A great activity for everyone

Dice Tag

Get Ready for a Math-Fueled Game of Tag with Inflatable Dices!

Dice Tag
By Jon Zajac

What is Dice Tag?

Dice Tag is a fun and engaging icebreaker that combines physical activity with math problem-solving. The purpose of this game is to encourage teamwork, communication, and active participation while practicing basic mathematical operations. It involves dividing players into two teams and rolling dice to determine the direction in which each team should run. To avoid getting tagged by the opposing team, players must solve math problems based on the numbers displayed on the dice. This game is suitable for medium to large groups of any age and can be played in an indoor setting without any prior preparation or special materials, making it a convenient and enjoyable activity for various settings. Overall, Dice Tag offers a unique blend of exercise, teamwork, and math practice that will surely bring laughter and excitement to any group gathering.

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Rules for Dice Tag

  • The game should be played in a large area, such as an open park or school gym.
  • The group is divided into two teams: odd team and even team.
  • The teacher rolls two dices and gives instructions to add, multiply, or subtract the numbers on the dices.
  • If the resulting number is odd, the odd team will run in one direction. If the number is even, the even team will run in the opposite direction.
  • The objective of the game is to not get tagged by the opponent team while running.
  • Students who get tagged or solve the math problem wrong must do an exercise determined by the teacher.
  • The game continues until the teacher decides to stop it, usually after 10-20 minutes.

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Materials needed for Dice Tag

  • Large area to play in: An open park or a school gym would work perfectly for playing dice tag.
  • Two large dices (inflatable dices): These will be used by the teacher to roll and generate numbers that the students will use to solve math problems.
  • Sticky tags: These will be stuck on the students’ bodies and used to identify who has been tagged in the game.

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Setting up for Dice Tag

To set up for the Dice Tag icebreaker activity, you will need a large area to play in such as an open park or school gym. Additionally, you will need to divide the group into two even teams and have enough space for them to move around. It is important to ensure that there is enough room for students to run in opposite directions without colliding with each other. Lastly, make sure that there are designated areas for students who get tagged to perform exercises determined by the teacher. No materials were mentioned in the setup, so this description focuses solely on the physical space and group organization needed to play Dice Tag.

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How to play Dice Tag

  1. Divide the group into two teams: I start by dividing the group into two teams, naming them the odd team and the even team based on the numbers they will be working with in the game.
  2. Roll the dice and give math instructions: I roll two large dices and instruct the students to perform addition, subtraction, or multiplication operations using the numbers displayed on the dice.
  3. Determine which team runs based on the result: Depending on whether the result is an odd or even number, either the odd or even team will run in a specified direction within the designated play area.
  4. Avoid getting tagged by the opposing team: The objective for each player is to avoid being tagged by members of the opposing team while ensuring their own tag remains intact on their body.
  5. Perform exercises for getting tagged or giving wrong answers: Players who are tagged or give incorrect answers to the math problems must perform an exercise determined by me, the game leader or teacher.
  6. Continue playing with new dice rolls and math problems: The game continues with new dice rolls and corresponding math instructions, allowing students to practice their math skills while engaging in physical activity.

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Benefits of Dice Tag

  • Encourages physical activity: Dice tag is a active game that gets everyone up and moving, providing a fun way to incorporate exercise into group activities.
  • Promotes teamwork and cooperation: By dividing players into two teams, dice tag encourages collaboration and communication as teammates work together to avoid being tagged.
  • Develops quick thinking and problem-solving skills: Players must quickly solve math problems using the numbers on the dices in order to determine which direction to run, helping to improve their mental agility and strategic thinking.
  • Enhances memory and recall: The need to remember and follow instructions for adding, subtracting, or multiplying the numbers on the dices can help to boost memory and recall abilities.
  • Provides a fun and engaging icebreaker activity: Dice tag is a great way to break the ice and create a positive and enjoyable atmosphere at the beginning of a group gathering or event.

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Skills built with Dice Tag

  • Physical activity: Dice Tag is a highly active game that involves running, tagging, and dodging, providing players with an excellent opportunity to get some exercise and have fun at the same time.
  • Teamwork: Since Dice Tag is a team-based game, it encourages players to work together, communicate effectively, and strategize to win. This helps build strong relationships, trust, and collaboration skills among team members.
  • Problem-solving: By requiring players to solve math problems using the numbers on the dice, Dice Tag promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Players must quickly and accurately calculate the resulting number, helping them develop their mental arithmetic abilities.
  • Attention and reflexes: With players constantly moving and changing directions based on the numbers rolled on the dice, Dice Tag demands quick reflexes and sharp attention to detail. This helps improve players’ reaction times and ability to focus on multiple things at once.
  • Competitive spirit: As a competitive game, Dice Tag encourages players to strive for victory and push themselves to be their best. This can help build confidence, determination, and resilience, as players learn to handle both success and failure gracefully.

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Why I like Dice Tag

As an avid fan of group games, I find Dice Tag to be a fantastic icebreaker for several reasons. First, it encourages physical activity, which is a great way to get people moving and engaged. The element of competition also adds excitement and makes the game more enjoyable.

What sets Dice Tag apart from other icebreakers is its emphasis on math skills. By incorporating addition, subtraction, and multiplication problems into the game, it provides a fun and interactive way to practice basic arithmetic. This feature makes it an excellent option for teachers looking to reinforce math concepts in a lively and engaging manner.

Moreover, Dice Tag is highly adaptable and can be played by people of all ages, making it an ideal choice for large groups with diverse age ranges. The game’s simple rules and materials also make it easy to organize and set up, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience.

Overall, I appreciate Dice Tag’s unique combination of physical activity, competition, and math practice. It’s an excellent icebreaker that can bring people together while promoting learning and engagement.

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Tips for making Dice Tag more inclusive

  • Tip: Use larger and softer dices that are easier to see and handle for players with visual or motor impairments.
  • Tip: Provide audio descriptions of the dice rolls and math problems for players who have difficulty seeing the dices.
  • Tip: Offer alternative ways to participate in the game, such as solving math problems or cheering for teammates, for players who cannot or prefer not to run.
  • Tip: Encourage players to use respectful and inclusive language when communicating with each other during the game.
  • Tip: Be flexible and adaptable to the needs and preferences of all players, and create a safe and welcoming environment for everyone.

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Reflection questions for Dice Tag

  1. What did you enjoy most about playing Dice Tag? This question can help participants reflect on the positive aspects of the game and what made it enjoyable for them.
  2. How do you think this game helped us practice our math skills? By asking this question, facilitators can encourage participants to consider the connection between the game and their learning outcomes.
  3. Did you find any strategies that helped you avoid getting tagged? If so, what were they? This question allows participants to reflect on their own problem-solving skills and share effective strategies with one another.
  4. How did you feel when you were tagged or had to do an exercise? This question can help participants consider how the game’s rules and consequences impacted them emotionally, as well as physically.
  5. What suggestions do you have for modifying the game to make it more inclusive, challenging, or fun? By asking this question, facilitators can encourage participants to think critically about how to improve the game and take ownership of their learning experience.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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