A great activity for everyone

Egg Drop

Protect Your Egg: An Exciting Team-Building Game Involving Creativity and Quick Thinking!

Egg Drop
By Jon Zajac

What is Egg Drop?

Egg Drop is a versatile and engaging icebreaker game that can be played by people of all ages, making it an ideal choice for both adults and children. The primary objective of this activity is to encourage creativity and teamwork as players construct a protective structure for a raw egg using various materials. The ultimate goal is to create a design that will prevent the egg from cracking when dropped from a certain height. This game not only helps to promote collaboration and communication among team members but also enhances their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. With its simple yet fun concept, Egg Drop is an excellent icebreaker to facilitate social interaction and foster a sense of camaraderie in any group setting.

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Rules for Egg Drop

  1. Split the group into equally sized teams of 3-5 players.
  2. Give each group some building materials and a raw egg.
  3. Teams have to create a structure that will protect their egg from smashing within a time limit of 10-15 minutes.
  4. Keep teams separated to prevent idea theft and encourage unique designs.
  5. The egg must be inside the structure, with straws, cardboard, and plastic bottles build around the outside to protect it.
  6. After the time is up, bring all groups back together and drop each structure from a height.
  7. Teams open their structures to check if the egg has cracked or survived.
  8. The team whose egg has not smashed wins the game. If there are multiple winning teams, the one with the fewest straws used in their design wins.
  9. After the game, gather everyone to discuss designs and encourage players to talk about their experiences and how they worked together.
  10. (Optional for kids) Allocate a team leader for each group, choosing quieter kids to encourage them to speak up and let their voices be heard.

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Materials needed for Egg Drop

  • Raw eggs (1 per team): These will be used as the items that each team needs to protect during the game.
  • Cardboard boxes: These can be used as a base or walls for the teams’ structures.
  • Straws: The teams can use straws to create a net or other structure to cushion their egg.
  • Tape: Teams can use tape to hold their structures together and secure the eggs in place.
  • Plastic bottles: These can be used as part of the structure to provide extra protection for the egg.
  • Paper towels: These will come in handy for cleaning up any messes made by smashed eggs.

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Setting up for Egg Drop

To set up for the Egg Drop icebreaker activity, you will need to do the following:

  1. Determine the group size and divide the participants into equally sized teams of 3-5 players. The ideal group size is 3-5 players per team.
  2. Allocate a designated space for each team to work in, ensuring that they are separated from one another to prevent idea sharing and encourage unique design thinking.
  3. Provide each team with a raw egg and a roll of tape.
  4. Set a time limit for the activity, allowing 10-15 minutes for teams to create their protective structures.
  5. Prepare to gather all the groups together at the end of the designated time to test their creations by dropping them from a height.
  6. Be ready to facilitate a group discussion after the game, encouraging players to discuss their designs and teamwork experiences.

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How to play Egg Drop

  1. Split the group into teams: I divided our group into teams of 3-5 players to ensure everyone had a part in building the egg protector.
  2. Give each team building materials and an egg: I distributed raw eggs and various materials, such as cardboard boxes, straws, tape, and plastic bottles, to each team.
  3. Set a time limit: I established a 10-15 minute window for the teams to design and build their structures, ensuring they had enough time while keeping the activity engaging.
  4. Ensure separation of teams: To promote creativity and discourage copying ideas, I kept teams separated from one another during the building process.
  5. Instruct teams on egg placement: I informed teams that the egg must be placed inside their structure and surrounded by straws, cardboard, and plastic bottles for protection.
  6. Gather teams for the drop test: Once building time had elapsed, I brought all teams together to compare creations and prepare for the drop test.
  7. Drop each structure: I carefully dropped each team’s creation from a predetermined height, ensuring safety while maintaining excitement.
  8. Check egg survival: After dropping all structures, I allowed teams to open their creations and assess whether their eggs had cracked or remained intact.
  9. Announce the winning team(s): The team(s) with an uncracked egg won the game. If multiple teams had successful eggs, the one using the fewest straws in their design was declared the winner.
  10. Facilitate a group discussion: I encouraged teams to discuss their designs, changes made during construction, decision-making processes, and leadership roles, promoting teamwork and communication.

For games with kids:

  1. Allocate team leaders: To engage quieter children, I assigned team leader roles, helping them develop confidence and leadership skills.

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Benefits of Egg Drop

  • Encourages teamwork: Egg Drop is a great way to get people working together and building relationships. By dividing the group into teams and having them work on a common goal, you can help foster a sense of collaboration and community.
  • Promotes creativity: The game requires players to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to protect their egg. This can help stimulate innovation and problem-solving skills.
  • Provides physical activity: Egg Drop is an active game that involves movement and coordination, making it a great way to get people moving and having fun.
  • Teaches communication and leadership: The game provides opportunities for players to communicate, collaborate, and take on leadership roles within their teams. This can help build confidence and improve communication skills.
  • Can be adapted for different ages and abilities: Egg Drop is a versatile game that can be played with any age group and modified to suit different skill levels. Whether you’re playing with kids or adults, this game can be tailored to meet the needs of your group.
  • Encourages reflection and discussion: After the game, players come together to discuss their designs and experiences. This provides an opportunity for self-reflection and helps build social skills by encouraging players to listen to and learn from one another.
  • Provides a fun and engaging icebreaker activity: Egg Drop is a unique and entertaining way to break the ice and get people interacting with one another. Whether you’re starting a new team or bringing together a group of strangers, this game can help create a positive and enjoyable atmosphere.

