A great activity for everyone

Picture Whispers

Unleash your creativity and humor in this engaging game of drawn whispers, where doodles turn into hilarious misunderstandings.

Picture Whispers
By Jon Zajac

What is Picture Whispers?

The Picture Whispers icebreaker is a fun and engaging game that combines elements of Pictionary and the Telephone Game. The purpose of this activity is to encourage communication, creativity, and laughter among group members. It involves participants writing down a word or phrase, passing their notebooks around, and having each player alternately draw a picture based on a word or guess a word based on a picture. This continues until the notebook returns to its original owner, who then shares the contents with the rest of the group.

What sets Picture Whispers apart from traditional Pictionary is that all players get to draw and guess at the same time, making it more inclusive and interactive. The game concludes with a reveal phase, where each player showcases their notebook’s content, sharing a short, absurd story full of misunderstandings, non-sequiturs, and questionable artistic skills. This aspect adds an element of humor and group bonding, similar to popular storytelling games like Consequences or collaborative drawing activities.

Picture Whispers is suitable for groups with at least four players and can accommodate as many participants as desired. Just be mindful that larger groups may require adjustments in game length or splitting into smaller circles. The activity requires minimal materials, making it easy to organize and play in various settings. Overall, Picture Whispers is an enjoyable icebreaker that fosters communication and creativity among group members while providing plenty of laughs.

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Rules for Picture Whispers

  1. All players sit in a circle or around a table.
  2. Each player is given a small notebook or several small sheets of paper, a writing utensil, and an optional bookmark.
  3. Each player writes a word or phrase on the first page of their notebook and passes it to the player on their left.
  4. Players turn to the next page of their notebook and draw an interpretation of the received word.
  5. Players pass their notebook to the left again, look at the drawing on the notebook they have just received from their right, and guess what the word that inspired the drawing might be.
  6. Players continue alternating between drawing a picture based on a word or guessing a word based on a picture until each notebook is passed back to its original owner.
  7. Each player, in turn, reveals the contents of their notebook from the first page with the original word to the last used page.

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Materials needed for Picture Whispers

  • Small notebooks or several small sheets of paper: These will be used for players to write and draw on throughout the game.
  • Writing utensils: Players will need a writing tool to create their words and drawings in the notebooks.
  • Optional bookmark (or any similar object): This can be used to mark the current page in the notebook, making it easier for players to keep track of where they are.

It’s important that each player has their own notebook and writing utensil to ensure everyone gets a chance to participate and engage with the game.

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Setting up for Picture Whispers

To set up for the Picture Whispers icebreaker game, you will need the following:

  • A circle or table where all players can sit.
  • A small notebook or sheets of paper for each player.
  • A writing utensil for each player.
  • An item to be used as a bookmark (optional).

Here are the steps to set up for the game:

  1. Gather all players and have them sit in a circle or around a table.
  2. Give each player a small notebook or several sheets of paper, a writing utensil, and an optional bookmark.
  3. Instruct each player to choose a word or phrase and write it on the first page of their notebook.
  4. Ask players to pass their notebooks to the person on their left, making sure that nobody but the player on their left sees their notebook.
  5. Remind players not to look back through the notebook to see what was written or drawn by previous players.

That’s it! Once you have completed these steps, the game is ready to begin.

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How to play Picture Whispers

  1. Gather at least four players: The game is more fun with a larger group, but make sure the number isn’t too large to manage. Consider splitting a big group into two smaller circles if necessary.
  2. Prepare the materials: Make sure every player has a small notebook, a writing utensil, and an optional bookmark.
  3. Choose a word or phrase: Each player writes a word or phrase on the first page of their notebook. This can be anything, from an object to a concept, as long as it’s appropriate for the group.
  4. Pass the notebooks: Players pass their notebooks to the person on their left, ensuring that nobody sees the notebook but the intended recipient. Nobody should look back at previous pages either.
  5. Draw a picture: On the next page, each player draws an interpretation of the word they received. Use your creativity and artistic skills to represent the word visually.
  6. Guess the word: After drawing, players pass their notebooks to the left again, where they will see the picture drawn by the person to their right. The goal is to guess what the original word might be based on the picture. Write your guess on the page below the picture.
  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6: Keep alternating between drawing a picture based on a word and guessing a word based on a picture until every player has their notebook back.
  8. Reveal the contents: In turn, each player shows the group what’s in their notebook, starting from the first page with the original word and ending with the last used page. This reveals a short story of misunderstanding, non-sequitur, and artistic expression.

