A great activity for everyone

Where Do You Stand

An engaging icebreaker activity that reveals personal preferences and opinions, fostering interaction and promoting group bonding.

Where Do You Stand
By Jon Zajac

What is Where Do You Stand?

The “Extremes Game: Where Do You Stand?” icebreaker is an engaging activity that helps individuals understand their own and their peers’ opinions and stances on various topics. It involves creating an imaginary line in a room, with one extreme represented at the left end and the other at the right end. Players then respond to questions by standing along this line according to the strength of their opinion on the topic. Questions can range from light-hearted (e.g., coffee or tea?) to more profound, allowing for a fun yet insightful experience. This game is ideal for medium to large groups and requires no materials, making it a convenient and accessible icebreaker for various settings.

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Rules for Where Do You Stand

  • Create an imaginary line in the front of the room, with one extreme on the left side and the other extreme on the right side.
  • There should be enough space for people to stand anywhere along this imaginary line.
  • Ask the group several questions.
  • Everyone will respond by standing somewhere along the imaginary line according to how strong of an opinion they have on that item.
  • If you strongly prefer coffee, stand far along the left hand side; if you strongly prefer tea, stand on the far end of the right hand side.
  • Neutral people should stand in the middle.
  • The questions can be light-hearted or deep and thought-provoking. Use your imagination and have fun!
  • Optionally, use a board game version with many provided questions: Would You Rather? Boardgame – Classic Version

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Materials needed for Where Do You Stand

  • Imaginary line: In the front of the room, create an imaginary line. All the way on the left side is one extreme, and all the way on the right side is the other extreme. Make sure there is enough space for people to stand anywhere along this imaginary line.
  • Questions: You will need a set of questions to ask during the game. These can vary from lighthearted topics like “coffee or tea?” to more thought-provoking ones. If you don’t want to come up with your own questions, consider using a board game version such as “Would You Rather? Boardgame – Classic Version” which provides many questions to use.

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Setting up for Where Do You Stand

To set up for the “Where Do You Stand” icebreaker activity, also known as the Extremes Game, follow these steps:

  1. Find a space: Choose a large enough room where all participants can gather and move around comfortably.
  2. Create an imaginary line: At the front of the room, create an imaginary line on the floor using tape, chalk, or simply by pointing it out. Clearly mark the two extremes at either end of the line.
  3. Define the question format: Explain to participants that they will be asked a series of questions with two contrasting options. They should position themselves along the imaginary line according to their preference or stance on each question.
  4. Clarify the scale: Let participants know that standing closer to an extreme indicates a stronger preference or agreement, while standing nearer the middle signifies neutrality or indecision.

Remember, no materials are required for this activity; it only needs space and clear instructions.

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How to play Where Do You Stand

  1. Create an imaginary line in the front of the room: One end represents one extreme, while the other end represents the opposite extreme. Ensure there is enough space for people to stand anywhere along this line.
  2. Ask a question: Pose a question to the group, such as “coffee or tea?” or “winter or summer?”
  3. Respond by standing on the imaginary line: Participants should position themselves along the line according to their opinions. Those who strongly prefer one option should stand closer to that extreme, while those who are neutral should stand in the middle.
  4. Ask various questions: Use a variety of questions, ranging from lighthearted and funny to more serious or thought-provoking. These can cover preferences, values, or lifestyle choices.
  5. Encourage discussion: Invite participants to explain their choices and engage in conversations with others nearby. This will help people get to know each other’s opinions and stances better.

Remember that the goal of this icebreaker is not only to encourage movement and interaction but also to foster understanding and empathy among group members. Enjoy playing “Where Do You Stand” and make sure everyone has fun!

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Benefits of Where Do You Stand

  • Encourages Movement and Engagement: The Extremes Game requires participants to physically move to different spots on an imaginary line, which helps to get them moving around and engaged in the activity. This can be especially beneficial in larger groups where it can be more challenging to facilitate interaction.
  • Fosters Understanding of Different Perspectives: By asking a variety of questions that cover lighthearted and serious topics, this icebreaker encourages participants to consider their own opinions and stances while also gaining insight into the perspectives of others. This can lead to increased empathy and understanding among group members.
  • Breaks Down Barriers and Encourages Communication: The Extremes Game is a great way to break the ice and encourage communication in a fun and engaging way. By asking questions that cover a range of topics, participants can find common ground and connect with one another on both a personal and professional level.
  • Encourages Self-Reflection: By asking participants to consider their own opinions and stances on various topics, the Extremes Game encourages self-reflection and introspection. This can be beneficial for team building and personal growth, as it allows individuals to gain a better understanding of themselves and their values.
  • Can Be Easily Customized: The Extremes Game is highly customizable and can be adapted to fit the needs of any group or situation. Whether you’re looking to facilitate lighthearted conversation or tackle deeper topics, this icebreaker can be easily modified to meet your goals. Additionally, the game can be played with or without pre-written questions, giving facilitators the flexibility to tailor the activity to their specific needs.