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Skills built with Egg Drop

  • Teamwork: Playing Egg Drop encourages players to work together towards a common goal, building trust and communication skills as they collaborate on their design.
  • Creativity: The game challenges players to think outside the box and come up with unique solutions to protect their egg, promoting creative thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Leadership: By assigning team leaders or encouraging quieter kids to speak up, Egg Drop helps build leadership skills and confidence in individuals who may not normally take on those roles.
  • Time Management: With a time limit for building the structure, players must prioritize tasks, make decisions quickly, and manage their time effectively.
  • Critical Thinking: Analyzing potential weaknesses in their design and adjusting it accordingly helps players develop critical thinking skills.
  • Resilience: Dealing with the disappointment of a cracked egg and trying again teaches players to be resilient and learn from failure.
  • Engineering and Design Thinking: The process of designing, building, and testing a structure to protect the egg exposes players to basic principles of engineering and design thinking.

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Why I like Egg Drop

As someone who enjoys bringing people together and fostering teamwork, I appreciate the Egg Drop icebreaker for its effectiveness in achieving those goals. This engaging activity encourages communication, collaboration, and creativity among participants of all ages, making it an excellent choice for both adults and children.

One aspect that makes Egg Drop stand out is its versatility. The simplicity of the game mechanics combined with the variety of materials provided allows for countless unique designs, ensuring that each team’s approach remains fresh and exciting. This ensures that everyone remains engaged throughout the activity, fostering a positive atmosphere conducive to bonding and interaction.

Moreover, I value Egg Drop’s emphasis on problem-solving and quick thinking. By setting a time limit for constructing the egg protector, participants must strategize, delegate tasks, and work efficiently under pressure – skills highly applicable in real-world scenarios. Additionally, the competitive nature of the game adds an extra layer of excitement, motivating teams to strive for success while still having fun.

Furthermore, I find that Egg Drop encourages active participation from all individuals involved, even those who may typically be reserved or introverted. By allocating a team leader and encouraging quieter children to speak up, the game provides an opportunity for shy participants to develop leadership skills and build confidence in expressing their ideas.

Lastly, I appreciate the potential for reflection and discussion at the end of the activity. Exploring each group’s decision-making process, identifying challenges, and sharing experiences fosters deeper connections among team members and reinforces the importance of collaboration in achieving shared goals.

In conclusion, the Egg Drop icebreaker is an engaging, versatile, and inclusive activity that effectively promotes teamwork, communication, and creativity. Its unique combination of fun and practical skills makes it an invaluable tool for any group looking to strengthen bonds and foster a positive environment.

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Tips for making Egg Drop more inclusive

  • Provide a range of building materials: To make the game more inclusive, ensure that you provide a variety of materials that can accommodate different abilities and preferences. For example, some people might prefer working with flexible materials like cloth or string, while others may prefer rigid materials like cardboard or plastic.
  • Offer options for visual aids: If any participants have visual impairments, offer large print instructions or tactile materials they can use to help build their structure.
  • Encourage communication and collaboration: Make sure everyone on the team has a chance to share their ideas and contribute to the building process. This can help create a sense of belonging and ownership for all team members.
  • Modify the time limit: If needed, adjust the 10-15 minute time limit to accommodate different skill levels or group sizes. For example, you may want to extend the time for larger groups or teams with more diverse abilities.
  • Provide multiple winning criteria: Instead of only focusing on whether the egg has cracked or not, consider introducing additional criteria for winning, such as creativity, teamwork, or resourcefulness. This can help ensure that everyone feels valued and recognized for their contributions.
  • Consider accessibility needs: If any participants have mobility limitations, make sure they have equal access to materials and a comfortable working space. Additionally, ensure that the height from which you drop the structures is safe and accessible for all team members.
  • Create diverse teams: To foster inclusivity, mix up the groups by considering factors such as age, gender, ability, and cultural background. This can help create a more dynamic and equitable learning environment.
  • Promote positive reinforcement: Encourage participants to praise each other’s ideas and efforts throughout the game. This can help build confidence and foster a supportive atmosphere for all team members.

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Reflection questions for Egg Drop

  1. What was your team’s design process for building the egg protector? Understanding how teams approach problem-solving can provide insight into their communication, collaboration, and creativity.
  2. How did you feel when your team’s egg survived or cracked after the drop? Exploring emotions helps participants connect with one another and understand each other’s reactions in various situations.
  3. What challenges did your team face during the construction phase, and how did you overcome them? Identifying obstacles and discussing solutions can lead to valuable lessons for future team-building activities and projects.
  4. How did individual team members contribute to the project, and were there any unexpected strengths that emerged? Recognizing each person’s contributions fosters a sense of inclusivity and helps participants understand their roles within a group setting.
  5. If you could do it again, what changes would you make to your design or teamwork approach? Reflecting on improvements highlights the importance of continuous learning and adaptation in team settings.
  6. What strategies did your team use to stay focused and motivated during the 10-15 minute time limit? Sharing successful focus techniques can help teams manage their time effectively in other projects or activities.
  7. How did your team handle any conflicts that arose during the construction process, and what could have been done differently? Openly discussing conflict resolution strategies encourages healthy communication and strengthens interpersonal relationships within the group.
  8. What did you learn about working with diverse personalities and skill sets on your team? Acknowledging the benefits of diversity can lead to increased empathy and appreciation for individual differences in future collaborations.
  9. How can you apply what you learned from this activity to real-life situations, such as school or work projects? Connecting the game to real-world scenarios helps participants recognize the relevance and value of teamwork skills beyond the icebreaker.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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