A great activity for everyone

Human Paper Rock Scissors

A lively and strategic ice-breaker where teams face off in a life-sized version of the classic hand game, using full-body poses to determine the winner!

Human Paper Rock Scissors
By Jon Zajac

What is Human Paper Rock Scissors?

Human Paper Rock Scissors is a lively and engaging ice-breaker that puts a fun twist on the classic hand game. The purpose of this activity is to encourage teamwork, movement, and strategy in a medium-sized group. To play, participants are divided into two teams and must choose a full-body pose to represent either rock, paper, or scissors. Each team has five minutes to strategize before facing off against the other team. The winning team is determined by the rules of the classic game, with rock beating scissors, scissors beating paper, and paper beating rock. This activity can be tailored to various themes and variations, making it a versatile and entertaining option for any group.

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Rules for Human Paper Rock Scissors

  1. Decide full-body poses as a group for each element: one for “Rock”, one for “Scissors”.
  2. Break participants into two groups.
  3. Each group strategizes for 5 minutes which pose to strike.
  4. Both groups face each other, and at the count of three, strike their chosen pose simultaneously.
  5. The winning pose is determined by the classic rock-paper-scissors rules: “Rock” beats “Scissors”, “Scissors” beat “Paper”, and “Paper” beats “Rock”.
  6. Play multiple rounds, suggested to play best out of 5 for a medium-sized group.
  7. Optionally, choose different themes and corresponding poses such as Lord of the Rings, Schools, Super Heroes, or Disney Villains with their own winning conditions.

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Materials needed for Human Paper Rock Scissors

  • Large open space: You will need a spacious area where all participants can comfortably move around and form two groups facing each other.
  • Group of people: This ice-breaker is designed for medium to large-sized groups, so gather enough people to create an engaging atmosphere.
  • Decided poses: Before starting the game, decide on full-body poses that represent rock, paper, and scissors or any chosen theme (e.g., hobbit, elf, orc).
  • 5 minutes for group strategizing: Each group should have a few minutes to plan their pose strategy before facing off against the other team.
  • Facilitator: Appoint someone to count down from three and announce “SHOOT” to signal when both groups should reveal their poses simultaneously.

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Setting up for Human Paper Rock Scissors

To set up for the Human Rock Paper Scissors icebreaker activity, follow these steps:

  1. Gather a large group of people and decide on full-body poses to represent each element:
    • Rock: Each person in one group will bend down and hug their knees, curling into a ball to resemble a rock.
    • Scissors: Each person in another group will stand with legs shoulder-width apart and both arms up, hands behind the head, forming a scissor shape.
  2. Break participants into two groups, giving each group time to strategize for each round. They have 5 minutes to decide which pose their group will perform (rock, paper, or scissors) in the upcoming round.
  3. Appoint a facilitator who will have both groups face each other and count down from three (three…two…one…SHOOT). Upon “SHOOT,” each group will need to strike one of the three poses.
  4. Establish a rule set for winning combinations:
    • Rock beats Scissors
    • Scissors beat Paper
    • Paper beats Rock
  5. Consider various themes for different rounds, such as Lord of the Rings (Hobbit, Elf, Orc), Schools (Stanford, Cal, USC), Super Heroes (Batman, Spiderman, Green Lantern), and Disney Villains (Maleficent, Ursula, Jafar). Choose themes that resonate with your group or create your own.
  6. Encourage high energy, quick rounds, and minimal preparation between rounds for an engaging icebreaker experience.

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How to play Human Paper Rock Scissors

  1. Decide on full-body poses for each element: As a group, determine the unique full-body pose that will represent rock, paper, and scissors. For example, rock can be represented by everyone bending down and hugging their knees to look like a ball (representing a rock).
  2. Form two groups: Divide participants into two teams for some friendly competition.
  3. Allow 5 minutes for strategizing: Give each group 5 minutes of time to collaborate and decide which pose they will strike during the game – rock, paper, or scissors.
  4. Face off against the opposing team: Have both groups stand facing each other, preparing for the showdown.
  5. Facilitator counts down: The facilitator will count down from three (three…two…one…SHOOT), at which point both teams need to simultaneously strike their chosen pose.
  6. Determine the winner: Compare the poses of each team – rock beats scissors, scissors beat paper, and paper beats rock. The winning team will be the one whose pose triumphs over the other team’s pose.
  7. Repeat for multiple rounds: Continue playing rounds until a winner is declared, usually after best out of 5 rounds in a medium-sized group.
  8. Try different themes (optional): Introduce variations of this game using themes such as Lord of the Rings, Schools, Super Heroes, or Disney Villains to keep things interesting and engaging.

