A great activity for everyone

Family and Relationships

Family and Relationships
By Jon Zajac

As someone who loves bringing people together through fun and engaging activities, I highly recommend incorporating Family and Relationships-themed “This or That” icebreaker questions into your upcoming event. Not only can these types of questions help break the ice and get conversations flowing, but they can also touch on important themes that resonate with many people. Here’s how to incorporate them:

How to incorporate Family and Relationships themed This or That questions

  1. Choose a variety of questions that cover different aspects of family and relationships, such as communication, conflict resolution, love languages, and values. This will help ensure that everyone can find something they relate to and feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and experiences.
  2. Create a welcoming and inclusive environment for your guests by explaining the purpose and rules of the activity clearly and encouraging respectful listening and dialogue. You might also consider providing some prompts or guidelines for how to respond to different types of questions.
  3. Encourage participation from everyone in the group, regardless of their age, gender, background, or relationship status. This can help create a sense of community and belonging, as well as provide opportunities for learning and growth.
  4. Keep the activity lighthearted and fun, while still allowing for deeper conversations and connections to emerge. You might consider using a timer or a rotation system to keep things moving, or offering prizes or incentives for active participation.
  5. Follow up on any interesting or insightful comments or observations that arise during the activity, either by asking follow-up questions or by sharing related resources or insights. This can help deepen the conversation and create opportunities for further learning and growth.

Ideas on different themes of questions

To keep your Family and Relationships-themed icebreaker questions fresh and engaging, you might consider exploring different themes and categories that are relevant to these topics. Here are some ideas:

  • Communication: Ask questions about how people prefer to communicate, what styles or methods work best for them, and what challenges they face in communicating effectively with others. For example, “Do you prefer texting or calling?” or “What’s the most important thing to remember when giving feedback to a loved one?”
  • Conflict resolution: Ask questions about how people handle disagreements or conflicts in their relationships, and what strategies or techniques they use to resolve them. For example, “Do you prefer to talk things out right away or take some time to cool down?” or “What’s the best way to apologize when you’ve hurt someone’s feelings?”
  • Love languages: Ask questions about how people express and receive love in their relationships, and what forms of affection or support they find most meaningful. For example, “Do you prefer words of affirmation or quality time with your partner?” or “What’s the most romantic gesture you’ve ever received or given?”
  • Values: Ask questions about what matters most to people in their relationships, and how they prioritize these values in their daily lives. For example, “Do you value honesty over kindness?” or “How do you balance your personal needs with those of your family or partner?”
  • Culture and diversity: Ask questions that explore the ways in which culture, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and other factors shape our relationships and families. For example, “What unique challenges do interracial couples face?” or “How has feminism influenced your approach to relationships and family life?”

My favorite Family and Relationships themed This or That questions

  1. Camping or hotel for family vacations?
  2. Quality time or gifts for showing love?
  3. Board games or video games for family game night?
  4. Big family gatherings or small, intimate get-togethers?
  5. Cook at home or go out to eat?
  6. Movie theater or streaming movies at home?
  7. Handwritten love letters or text messages?
  8. Real flowers or fake flowers as a gift?
  9. Hugging or handshakes?
  10. Morning person or night owl?
  11. Early riser or sleep in?
  12. Boys’ night out or girls’ night out?
  13. Spa day or adventure day for couples?
  14. Cooking together or ordering takeout?
  15. Traveling alone or with a partner?
  16. Matching outfits or individual styles?
  17. Spend time together every day or have alone time?
  18. Comedy or drama movies?
  19. Long-term relationship or casual dating?
  20. Celebrating anniversaries or forgetting them?
  21. Cooking for your partner or being cooked for?
  22. Sending sweet texts or leaving love notes?
  23. Saying ‘I love you’ every day or reserving it for special moments?
  24. Marriage or live-in relationship?
  25. Ice cream or cake on special occasions?
  26. Love at first sight or falling in love gradually?
  27. Romantic walks or adventurous hikes?
  28. Telling your partner everything or keeping some secrets?
  29. Staying in touch with exes or cutting ties completely?
  30. Being spontaneous or planning everything ahead?
  31. Adopting children or having biological children?
  32. Public displays of affection or private affection?
  33. Home-cooked meals or eating out for date nights?
  34. Joint finances or separate finances?
  35. Surprising your partner with gifts or asking them what they want?
  36. Meeting the parents early on or waiting until things get serious?
  37. Talking out problems or giving each other space?
  38. Good morning texts or good night texts?
  39. Sending flowers or sending chocolates?
  40. Kissing in public or keeping it private?
  41. Weekend getaways or long vacations?
  42. Skype dates or in-person dates?
  43. Movie dates or dinner dates?
  44. Expressing affection through words or actions?
  45. Giving advice or just listening?
  46. Supporting each other’s dreams or being realistic?
  47. Sharing household chores equally or dividing them based on strengths?
  48. Making time for friends or prioritizing alone time with your partner?
  49. Moving in together before marriage or waiting until after?

About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.