A great activity for everyone

Internet Privacy

Internet Privacy
By Jon Zajac

As someone who is passionate about internet privacy, I believe that incorporating related icebreaker questions into your upcoming event can help raise awareness and encourage meaningful conversations around this important topic. By using “This or That” questions that are centered on internet privacy themes, you can create a fun and interactive experience for your guests while also fostering a sense of community and shared learning.

How to incorporate Internet Privacy themed This or That questions

To incorporate internet privacy-themed “This or That” questions into your event, follow these steps:

  1. Research and prepare a list of relevant and thought-provoking questions that relate to internet privacy. These could include topics such as online tracking, data breaches, cybersecurity, social media privacy, and more.

  2. Create a visually appealing and engaging format for presenting the questions, such as printed cards or a digital display. This will help create a sense of excitement and anticipation among your guests.

  3. Encourage your guests to form small groups and take turns asking each other the questions. You can also set a timer to keep the activity moving quickly and ensure everyone has a chance to participate.

  4. As the facilitator, listen actively to the responses and encourage further discussion and exploration of the topic. You can also share your own insights and experiences to help deepen the conversation.

  5. After all the questions have been asked and answered, take some time to reflect on the key themes and takeaways from the activity. Consider sharing some resources or next steps for how guests can continue to learn about internet privacy and protect their online information.

Ideas on different themes of questions

To keep your internet privacy-themed “This or That” icebreaker questions engaging and diverse, you can explore different themes and categories that relate to the topic. Here are some ideas:

  • Online tracking: Ask questions related to online tracking, such as “Do you feel comfortable with companies tracking your online activity?” or “Have you ever taken steps to limit your digital footprint?”

  • Data breaches: Ask questions about data breaches and how they can impact individuals and businesses, such as “What was the most recent data breach you heard about?” or “How do you decide which companies to trust with your personal information?”

  • Cybersecurity: Ask questions related to cybersecurity and how individuals can protect themselves from online threats, such as “Do you use two-factor authentication for all your online accounts?” or “Have you ever fallen for a phishing scam?”

  • Social media privacy: Ask questions about social media privacy and the tradeoffs between sharing personal information and maintaining privacy, such as “Do you accept friend requests from people you don’t know?” or “How do you decide what to share on social media?”

  • General internet privacy: Ask more general questions related to internet privacy, such as “Do you feel like your online privacy is being respected by companies and governments?” or “What steps have you taken to protect your online information?”

By incorporating these different themes of internet privacy-themed icebreaker questions into your event, you can help raise awareness and encourage meaningful conversations around this important topic. So why not give it a try and see how it can enhance your next gathering!

My favorite Internet Privacy themed This or That questions

  1. Cookies or no cookies?
  2. Single sign-on or separate logins?
  3. Password manager or manual passwords?
  4. Two-factor authentication or one password?
  5. Desktop browser or mobile browser?
  6. Incognito mode or normal browsing?
  7. Google or DuckDuckGo?
  8. WhatsApp or Signal?
  9. Facebook Messenger or Telegram?
  10. Location sharing on or off?
  11. Public Wi-Fi or mobile data?
  12. Virtual private network or no VPN?
  13. Online shopping with or without accounts?
  14. Google Maps or Apple Maps?
  15. Social media or no social media?
  16. Smart home devices or traditional devices?
  17. Data backups in the cloud or external hard drive?
  18. Open source software or proprietary software?
  19. Smartphone with facial recognition or fingerprint scanner?
  20. Cloud storage or local storage?
  21. Email encryption or no encryption?
  22. Online banking or in-person banking?
  23. Smartphone apps with access to microphone or no access?
  24. Smartphone apps with access to camera or no access?
  25. Internet service provider with data caps or unlimited data?
  26. Smartphone with GPS tracking or no GPS?
  27. Smartphone apps with access to contacts or no access?
  28. Smartphone apps with access to photos or no access?
  29. Smartphone with tracking for targeted ads or no tracking?

About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.