A great activity for everyone


By Jon Zajac

As someone who enjoys organizing events that bring people together to share their experiences and perspectives, I find that incorporating icebreaker activities can help set the tone for a fun and engaging experience. One type of icebreaker activity that has been particularly effective is “This or That,” where participants are asked to choose between two options and explain why they made their choice.

When it comes to planning an event around parenting, using Parenting themed “This or That” questions can be a great way to encourage conversation and connection among attendees. Here’s how you can incorporate this type of icebreaker activity into your upcoming event:

How to incorporate Parenting themed This or That questions

  1. Create a list of Parenting themed “This or That” questions that are relevant to the topics and themes of your event. Consider asking questions that explore different parenting styles, challenges, and joys.
  2. Provide each participant with a set of index cards or slips of paper, along with pens or pencils. Ask them to write down their answers to the “This or That” questions on separate cards.
  3. Once everyone has finished writing down their answers, collect the cards and shuffle them together. Divide the participants into small groups of 4-6 people, and give each group a set of cards.
  4. Ask one person from each group to draw a card and read it aloud. Then, ask the group members to share their own experiences and perspectives related to the question on the card. Encourage active listening, respectful dialogue, and open-mindedness.
  5. After everyone in the group has had a chance to share their thoughts, move on to the next question. Continue this process until all of the cards have been used up.
  6. At the end of the activity, ask each group to share one insight or takeaway from their discussion. This can help synthesize the key themes and ideas that emerged during the icebreaker activity.

Ideas on different themes of questions

To keep your Parenting themed “This or That” questions fresh and engaging, you can explore different themes and categories that are relevant to parenting. Here are some ideas:

  • Parenting styles: Ask questions that explore different approaches to parenting, such as authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved (e.g., “Do you believe in setting clear rules and expectations for your children, or do you prefer a more flexible approach?”).
  • Challenges and struggles: Ask questions that acknowledge the challenges and struggles of parenting, such as sleep deprivation, tantrums, and picky eating (e.g., “Do you find it harder to cope with lack of sleep or constant interruptions during work hours?”).
  • Joys and rewards: Ask questions that celebrate the joys and rewards of parenting, such as milestones, bonding moments, and personal growth (e.g., “Do you enjoy watching your child learn new skills and abilities, or do you find it more fulfilling to see them develop their own personality and interests?”).
  • Family dynamics: Ask questions that explore family dynamics, such as sibling relationships, extended family involvement, and cultural traditions (e.g., “Do you prefer a close-knit nuclear family, or do you enjoy having multiple generations under one roof?”).
  • Work-life balance: Ask questions that touch on the delicate balance between work and family life, such as flexible schedules, childcare arrangements, and career aspirations (e.g., “Do you believe in prioritizing your children’s needs over your own career goals, or do you strive to find a balance that works for both?”).

By incorporating these different themes of questions into your Parenting themed icebreaker activity, you can create an engaging and meaningful experience that fosters connection and community among attendees.

My favorite Parenting themed This or That questions

  1. Breastfeeding or formula feeding?
  2. Disposable or cloth diapers?
  3. Co-sleeping or separate sleeping arrangements?
  4. Babywearing or stroller?
  5. Homemade baby food or store-bought?
  6. Attachment parenting or traditional parenting?
  7. Free-range or helicopter parenting?
  8. Routine or go-with-the-flow?
  9. Child-led weaning or timed weaning?
  10. Nanny or daycare?
  11. Public or private schools?
  12. Electronic devices or screen-free?
  13. Traditional toys or educational toys?
  14. Organic or non-organic baby food?
  15. Breast pump or hand expression?
  16. Natural birth or epidural?
  17. Home birth or hospital birth?
  18. Stay-at-home parent or working parent?
  19. Positive reinforcement or punishment?
  20. Open adoption or closed adoption?
  21. Single parent or co-parenting?
  22. Religious education or secular education?
  23. Private lessons or group lessons?
  24. Family vacations or staycations?
  25. Waldorf or Montessori approach?
  26. Homeschooling or public schooling?
  27. Traditional discipline or positive discipline?
  28. Sports or arts and music?
  29. Structured play or unstructured play?
  30. Early bedtime or late bedtime?

About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.