A great activity for everyone


Get ready for a thrilling game of reflexes and laughter with the Snap game!

By Jon Zajac

What is Snap?

The Snap icebreaker is a fun and engaging game designed to encourage children to develop their social skills and improve their reaction time. The purpose of this activity is to have players call out a random number immediately once the countdown ends, with the stipulation that the number cannot exceed the number of players. If two or more players call out the same number, they must compete in a predetermined challenge to win. This game can be adapted for educational purposes by giving children math problems to solve, making it an excellent way to reinforce cross-curricular learning and improve their math skills. Overall, the Snap icebreaker is a versatile and entertaining game that promotes social interaction, quick thinking, and mathematical learning.

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Rules for Snap

  • Gather a group of 4 to 10 players, preferably children aged 6+.
  • After the countdown, each player should call out a random number that is no greater than the total number of players.
  • If two or more players call out the same number, they must compete in a pre-chosen challenge.
  • The first player to complete the challenge successfully wins.
  • Pre-determined challenges can be physical movements, sounds, or face mimicking. Use creativity to make the challenges fun and engaging.
  • For an educational twist, give the children math problems to solve before calling out numbers. The first two players with correct answers compete in the challenge.
  • Encourage a reward system for winners to add excitement and motivation to the game.

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Materials needed for Snap

  • Preparation time: None
  • Group size: Suitable for small and medium groups (4-10 players)
  • Age range: Recommended for kids aged 6 years and above
  • Game setting: Indoor location, suitable for both stationary and active play
  • Materials needed: No specific materials required. Just gather your friends and get ready to play!

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Setting up for Snap

To set up for the Snap icebreaker activity, you need to gather a group of people consisting of 4 to 10 individuals. The game is suitable for children aged 6 and above. There is no need for any preparation or specific equipment before starting the game. Once you have gathered the group, simply start the countdown, and the players will call out a random number once it’s over. If two or more players called out the same number, they will have to compete in a pre-chosen challenge to win. The activity can be played indoors and takes up to 10-20 minutes.

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How to play Snap

  1. Gather a group: I gathered a small to medium-sized group of children, aged 6 years old and above, to play the Snap icebreaker game.
  2. Prepare for the countdown: I informed the group that once the countdown ends, they should immediately call out a random number that doesn’t exceed the total number of players.
  3. Call out numbers: Once the countdown ended, I heard each player call out a random number. If two or more players called out the same number, they had to compete in a pre-chosen challenge.
  4. Compete in challenges: For the predetermined activity, I chose simple actions such as jumping, squatting, spinning around, doing karate moves, making sounds, and face mimicking. The first one to do it fast enough won the game.
  5. Try the educational version: To make the game more educational, I gave the children a math problem to solve before calling out their numbers. The first two players that got the correct answer had to compete together in the predetermined challenge.
  6. Create a reward system (optional): Although not necessary, creating a reward system can make the game more fun and challenging for the kids. It encourages them to play and win the game.

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Benefits of Snap

  • Enhances fundamental movements: Playing the Snap game encourages children to make quick movements, which can help improve their overall physical fitness. As a parent or caregiver, seeing my child engage in active play brings me joy, knowing they are developing important motor skills.
  • Develops reaction time: The core mechanic of the Snap game is calling out a number as quickly as possible after the countdown ends. This helps children improve their reaction times, which can be beneficial in many areas of life. I take pride in knowing that my child is developing quick reflexes through play.
  • Promotes cross-curricular learning: By incorporating math problems into the Snap game, children can reinforce their learning skills while having fun. I appreciate the opportunity to support my child’s education in a way that feels engaging and enjoyable for them.
  • Encourages group play: The Snap game is designed for small to medium groups, making it an excellent choice for socializing and building connections with peers. As a parent or caregiver, I am glad to provide my child with opportunities to develop essential social skills through group games.
  • Offers customizable challenges: With various predetermined activities to choose from, the Snap game can be tailored to suit different age groups and interests. This flexibility ensures that everyone can have fun and learn something new while playing. I enjoy getting creative with challenge ideas to keep the game fresh and exciting for my child.
  • Creates a rewarding experience: Implementing a reward system for the Snap game encourages children to participate enthusiastically and strive for improvement. Seeing my child’s excitement when they win a round or receive a small prize brings me happiness and satisfaction as a parent or caregiver.

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Skills built with Snap

  • Memory skills: The Snap game requires players to quickly recall and announce numbers, which helps improve memory and mental agility.
  • Reaction time: Players must be quick to call out a number once the countdown ends, helping to enhance their reaction time.
  • Mathematics skills: By incorporating math problems into the game, children can practice and reinforce their understanding of multiplication tables and other mathematical concepts.
  • Social skills: The Snap game encourages interaction and communication among players, promoting teamwork, cooperation, and sportsmanship.
  • Physical activity: Depending on the chosen challenges, the Snap game can also incorporate movement and physical activity, contributing to children’s overall health and well-being.

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Why I like Snap

I appreciate the Snap icebreaker game for its simplicity and versatility in engaging people of all ages. As someone who enjoys both light-hearted and educational activities, I find this game to be a perfect blend of fun and learning.

One aspect that makes me fond of Snap is its minimal preparation requirement, making it an easy choice when looking for instant entertainment. The game’s primary focus on reaction time and memory keeps players engaged, while the optional challenges add an extra layer of excitement.

As a proponent of cross-curricular learning, I particularly enjoy the educational alternative of incorporating math problems into the game. This twist allows children to practice their numeracy skills in a dynamic and interactive way, making it an effective and enjoyable learning tool.

In conclusion, Snap’s simplicity, accessibility, and potential for education make it an excellent icebreaker for various settings and age groups, which is why I highly recommend it to parents, educators, and anyone seeking a reliable group activity.

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Tips for making Snap more inclusive

  • Tip: Use simpler challenges for younger children or those with physical limitations. This will ensure that all players are able to participate and enjoy the game, regardless of their age or abilities.
  • Tip: Allow players to suggest their own challenges. This can help make the game more inclusive and engaging, as everyone gets a chance to contribute and do something they enjoy.
  • Tip: Use numbers with cultural or personal significance. For example, you could use numbers that represent important dates or events in different cultures, or numbers that are significant to individual players. This can help create a sense of connection and belonging among players from diverse backgrounds.
  • Tip: Encourage players to share their thought process when solving math problems. This can help make the game more interactive and inclusive, as all players get a chance to participate in the problem-solving process, regardless of whether they get the correct answer or not.
  • Tip: Use positive language and celebrate effort rather than just outcome. For example, instead of saying “Well done, you got the right answer!”, you could say “I appreciate your hard work and persistence in trying to solve the problem.” This can help create a more inclusive and supportive atmosphere, where all players feel valued and respected.

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Reflection questions for Snap

  1. What did you enjoy most about playing the Snap game? Understanding what participants enjoyed can help facilitators plan future activities that cater to their interests.
  2. How did working on math problems during the game make you feel? This question can provide insight into how incorporating educational elements in games can impact children’s attitudes towards learning.
  3. Did you find it challenging when two or more players called out the same number, requiring you to complete a pre-chosen challenge? Why or why not? This question explores participants’ comfort levels with competition and encourages self-reflection on how they handle unexpected challenges.
  4. What strategies did you use to solve math problems quickly during the game? This question can help facilitators understand how children approach problem-solving and may identify potential areas for improvement in their mathematical skills.
  5. How do you think playing games like Snap can benefit your social and cognitive development? This question encourages participants to consider the broader impact of group games on their overall growth and development.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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