A great activity for everyone

Social Issues

Social Issues
By Jon Zajac

As a facilitator, I believe that incorporating social issues into icebreaker activities can be a powerful way to spark meaningful conversations and build connections between participants. One effective format for doing this is by using “This or That” questions that are related to current events, social justice movements, and other timely topics.

How to incorporate Social Issues themed This or That questions

To incorporate social issues-themed “This or That” questions into your upcoming event, follow these steps:

  1. Research and curate a list of questions that are relevant, thought-provoking, and respectful. Avoid questions that may be triggering or offensive to certain groups of people, and ensure that the questions are inclusive and diverse in their perspectives.

  2. Provide context and framing for the activity by explaining why you chose to focus on social issues and how the questions can help participants learn more about each other’s values, beliefs, and experiences. Encourage active listening and respectful dialogue during the activity.

  3. Set up a rotation system where participants take turns asking and answering the questions in small groups of 3-5 people. Establish clear guidelines for participation, such as taking turns to speak, using “I” statements, and avoiding interruptions or judgmental comments.

  4. Encourage follow-up questions, comments, and discussions that build on the initial answers. Provide resources or prompts for further exploration, such as articles, videos, or podcasts related to the topics raised during the activity.

  5. Debrief the activity by asking participants to reflect on what they learned, how they felt, and what actions they can take to address social issues in their own communities. Highlight common themes, insights, or challenges that emerged during the activity.

Ideas on different themes of questions

To create a diverse set of social issues-themed “This or That” questions, you can explore different themes and categories that are relevant and timely. Here are some ideas:

  • Identity: Ask questions related to race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, or ability (e.g., “What is your preferred pronoun?” or “How do you identify in terms of race or ethnicity?”).

  • Social justice: Ask questions about social movements, advocacy, and activism (e.g., “What is your stance on climate change?” or “Which social justice issue do you care about the most?”).

  • Diversity and inclusion: Ask questions that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (e.g., “How can we create more diverse and inclusive spaces in our communities?” or “What are some ways to challenge bias and prejudice in ourselves and others?”).

  • Cultural differences: Ask questions that explore cultural differences, values, and traditions (e.g., “What is your favorite cultural holiday or celebration?” or “How do you navigate cultural differences in your personal or professional relationships?”).

  • Current events: Ask questions related to recent news, trends, or phenomena (e.g., “What is your take on the latest political development?” or “How has technology affected our social interactions and relationships?”).

By incorporating these different themes of questions into your social issues-themed icebreaker activity, you can create a safe and inclusive space for participants to share their perspectives, learn from each other, and build connections based on shared values and interests.

My favorite Social Issues themed This or That questions

  1. Self-care or self-sacrifice?
  2. Freedom or security?
  3. Equality or justice?
  4. Capitalism or socialism?
  5. Public or private education?
  6. Nuclear family or extended family?
  7. Small town or big city?
  8. Individualism or collectivism?
  9. Environmental protection or economic growth?
  10. Gun control or gun rights?
  11. Pro-life or pro-choice?
  12. Affirmative action or meritocracy?
  13. Traditional gender roles or gender equality?
  14. Universal healthcare or private healthcare?
  15. Censorship or free speech?
  16. Monogamy or polygamy?
  17. Organic or conventional farming?
  18. Religious freedom or state secularism?
  19. Police reform or law and order?
  20. Remote work or office work?
  21. Freedom of assembly or public safety?
  22. Mental health treatment or medication?
  23. Generosity or self-interest?
  24. Racial diversity or cultural assimilation?
  25. Single payer healthcare or healthcare vouchers?
  26. Online learning or in-person learning?

About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.