A great activity for everyone

Vampire Hunters

A thrilling game of tag where you become a vampire or a hunter, protecting tombs and turning your opponents into the undead!

Vampire Hunters
By Jon Zajac

What is Vampire Hunters?

Vampire Hunters is a fun and engaging icebreaker game that promotes teamwork and communication among players. The purpose of this activity is to have players working together in small to medium-sized groups, with the aim of either protecting tombs as hunters or attempting to conquer them as vampires. Players aged 8 and above can participate, and the game requires no preparation but does call for a few hula hoops, cones, or chairs and a large space to run about.

As a player, you’ll either volunteer to be the vampire or join the group of hunters. The hunters must guard the tombs from the vampire, while the vampire tries to occupy an unguarded tomb. If the vampire successfully takes over a tomb, the closest hunter becomes a zombie and joins forces with the vampire. The game ends when all hunters have turned into vampires or when the timer runs out, in which case the hunters are declared the winners if they’ve managed to protect the tombs effectively.

Overall, Vampire Hunters is an exciting and interactive icebreaker that fosters a sense of camaraderie among participants. It requires quick thinking, teamwork, and communication skills while providing an enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

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Rules for Vampire Hunters

  1. Volunteer one player to be the vampire and the rest to be hunters.
  2. Assign each hunter to a tomb, leaving one tomb unguarded.
  3. The vampire must try to reach an empty grave that does not have a hunter.
  4. If the vampire manages to snatch a grave, the closest hunter will turn into a zombie and can join the vampire’s team.
  5. Remove one tomb for every missing hunter as the game progresses.
  6. The game ends when all the hunters turn into vampires or when a minute is up (the sun has risen). If the timer runs out before the vampires manage to snatch all the tombs, the hunters will be crowned the winner instead.

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Materials needed for Vampire Hunters

  • Hula hoops, cones, or chairs: These will represent different tombs in the game.
  • A large space: This is needed for players to run about during the game.

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Setting up for Vampire Hunters

To set up for the Vampire Hunters icebreaker activity, you will need to prepare a large space where players can run about. Additionally, you will need to designate certain areas as “tombs” using hula hoops, cones, or chairs. There should be one more tomb than there are hunters in the game. Finally, you will need to divide the players into two groups: one volunteer vampire and the rest as hunters. Each hunter should be assigned to guard a tomb, leaving one tomb unguarded. The game can then begin with the vampire trying to reach the empty tomb while the hunters work together to protect the other tombs.

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How to play Vampire Hunters

  1. Volunteer to be the vampire: I volunteered to be the vampire for this game. The rest of the players were elected as hunters who had to keep me away from the tombs.
  2. Assign each hunter to a tomb: We assigned each hunter to a tomb and left one tomb unguarded. Since there were 5 hunters, we prepared 6 tombs.
  3. Start the game: When the game began, I tried to reach an empty grave that did not have a hunter. The other players ran around to protect the tombs from me.
  4. Move to a different tomb if there is a guard present: If I managed to snatch a grave with a hunter, I moved on to another tomb that was unguarded.
  5. Transform into a zombie when you snatch a tomb: When I successfully snatched an empty tomb, the closest hunter turned into a zombie, allowing them to team up to snatch other tombs.
  6. Remove tombs for every missing hunter: We made sure to remove one of the tombs for every missing hunter. For example, when one of the hunters became a vampire, we removed one of the tombs, leaving 4 hunters to protect 5 tombs.
  7. End the game when all the hunters turn into vampires or when the timer runs out: The game ended when all the hunters turned into vampires or when the minute was up (the sun had risen). If the timer ran out before we managed to snatch all the tombs, the hunters were crowned as the winners instead.

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Benefits of Vampire Hunters

  • Encourages Teamwork: By working together to protect the tombs, players learn the importance of teamwork in achieving a common goal.
  • Improves Reaction Time: The fast-paced nature of the game helps improve players’ reaction time and decision-making skills.
  • Boosts Physical Activity: Vampire Hunters is an active game that encourages running, jumping, and other physical movements, promoting a healthy lifestyle.
  • Develops Communication Skills: The game requires clear communication between players to effectively protect the tombs and strategize against the vampire.
  • Enhances Problem-Solving Abilities: Players must constantly adapt and problem-solve in response to the ever-changing positions of the vampire and hunters.
  • Fosters a Sense of Community: By bringing players together in a fun and engaging setting, Vampire Hunters helps build a sense of community and camaraderie among group members.
  • Improves Focus and Concentration: The fast-paced nature of the game requires players to stay focused and alert, improving their overall concentration skills.
  • Promotes Inclusivity: With its simple rules and adaptable format, Vampire Hunters is an inclusive game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities.
  • Encourages Creativity: Players can come up with creative strategies to protect the tombs and outsmart the vampire, promoting strategic thinking and creativity.
  • Provides a Fun and Engaging Experience: Above all, Vampire Hunters is a fun and engaging icebreaker that provides players with an enjoyable and memorable experience.

