound assertiveness can benefit individuals in both personal and professional situations where clear communication is essential.

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Why I like Keep the Ball Rolling

I appreciate the Keep the Ball Rolling icebreaker activity because it fosters a dynamic and interactive environment that breaks down barriers between participants. By physically engaging individuals in catching and throwing a ball, this activity stimulates both physical and mental participation, making it more fun and memorable than traditional icebreakers.

What sets this icebreaker apart is its ability to adapt to various themes and topics, keeping the conversation fresh and exciting throughout the session. The flexibility of prompts also ensures that every participant can contribute meaningfully, regardless of their background or personality type.

Furthermore, I find the Keep the Ball Rolling icebreaker effective in creating a sense of camaraderie among group members. As participants actively listen to and respond from their peers, they begin to recognize shared interests and experiences, fostering a deeper level of understanding and connection.

Additionally, as a facilitator, I enjoy observing how the activity transforms quiet or reserved individuals into active contributors by creating a safe and inclusive space for self-expression. By keeping the atmosphere light-hearted yet attentive, participants are encouraged to share openly while still maintaining respect for one another.

Lastly, the adaptability of the Keep the Ball Rolling icebreaker allows it to be used in various settings, from social gatherings to professional workshops. This versatility ensures that the activity remains relevant and engaging, making it an essential addition to any facilitator’s toolkit.

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Tips for making Keep the Ball Rolling more inclusive

  • Use a soft and accessible ball: Make sure the ball is easy to throw, catch, and roll to accommodate people of all ages and abilities. This ensures that everyone can participate comfortably and minimizes the risk of injury or damage to surroundings.
  • Create a welcoming environment: Encourage a friendly and inclusive atmosphere by acknowledging each participant’s contribution and showing appreciation for their involvement. Avoid making negative comments about any shared stories or experiences, as this may discourage some individuals from participating fully.
  • Be sensitive to cultural differences: Respect cultural norms and values when choosing prompts and engaging in conversations. Be aware that certain topics may be inappropriate or uncomfortable for some participants due to their cultural background, beliefs, or personal experiences.
  • Offer gender-neutral prompts: Use gender-inclusive language when formulating questions to ensure all participants feel included and valued, regardless of their gender identity. For example, instead of asking “What do you guys like to do in your free time?”, consider saying “What are some things people enjoy doing during their free time?”
  • Consider accessibility: If there are participants with disabilities or mobility limitations, adapt the activity accordingly by allowing them to participate using alternative methods (e.g., verbally responding instead of physically rolling the ball). This helps ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to contribute and engage in the icebreaker.
  • Encourage active listening: Prompt participants to listen carefully to each other’s responses and build on shared experiences or ideas. Encouraging attentiveness and engagement can help create a more inclusive environment where all voices are heard and valued.
  • Rotate facilitation: Share the responsibility of leading the activity among group members, giving everyone an opportunity to suggest prompts and direct the conversation. This helps distribute power within the group and ensures that different perspectives are considered during discussions.
  • Provide alternative ways to participate: Offer alternatives for those who may feel uncomfortable sharing personal stories or experiences in a larger group setting. For example, provide index cards or sticky notes where participants can write their responses instead of verbally sharing them. This allows individuals to engage at their own pace and comfort level.
  • Check in with the group: Regularly assess the group’s overall comfort with the activity by asking for feedback on the chosen prompts and the general flow of conversation. Be prepared to adjust or modify the icebreaker based on participant input to ensure a positive experience for all involved.

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Reflection questions for Keep the Ball Rolling

  1. What did you enjoy most about the “Keep the Ball Rolling” activity? Understanding what participants enjoyed can help facilitate more enjoyable activities in the future. It also allows for self-reflection on what they found engaging and why.

  2. Did you feel more connected to the group after this activity? Why or why not? This question helps gauge the effectiveness of the icebreaker in fostering a sense of community and togetherness among participants.

  3. How comfortable were you sharing your thoughts and experiences during the game? This question can help identify any barriers that might exist when it comes to open communication within the group, as well as highlighting strategies for overcoming these challenges.

  4. What was the most surprising thing you learned about another participant today? Discovering shared interests or experiences can strengthen relationships and foster a greater sense of belonging within a group. This question encourages participants to think about what they’ve learned from one another.

  5. How do you think this activity could be improved for future sessions? Inviting constructive feedback not only demonstrates respect for the participants’ opinions but also provides valuable insights that can help improve future icebreaker activities and overall group dynamics.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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