A great activity for everyone


By Jon Zajac

As a fan of Seinfeld, I’m always looking for ways to incorporate the show’s wit, humor, and relatability into my events. One fun way to do this is by using Seinfeld-themed “This or That” icebreaker questions. By asking questions related to the show’s characters, storylines, and themes, you can create a sense of community among your guests and encourage them to share their opinions and experiences.

How to incorporate Seinfeld themed This or That questions

To incorporate Seinfeld-themed “This or That” questions into your event, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare a list of questions beforehand that are related to the show’s characters, storylines, and themes. You can find inspiration from watching episodes, reading recaps, or browsing online forums and fan sites.

  2. Print out the questions on cards or display them on a screen or a poster board. Encourage your guests to form small groups of 3-5 people and take turns asking each other the questions. You can also create a rotation system where each group moves on to the next question after a set amount of time (e.g., 2-3 minutes).

  3. Make sure everyone has a chance to answer each question and listen actively to their responses. Encourage follow-up questions, comments, and discussions that build on the initial answers. You can also share your own insights and opinions about the show to keep the conversation flowing.

  4. After everyone has had a chance to answer all the questions, gather your guests in a larger group and ask them to share their favorite or most surprising answers. You can also use this opportunity to highlight any commonalities or connections that emerged during the activity.

  5. Consider using some of the insights or stories that came up during the “This or That” icebreaker as a springboard for further conversations and activities throughout the day. For example, you could organize a trivia game based on Seinfeld trivia or create a photo booth with props inspired by the show’s characters and settings.

Ideas on different themes of questions

To keep your Seinfeld-themed icebreaker questions fresh and engaging, you can explore different themes and categories that are relevant to the show. Here are some ideas:

  • Characters: Ask questions related to the personalities, relationships, and quirks of the show’s main characters (e.g., “Which Seinfeld character do you relate to the most?” or “Who is your favorite secondary character on Seinfeld?”).

  • Storylines: Ask questions about the show’s plot twists, conflicts, and resolutions (e.g., “What was your favorite episode of Seinfeld?” or “Do you prefer the storylines that involve George, Jerry, Elaine, or Kramer more?”).

  • Themes: Ask questions that explore the show’s themes and messages (e.g., “What lessons have you learned from watching Seinfeld?” or “How has Seinfeld changed your perspective on social norms and expectations?”).

  • Humor: Ask questions that tap into the show’s comedic style and humor (e.g., “Which Seinfeld character makes you laugh the most?” or “What is your favorite funny moment from the show?”).

  • Cultural references: Ask questions that reference pop culture, history, and current events that are featured in the show (e.g., “What is your favorite celebrity cameo on Seinfeld?” or “Which historical event do you remember from watching Seinfeld?”).

By incorporating these different themes of questions into your Seinfeld-themed icebreaker activity, you can keep your guests engaged and entertained while also fostering a sense of community and shared interest. So why not give it a try and see how it can enhance your next event!

My favorite Seinfeld themed This or That questions

  1. Kramer or Newman?
  2. George’s parents or Jerry’s parents?
  3. Soup Nazi or Babu Bhatt?
  4. Sponge-worthy or Puffy Shirt?
  5. Bizarro Jerry or Man Hands?
  6. Marble rye or black and white cookie?
  7. Bubble boy or the fire?
  8. Double-dipping or close talker?
  9. Salsa or Newman’s Own?
  10. Mimbo or Jimmy?
  11. The mom and pop store or the Chinese restaurant?
  12. Fusilli Jerry or the Fusilli Jerry statue?
  13. Merv Griffin Show set or the Kenny Rogers Roasters sign?
  14. Low talker or high talker?
  15. Big Salad or Little Kicks?
  16. Van Buren Boys or Crazy Joe Davola?
  17. Yada yada yada or no soup for you?
  18. Peach or Mango?
  19. Bosco or Drake’s Coffee Cake?
  20. J. Peterman or Morty Seinfeld?
  21. Kenny Bania or Jackie Chiles?
  22. Prognosis Negative or Vandalay Industries?
  23. Hands in the pockets or hands on the hips?
  24. Sniffing accountant or defective condom?
  25. Scully or Mulva?
  26. The Junior Mint or the macaroni and cheese?
  27. Art Vandelay or Kel Varnsen?
  28. Jerry’s Superman statue or Elaine’s JFK statue?
  29. Serena or Lanette?
  30. Cigar store Indian or Mike the mechanic?
  31. The pie or the peacoat?
  32. The Kramer or the Bro?

About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.