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Benefits of Picture Whispers

  • Builds creative thinking skills: Picture Whispers requires players to think creatively in order to interpret and represent the words or phrases they receive. This can help improve overall creative problem-solving abilities.
  • Encourages active listening: As players must guess the word based on the previous player’s drawing, they must actively listen and pay attention to details in order to make an accurate guess.
  • Promotes teamwork and collaboration: The game encourages cooperation and communication as players work together to understand and interpret the drawings and words passed around the circle.
  • Enhances visual communication skills: Picture Whispers helps players develop their ability to communicate visually, which is a valuable skill in many professional and personal settings.
  • Boosts morale and builds camaraderie: The game’s lighthearted and fun nature can help build a positive and enjoyable atmosphere, fostering stronger relationships among team members or group members.
  • Provides a chance for self-expression: Players are free to choose any word or phrase they like, allowing them to express themselves creatively and uniquely. This can also help players learn more about each other’s interests and personalities.
  • Improves focus and concentration: The game requires players to pay close attention to the details of each drawing and guess, helping to improve focus and concentration skills.
  • Promotes laughter and fun: Picture Whispers is a hilarious and entertaining game that can bring joy and lightheartedness to any group gathering or team meeting.

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Skills built with Picture Whispers

  • Communication skills: Picture Whispers requires players to convey their thoughts and ideas through drawings, which can help improve their ability to communicate effectively without using words.
  • Creativity: The game encourages players to think outside the box and come up with unique interpretations of the words they receive. This can boost their creativity and problem-solving skills.
  • Active listening: Players need to pay close attention to the drawings passed to them and make thoughtful guesses about the original word. This requires active listening skills, which are essential in many personal and professional situations.
  • Empathy: By trying to understand the intentions behind each other’s drawings, players can develop their empathy skills. They learn to see things from different perspectives and appreciate the diversity of ideas within the group.
  • Patience and turn-taking: Picture Whispers is a game that requires patience, as players take turns drawing and guessing. This can help improve turn-taking skills and teach players the importance of waiting their turn.
  • Artistic skills (optional): While not a primary focus of the game, Picture Whispers can provide an opportunity for players to practice their drawing skills in a fun and relaxed environment.

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Why I like Picture Whispers

As a fan of both art and word games, I find the Picture Whispers icebreaker to be a delightful and engaging activity. There are several reasons why I enjoy this game.

First, I appreciate that all players get to draw and guess at the same time, which ensures everyone is actively involved throughout the game. This feature also allows for more creativity and variety in the drawings, as each player interprets the word or phrase in their own unique way.

Second, I enjoy the reveal phase of the game, where each player shares their notebook’s contents with the group. This part of the game is always filled with laughter and surprise, as we discover how the original word or phrase transformed into something completely different through the drawing and guessing process. It’s a great way to build connections and foster a sense of community among players.

Lastly, I like that Picture Whispers can accommodate any number of players, making it a flexible icebreaker for various group sizes. The game can be adjusted to fit the time constraints and energy level of the group by changing the number of passes or pages used in each notebook.

Overall, Picture Whispers is an enjoyable and engaging icebreaker that encourages creativity, active participation, and connection-building among players.

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Tips for making Picture Whispers more inclusive

  • Tip: Choose simple and common words or phrases: To make sure that everyone can easily draw and guess the word or phrase, it’s better to choose simple and common ones. This way, all players can participate equally, regardless of their drawing skills or language proficiency.
  • Tip: Encourage creativity and imagination: While keeping the words or phrases simple, also encourage players to think creatively and use their imagination when interpreting and drawing them. This will help to create a more inclusive environment where everyone feels comfortable expressing themselves in their own way.
  • Tip: Use visual aids to explain the game: To ensure that all players understand the rules of the game, it may be helpful to use visual aids such as diagrams or illustrations. This can help to clarify the game mechanics and reduce any potential language barriers.
  • Tip: Provide alternative ways to participate: For players who may have difficulty drawing or writing, provide alternative ways for them to participate. For example, they could describe the word or phrase using only verbal cues, or they could use symbols or emojis instead of drawings. This will help to ensure that everyone can participate fully and enjoy the game.
  • Tip: Celebrate diversity and uniqueness: During the reveal phase of the game, take time to appreciate and celebrate the diverse range of interpretations and guesses made by each player. Highlight how these differences add to the humor and absurdity of the final stories, and encourage players to continue embracing their unique perspectives throughout the game.

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Reflection questions for Picture Whispers

  1. What was your initial reaction to seeing the final result of your notebook? This question can help participants reflect on their expectations and how they were met or subverted by the game.
  2. How did you feel when it was your turn to guess a word based on a picture? This question can reveal insights about how comfortable participants are with ambiguity and making decisions based on limited information.
  3. Did any of your drawings or guesses surprise you? Why? This question can help participants reflect on the creative process, as well as their assumptions and biases.
  4. How did it feel to share your notebook with the group? This question can help facilitators gauge the level of trust and vulnerability in the group, as well as how comfortable participants are with public speaking.
  5. Did you notice any patterns or themes emerging in the drawings or guesses? If so, what do you think they reveal about the group dynamics? This question can encourage participants to make connections between their own experiences and those of others, promoting empathy and understanding.
  6. If you could change one thing about the game, what would it be and why? This question can help facilitators improve the icebreaker for future sessions, as well as empower participants to take ownership of their learning experience.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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