A great activity for everyone

Back-to-Back Puzzle Making

Back-to-Back Puzzle Making: Building Teamwork through Puzzles

Back-to-Back Puzzle Making
By Jon Zajac

What is Back-to-Back Puzzle Making?

As someone who has facilitated many team-building activities, I can attest to the power of a well-designed icebreaker in fostering collaboration, communication, and problem-solving skills among participants. The Back-to-Back Puzzle Making icebreaker is one such activity that has consistently delivered excellent results. This engaging exercise involves pairing up participants and having them work together to solve a puzzle, but with a unique twist: they sit back-to-back, meaning they cannot see each other’s puzzle pieces or faces.

The Back-to-Back Puzzle Making icebreaker is an incredibly versatile activity that can be tailored to suit various settings and group sizes. Whether you’re hosting a workshop, classroom session, corporate training, team-building event, or retreat, this icebreaker is sure to make a positive impact. The main objective of the exercise is for participants to work together in pairs to solve a puzzle, using only verbal communication as their tool to describe the pieces and guide each other on possible fitting pieces.

The beauty of this activity lies in its simplicity and ability to bring people together to achieve a common goal while fostering clear communication, leadership, and problem-solving strategies. The experience can also be used as a metaphor for real-life situations where teamwork and collaboration are essential for success. By observing participants’ interactions and facilitating a post-activity discussion, you can help reinforce the value of these skills in the workplace or other group settings.

In summary, the Back-to-Back Puzzle Making icebreaker is an engaging, interactive, and highly effective activity that can be easily adapted for various environments and group sizes. It encourages participants to think creatively, communicate clearly, and work together to solve a challenge while fostering leadership and problem-solving skills. With its unique back-to-back twist, this icebreaker is sure to leave a lasting impression on all who participate, making it an invaluable addition to any team-building or group activity agenda.

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Rules for Back-to-Back Puzzle Making

  1. Each pair must sit back-to-back, ensuring they cannot see each other’s puzzle pieces or faces.
  2. Participants are to separate their puzzle pieces from the mixed set and then assist each other in completing their individual puzzles.
  3. Participants are not allowed to look at their partner’s pieces or swap pieces physically.
  4. Communication is key: participants may only use verbal communication to describe their pieces, strategize, and guide each other on possible fitting pieces.
  5. Pairs must not show their puzzle pieces to one another at any time during the activity.
  6. The goal is for each pair to complete their individual puzzles within the allotted time frame.
  7. No external assistance or tools are allowed; participants must rely solely on their partner’s verbal guidance and their own problem-solving skills.

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Materials needed for Back-to-Back Puzzle Making

  • Puzzle pieces: I choose puzzles based on complexity and allotted time for the icebreaker. For larger groups, puzzles with fewer pieces might be practical, whereas for more focused team-building sessions, more complex puzzles could be used to prolong the activity and deepen interaction.

  • Space: A room large enough to comfortably accommodate all participating pairs, allowing for a bit of elbow room around each to minimize accidental peeks at their partner’s pieces.

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Setting up for Back-to-Back Puzzle Making

To set up the Back-to-Break Puzzle Making icebreaker activity, follow these steps:

  1. Preparation: Before the event, prepare puzzle sets with equal complexity and a similar number of pieces. Mix the pieces of two puzzles together and put them into a bag for each pair to ensure that each member is dealing with an intermingled set.

  2. Pairing Participants: Decide how you would like to pair up participants, either randomly, by drawing names, allowing participants to form their pairs, or considering personality contrasts.

  3. Setting Up: In the designated room, have each pair sit back-to-back on the floor or at a table, ensuring they cannot see each other. Hand out the bags of mixed pieces to the pairs.

  4. Monitoring the Progress: As the activity progresses, walk around to observe communication styles, leadership emergence, and collaboration methods without providing too much guidance.

