A great activity for everyone

Urban Planning

Urban Planning
By Jon Zajac

As an urban planner, I believe that incorporating urban planning-themed icebreaker questions into events can be a fun and engaging way to spark conversations and build connections among attendees. By asking “This or That” questions related to urban planning topics, you can help participants learn about each other’s interests, values, and perspectives in a low-pressure and interactive format.

How to incorporate Urban Planning themed This or That questions

To incorporate urban planning-themed “This or That” questions into your upcoming event, follow these steps:

  1. Research relevant topics and themes related to urban planning that resonate with your audience. Consider their backgrounds, interests, and goals when selecting the questions.

  2. Create a list of 15-20 “This or That” questions that are fun, thought-provoking, and accessible. Make sure they are not too complex or technical, but rather encourage participants to share their opinions and experiences.

  3. Prepare the materials for the activity, such as cards, posters, or a slideshow presentation, depending on your format. Ensure that they are visually appealing, easy to read, and accessible to all attendees.

  4. Set up the space and time for the icebreaker activity during the event. Consider factors such as noise levels, lighting, and seating arrangements to ensure a comfortable and inclusive environment.

  5. Encourage participation by explaining the rules and format of the activity, and inviting attendees to form small groups or pairs. Make sure everyone has an opportunity to answer each question and listen actively to their responses.

  6. Facilitate the discussion by asking follow-up questions, sharing insights, and promoting active listening. Encourage participants to build on each other’s ideas and experiences, and avoid dominating the conversation or imposing your own views.

  7. Conclude the activity by summarizing key takeaways, insights, or commonalities that emerged during the discussion. Consider using some of these themes as a starting point for further conversations or activities throughout the day.

Ideas on different themes of questions

To keep your urban planning-themed icebreaker questions fresh and engaging, you can explore different themes and categories that are relevant to the field. Here are some ideas:

  • Urban design: Ask questions related to the visual, functional, and social aspects of urban spaces (e.g., “Do you prefer walking or biking in cities?” or “What is your favorite public space in your city?”).

  • Transportation: Ask questions about modes of transportation, accessibility, and equity (e.g., “Would you rather have a car or a bike in the city?” or “How can we improve public transit for all communities?”).

  • Housing: Ask questions related to housing affordability, quality, and design (e.g., “What is your ideal type of housing?” or “How can we address homelessness in our cities?”).

  • Environment: Ask questions about sustainability, resilience, and green infrastructure (e.g., “Which city do you think has the best urban forest?” or “How can we reduce carbon emissions in cities?”).

  • Community engagement: Ask questions related to public participation, co-creation, and empowerment (e.g., “Do you feel heard by your local government?” or “What are some ways to engage marginalized communities in urban planning?”).

By incorporating these different themes of questions into your urban planning-themed icebreaker activity, you can create a dynamic and inclusive environment that fosters learning, connection, and collaboration among participants.

My favorite Urban Planning themed This or That questions

  1. Public transportation or personal vehicle?
  2. Bike lanes or wider sidewalks?
  3. Tall skyscrapers or low-rise buildings?
  4. Mixed-use development or single-use zoning?
  5. Green roofs or solar panels?
  6. Pedestrian-only streets or shared spaces?
  7. Social housing or luxury apartments?
  8. Green spaces or public art?
  9. Rental units or owner-occupied housing?
  10. Transit-oriented development or suburban sprawl?
  11. Historic preservation or new construction?
  12. Community gardens or farmers markets?
  13. Adaptive reuse or demolition?
  14. Complete streets or auto-centric design?
  15. Compact cities or urban sprawl?
  16. Flood control measures or coastal retreat?
  17. Accessible sidewalks or curb cuts?
  18. Building setbacks or street-front buildings?
  19. Mixed-income neighborhoods or gentrification?
  20. Traffic calming measures or high-speed roads?
  21. Accessible public transportation or private shuttles?
  22. Greenway trails or bike share programs?
  23. Parking minimums or maximums?
  24. Universal design or accessibility retrofits?
  25. Light rail or buses?
  26. Smart city technology or traditional infrastructure?
  27. Outdoor dining or food trucks?
  28. Public housing or housing vouchers?
  29. Car-free zones or HOV lanes?
  30. Rain gardens or stormwater detention ponds?

About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.