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Skills built with Vampire Hunters

  • Teamwork: Playing Vampire Hunters requires close collaboration between the hunters to protect the tombs from the vampire. This game encourages players to work together and strategize in order to win.
  • Reaction Speed: As the vampire, I need to quickly react and change my strategy when a tomb is protected, helping me improve my reaction speed.
  • Balance: Vampire Hunters involves a lot of movement, requiring me to maintain my balance as I run around protecting the tombs or trying to snatch them.
  • Endurance and Agility: This game keeps me active, moving quickly around the space, helping me improve my endurance and agility.
  • Communication: Clear communication is key when playing Vampire Hunters, as hunters need to alert each other about the vampire’s movements. This skill can be applied in real-life situations where teamwork and clear communication are essential for success.

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Why I like Vampire Hunters

I like the Vampire Hunters icebreaker because it is not only fun but also promotes teamwork and communication among players. The game requires participants to coordinate their movements and actions, which helps build trust and collaboration skills. As someone who enjoys staying active, I appreciate that Vampire Hunters gets everyone moving and involved in the game.

The game’s features are also appealing to me, as it can be played with small or medium-sized groups of any age, making it a versatile option for various settings. The preparation is minimal, and the materials needed are easy to find, which is always a plus.

Additionally, I like how Vampire Hunters challenges players’ reaction time, balance, and running skills, adding an element of excitement and competition to the game. The changing goals depending on your role as either a vampire or hunter also keeps things interesting and engaging.

Overall, Vampire Hunters is an enjoyable icebreaker that I highly recommend for anyone looking to introduce teamwork and communication into their group activities while having fun.

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Tips for making Vampire Hunters more inclusive

  • Use objects that are easy to access and modify: Not every location will have hula hoops or cones available. Consider using objects that are commonly found in most settings, such as pillows, books, or even just pieces of paper to represent the tombs. This can make the game more accessible and easier to set up.
  • Modify the rules to accommodate different abilities: If some players have mobility issues or other physical limitations, consider modifying the rules to allow them to participate in a way that is comfortable and safe for them. For example, you could allow players to guard their tombs from a seated position, or give them additional time to reach a tomb if they need it.
  • Encourage positive communication: Make sure all players understand the importance of clear and respectful communication during the game. Encourage them to use positive language when interacting with each other, and remind them that the goal is to have fun and work together as a team.
  • Use inclusive language: Be mindful of the language you use when describing the game and the roles of the players. Avoid using gendered or exclusive language, and make sure all players feel welcome and included in the game.
  • Consider adding a “safe word” or signal: To ensure that all players feel safe and comfortable during the game, consider adding a “safe word” or signal that players can use if they need to take a break or leave the game for any reason. This can help create a more inclusive and supportive environment for all players.

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Reflection questions for Vampire Hunters

  1. What did you enjoy most about playing Vampire Hunters? This question can help facilitators understand what aspects of the game were enjoyable for participants, allowing them to tailor future activities to the group’s preferences.
  2. How did communication and teamwork play a role in the game? By asking this question, facilitators encourage reflection on the importance of collaboration and clear communication during group activities, helping participants understand the value of these skills in various contexts.
  3. Did you find any challenges or difficulties while playing Vampire Hunters? If so, what were they? Understanding the obstacles that participants faced can help facilitators make adjustments to improve the game or modify rules for future play.
  4. How did you feel when your team lost a tomb to the vampire? What about when you successfully protected a tomb? This question encourages participants to reflect on their emotions and how they responded to both positive and negative outcomes, fostering emotional intelligence and resilience.
  5. If you were the vampire, what strategies did you use to try and capture a tomb? If you were a hunter, what tactics did you employ to protect your tomb? By asking this question, facilitators can spark conversation about strategy, planning, and problem-solving, which are essential skills in many team-based activities.
  6. What could have been done differently by either the vampire or the hunters to change the outcome of the game? Encouraging participants to analyze their performance and consider alternative strategies can help them develop critical thinking and self-awareness, as well as foster continuous improvement.
  7. How might the skills you used in Vampire Hunters apply to real-life situations or other group activities? This question helps participants make connections between their experiences playing the game and broader life lessons, enabling them to recognize the transferability of skills like teamwork, communication, and problem-solving.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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