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Benefits of Human Paper Rock Scissors

  • Encourages Movement and Physical Activity: Human Rock Paper Scissors gets participants up on their feet and moving around, providing a fun way to incorporate physical activity into an event or gathering.
  • Promotes Teamwork and Collaboration: By requiring group strategizing and coordination, this icebreaker fosters teamwork and collaboration skills among participants.
  • Helps Build Connection and Community: Engaging in a shared activity like Human Rock Paper Scissors can help break the ice and create a sense of connection and community among participants.
  • Provides an Opportunity for Creative Expression: The game’s adaptability to various themes allows participants to tap into their creativity and imagination, contributing to a more engaging and enjoyable experience.
  • Can Be Customized to Fit Different Settings and Audiences: With its versatile format, Human Rock Paper Scissors can be tailored to suit different settings, themes, and age groups, making it a flexible icebreaker option for various occasions.

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Skills built with Human Paper Rock Scissors

  • Teamwork: Human Rock Paper Scissors requires participants to work together as a team to strategize and decide on a pose for each round. This helps build collaboration skills and encourages group communication.
  • Problem-Solving: Deciding on a pose that represents each element (rock, paper, or scissors) requires participants to think creatively and come up with a solution that works best for their team. This helps develop problem-solving skills and encourages critical thinking.
  • Energy and Stamina: The game requires participants to physically strike a pose on “SHOOT,” which can help build energy and stamina. This high-energy activity is a great way to get people moving and engaged.
  • Adaptability: With different themes and variations, Human Rock Paper Scissors encourages participants to adapt to new situations and think on their feet. This helps develop adaptability skills and promotes flexibility.
  • Strategic Thinking: Participants have 5 minutes to strategize before each round, which requires them to think critically about their opponents’ moves and anticipate their next move. This helps build strategic thinking skills and encourages forward planning.
  • Confidence Building: Getting on their feet, moving, and acting as a team can help participants build confidence and develop their presentation skills. This high-energy activity is a great way to get people out of their comfort zones and onto the stage.

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Why I like Human Paper Rock Scissors

I enjoy the Human Rock Paper Scissors icebreaker because it is a fun and engaging way to get a group of people moving and working together. The game is easy to understand, yet offers strategic depth as teams must coordinate their actions and anticipate their opponents’ moves. Additionally, the ability to customize the poses and themes adds variety and excitement, making each round feel fresh and dynamic.

One aspect I particularly appreciate about this icebreaker is its accessibility - it requires no special equipment or preparation, just a group of people willing to participate. The game also encourages communication and collaboration within teams, helping to build connections and foster a sense of community among participants.

Overall, Human Rock Paper Scissors is an excellent choice for a high-energy icebreaker that can be easily tailored to fit any group or occasion.

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Tips for making Human Paper Rock Scissors more inclusive

  • Encourage participants to wear comfortable clothing: This will help ensure that everyone can move freely and comfortably during the game, regardless of their physical abilities or limitations.
  • Use poses that are easy to mimic: Make sure the poses chosen for each element are simple and easy to understand, so that all participants can easily participate, including those with mobility issues or physical disabilities.
  • Consider using verbal cues instead of visual ones: For participants who may have vision impairments, it might be helpful to use verbal cues instead of relying solely on visual poses. This could include having the facilitator call out the name of each element instead of using hand gestures or other visual signals.
  • Be mindful of cultural references: When choosing themes for the game, be aware of cultural references that may not be familiar to all participants. Try to choose themes that are inclusive and respectful of all cultures and backgrounds.
  • Provide clear instructions in multiple formats: To ensure that all participants understand the rules and objectives of the game, provide clear instructions in multiple formats (verbal, written, visual, etc.). This can help accommodate different learning styles and abilities.
  • Create a safe and welcoming environment: Make sure that the space where the game is being played is safe and accessible to all participants. Encourage positive and respectful interactions between group members, and intervene if necessary to address any instances of exclusion or bullying.
  • Ask for feedback and suggestions: After the game, ask participants for feedback on their experience. This can help you identify areas where the game could be improved to make it more inclusive and enjoyable for all participants.

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Reflection questions for Human Paper Rock Scissors

  1. What was your favorite part of playing Human Rock Paper Scissors? This question can help participants reflect on what they enjoyed most about the activity, whether it was the physical aspect, the teamwork, or the strategy involved.
  2. Did you find it easy or challenging to work as a team in this game? Why? By asking this question, facilitators can gain insight into how well the participants were able to collaborate and communicate with each other during the game.
  3. How did you feel when your team won or lost a round? This question can help participants reflect on their emotions and reactions to winning and losing, which is an important aspect of team sports and games.
  4. Did you come up with any creative strategies during the game? If so, what were they? This question can encourage participants to think critically about their problem-solving skills and how they approached the game.
  5. How did playing Human Rock Paper Scissors help you get to know your fellow participants better? By asking this question, facilitators can help participants make connections between the icebreaker activity and building relationships with others in the group.
  6. If you could change one thing about the game, what would it be and why? This question can give participants an opportunity to provide feedback on the activity and suggest improvements for future games.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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