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How to play Back-to-Back Puzzle Making

Back-to-Back Puzzle Making Icebreaker Instructions

  1. Prepare the Puzzles:
    • Gather puzzle sets that are equal in complexity and, preferably, have a similar number of pieces. Mix two puzzles’ pieces together and place them into a bag for each pair.
  2. Pair Up Participants:
    • Decide how you would like to pair up participants, whether randomly, by drawing names, or based on current relationships. Contrasting personalities can provide an interesting dynamic.
  3. Seat the Pairs Back-to-Back:
    • Have each pair sit back-to-back on the floor or at a table, ensuring they cannot see each other’s pieces or faces. Hand out bags of mixed puzzle pieces to the pairs.
  4. Explain Rules and Objectives:
    • The goal is for each pair to separate their puzzle pieces and help one another complete their individual puzzles without looking at their partner’s pieces or physically swapping them. Communication is key, as participants can only describe their pieces verbally, strategize together, and provide guidance on potential fitting pieces.
  5. Start the Activity:
    • Signal the start of the activity, either with a predetermined time limit or open-ended based on observation.
  6. Monitor Progress:
    • Observe without providing excessive guidance to maintain the challenge. Take note of communication styles, leadership emergence, and collaboration methods for debriefing or professional development purposes.
  7. End the Activity:
    • Conclude when a pair completes their puzzle or at the predetermined time. Gather everyone’s attention and celebrate achievements openly.
  8. Facilitate Reflection and Debrief:
    • Lead a discussion about the experience, focusing on skills utilized (patience, detailed communication, leadership, problem-solving strategies, etc.). Discuss frustrations encountered and creative strategies developed during the process. Highlight real-life counterparts of these problem-solving moments and emphasize the value of clear communication and teamwork.

Adaptations for Virtual or Larger Groups:

  • For virtual settings, use digital puzzle apps that allow collaborative online puzzling. Partners can video call each other with devices positioned so they can’t see their partner’s screens.

  • For larger groups, consider space requirements, multiple deployment phases, and grouping dynamics to foster new connections or work on identified challenges.

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Benefits of Back-to-Back Puzzle Making

  • Improved Communication Skills: The Back-to-Back Puzzle Making icebreaker encourages participants to communicate in a detailed and precise manner, as they must describe their puzzle pieces without showing them. This helps improve overall communication skills, which are crucial in both personal and professional settings.

  • Enhanced Problem-Solving Abilities: By working together to solve the puzzle, participants learn to think critically and strategize effectively. They discover new ways to approach problems and develop resilience when faced with challenges.

  • Fostering Teamwork: This icebreaker emphasizes collaboration and cooperation between team members. It highlights the importance of trusting one’s colleagues, appreciating their perspectives, and working towards a common goal.

  • Building Empathy and Patience: As participants work through the puzzle, they learn to empathize with their partner’s struggles and exhibit patience in helping them. These are essential skills for building positive relationships and fostering understanding among team members.

  • Boosting Morale and Encouraging Fun: The Back-to-Back Puzzle Making icebreaker creates a fun, engaging environment that boosts morale and promotes relaxation. It allows participants to enjoy themselves while learning valuable skills.

  • Developing Leadership Skills: Through this activity, natural leaders often emerge as they guide their partners in solving the puzzle. This helps develop leadership qualities such as clear communication, decision-making, and motivation.

  • Enhancing Active Listening Skills: Participants are encouraged to listen carefully to their partners’ descriptions of the puzzle pieces. This active listening promotes better understanding and collaboration between team members.

  • Creating a Safe Space for Vulnerability: Working together on an activity where both participants face equal challenges creates a safe space for vulnerability, allowing team members to learn from their mistakes and grow together.

  • Promoting Adaptability and Flexibility: With the mixed puzzle pieces, partners must constantly adapt and adjust their strategies. This flexibility is valuable in navigating real-life situations where plans may change unexpectedly.

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Skills built with Back-to-Back Puzzle Making

  • Communication: The back-to-back puzzle making icebreaker emphasizes the importance of clear and detailed verbal communication as participants cannot physically show or see their partner’s puzzle pieces. This experience highlights how effective communication can help in understanding abstract descriptions, asking clarifying questions, and providing constructive feedback.
  • Collaboration: By working together to solve a shared challenge, participants build their ability to collaborate effectively. They learn to strategize, divide tasks, listen actively, and respect each other’s ideas – all valuable skills for successful teamwork in professional or personal settings.
  • Empathy and Patience: The exercise requires patience as partners must rely on one another’s descriptions and guidance. This process can foster empathy as individuals appreciate the challenges their partner faces and learn to be more understanding of different communication styles, thought processes, and working speeds.
  • Problem-Solving Strategies: Participants will develop and employ various problem-solving strategies during this icebreaker. These strategies may include trial and error, critical thinking, visualization, pattern recognition, and analytical skills. Practicing these techniques helps improve overall problem-solving abilities in a fun and engaging way.
  • Leadership and Followership: The back-to-back puzzle making activity provides opportunities for both leadership and followership roles to emerge naturally. As participants take turns guiding or following their partner’s instructions, they learn the value of adaptability, trust, and delegation in team dynamics.
  • Conflict Resolution: Inevitably, some disagreements may arise when attempting to fit puzzle pieces together based on verbal descriptions alone. Navigating these conflicts with respect, patience, and open-mindedness not only helps complete the puzzles but also builds participants’ skills in conflict resolution and negotiation.
  • Building Rapport: This icebreaker encourages interaction between participants who may not know each other well, allowing them to form connections through shared experiences. By working together on a challenging task, they build rapport, trust, and mutual respect, which can lead to stronger relationships in the future.