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Skills built with Where Do You Stand

  • Communication skills: Playing the “Where Do You Stand” icebreaker can help individuals improve their communication skills by encouraging them to express their opinions and thoughts on various topics in a clear and concise manner.
  • Interpersonal skills: This icebreaker also helps build interpersonal skills, as it encourages participants to engage with one another, listen to different perspectives, and find common ground.
  • Critical thinking skills: By asking thought-provoking questions, this game can help individuals develop their critical thinking skills, as they consider their own opinions and evaluate those of others.
  • Confidence building: Standing up in front of a group and expressing one’s opinion can be intimidating for some people, but doing so in a supportive and fun environment like this icebreaker can help build confidence and public speaking skills.
  • Team building: This game is also an effective team-building activity, as it encourages collaboration, communication, and mutual understanding among participants. By working together to answer questions and find common ground, participants can strengthen their relationships and build a more cohesive team.

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Why I like Where Do You Stand

I appreciate the “Where Do You Stand” icebreaker game for its simplicity and effectiveness in encouraging engagement and interaction among group members. I like that it requires no materials, making it a convenient and accessible activity for various settings. The game’s concept is straightforward yet engaging, as it prompts participants to reflect on their preferences and opinions, and then physically place themselves along an imaginary line to visually represent the strength of their stance.

What I find particularly appealing about this icebreaker is its versatility. You can use a wide range of questions, from light-hearted and humorous topics to more thought-provoking and profound subjects. This flexibility allows the facilitator to tailor the game to suit the group’s demographics, interests, and objectives, making it suitable for various ages, backgrounds, and contexts.

The “Where Do You Stand” icebreaker also fosters movement and active participation, which can help maintain energy levels and focus during events or meetings. Moreover, observing others’ positions along the imaginary line can spark curiosity and discussions, further promoting connections and conversations among participants.

In summary, I enjoy the “Where Do You Stand” icebreaker for its simplicity, versatility, and capacity to engage and connect people in a fun and interactive manner.

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Tips for making Where Do You Stand more inclusive

  • Consider using questions that are relevant to the diverse experiences and identities of the participants. This can help create a more inclusive atmosphere by recognizing and valuing the unique perspectives of each individual.
  • Avoid using language or references that may be unfamiliar or alienating to certain groups. For example, instead of asking “would you rather go to a football game or a ballet,” consider rephrasing the question in a more inclusive way, such as “would you rather attend a sporting event or a performing arts show?”
  • Encourage participants to share their reasoning for choosing a particular spot on the line. This can help create a more open and respectful dialogue by allowing participants to explain their thoughts and experiences in their own words.
  • Be mindful of the power dynamics at play in the room, and make an effort to ensure that all voices are heard and respected. For example, if certain individuals tend to dominate the conversation, try calling on quieter participants or setting ground rules for respectful dialogue.
  • Consider using questions that encourage reflection and self-awareness, rather than just asking participants to choose between two options. This can help create a more meaningful and thought-provoking experience for all participants. For example, instead of asking “would you rather be rich or famous,” consider asking “what does success mean to you, and how do you measure it in your own life?”

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Reflection questions for Where Do You Stand

  1. What was your favorite question asked during the game? This can help participants reflect on which questions they found most engaging or thought-provoking.
  2. Did you find yourself standing near other people who answered similarly to you? This question can encourage reflection on how individual perspectives compare to those around them.
  3. Were there any questions where your opinion changed as you listened to others’ responses? This question can help participants consider the influence of group dynamics and social pressure on their own opinions.
  4. Did any of the questions bring up new ideas or perspectives that you hadn’t thought about before? This question can encourage participants to think critically about the different viewpoints presented during the game.
  5. How did it feel to share your opinion in a group setting like this? This question can help facilitators gauge the comfort level of participants when sharing their thoughts and feelings with others.
  6. Did you learn anything new or surprising about your classmates through this activity? This question can encourage participants to reflect on the diversity of perspectives within their group, and how those differences contribute to a richer understanding of different topics.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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