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Why I like Back-to-Back Puzzle Making

As a facilitator who values teamwork and communication, I find the Back-to-Break Puzzle Making icebreaker to be a powerful tool for fostering collaboration and problem-solving skills in diverse settings. Here are a few reasons why I appreciate this activity:

  1. Engagement: The unique twist of having participants work back-to-back on mixed puzzle pieces creates an engaging challenge that immediately grabs their attention and keeps them invested throughout the exercise.

  2. Communication Skills: By encouraging detailed verbal communication, I’ve observed how this icebreaker enhances participants’ ability to describe complex ideas clearly, listen actively, and empathize with others’ perspectives.

  3. Problem-solving Strategies: The Back-to-Back Puzzle Making activity requires strategic thinking and adaptability, as pairs must work together to develop creative solutions when initial approaches prove unsuccessful.

  4. Versatility: This icebreaker can be tailored according to the group size, age range, and time allotted, making it suitable for various occasions such as workshops, classroom settings, corporate trainings, or team-building events.

  5. Debrief Opportunities: The experience of completing a challenging task together offers rich material for reflection and discussion, allowing participants to draw connections between the activity and real-life situations where effective communication, leadership, and problem-solving are essential.

  6. Accessibility: Puzzles are widely available and easy to transport, making this icebreaker an accessible option for facilitators working with different budgets and resources.

Overall, the Back-to-Back Puzzle Making icebreaker is an engaging and versatile activity that effectively promotes teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills among participants. Whether in person or virtual settings, this exercise offers valuable insights and opportunities for growth.

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Tips for making Back-to-Back Puzzle Making more inclusive

Back-to-Back Puzzle Making Icebreaker Tips for Inclusivity:

  • Tip: Provide Accessible Materials Ensure that the puzzles you choose are accessible to all participants, considering factors like visual impairment or fine motor skill challenges. Consider offering large print puzzles, puzzles with textured pieces, or providing adaptive tools such as puzzle grips.
  • Tip: Use Clear and Simple Language When explaining the rules and objectives of the activity, use clear and simple language to ensure that everyone understands. Avoid jargon or complex phrases that may exclude some participants.
  • Tip: Consider Diverse Pairing Options In addition to random pairing or self-selected pairs, consider using diverse criteria like job role, department, or experience level to create pairs. This can help build connections across different groups and promote cross-functional collaboration.
  • Tip: Encourage Active Listening Make it a point to emphasize the importance of active listening during the debrief discussion. Encourage participants to summarize their partner’s thoughts and feelings, ensuring everyone feels heard and understood.
  • Tip: Accommodate Cultural Differences Be aware of cultural differences that may affect communication styles or puzzle-solving strategies. Encourage respect for diverse approaches and make sure to create a safe space where all participants feel valued and respected.

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Reflection questions for Back-to-Back Puzzle Making

  1. How did you approach solving the puzzle with your partner? Understanding the methods used can provide insight into individual problem-solving styles and the effectiveness of different strategies.
  2. What communication techniques worked well for you and your partner? Identifying successful communication styles can help participants refine their interpersonal skills in professional and personal settings.
  3. Did you encounter any challenges while completing the puzzle? If so, how did you address them? Reflecting on obstacles and solutions helps participants learn from their experiences and develop resilience in the face of adversity.
  4. How do you feel your partnership evolved throughout the activity? Examining relationship dynamics can offer valuable lessons in team development and leadership.
  5. What did you learn about yourself and your approach to teamwork during this exercise? Personal introspection fosters self-awareness, which is essential for continuous growth and improvement.
  6. How can the skills you practiced during this icebreaker be applied in a real-world context? Connecting the activity to practical situations emphasizes the relevance and value of the acquired skills.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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