A great activity for everyone

Tic-Tac-Toe Drinking Edition

A tipsy twist on a classic game: Tic-Tac-Toe with drinks and flip cups!

Tic-Tac-Toe Drinking Edition
By Jon Zajac

What is Tic-Tac-Toe Drinking Edition?

The Tic-Tac-Toe Drinking Edition Game is a fun and engaging icebreaker that adds a thrilling twist to the classic game of tic-tac-toe. Its purpose is to bring friends together for an enjoyable party activity, combining both strategy and teamwork with the excitement of drinking games. This game is best suited for groups of 10 to 20 players divided into two even teams. Ideal participants include teens and adults who possess good hand-eye coordination.

To play, prepare a table or flat surface with a 3x3 grid made from masking tape. Fill disposable party cups with your choice of drinks in two different colors for each team. The objective is to have one player from each team race to finish their drink and successfully perform a flip cup. Once completed, they place the upside-down cup on the grid, aiming to create a sequence horizontally, vertically, or diagonally before the opposing team does so.

This game not only tests your ability to strategize but also challenges your hand-eye coordination and speed while drinking responsibly. Overall, the Tic-Tac-Toe Drinking Edition Game promises an exciting party activity that will bring friends together for a memorable night of fun and laughter.

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Rules for Tic-Tac-Toe Drinking Edition

  1. Set up a table or flat surface with a 3x3 grid created using masking tape.
  2. Prepare disposable party cups in two different colors filled with drinks for each player on both teams.
  3. Divide players into two equal teams.
  4. When you say “go,” the first player from each team grabs a cup and finishes it, then performs a flip cup by the edge of the table.
  5. If successful in the flip cup, the player places the cup on the grid; if not, they must continue attempting the flip cup.
  6. Once the first player has placed their cup, the second player from their team can come to play and repeat steps 4-5.
  7. The game ends when one team successfully performs the flip cup and conquers the middle grid in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal sequence without obstructions from the opposing team’s cups.

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Materials needed for Tic-Tac-Toe Drinking Edition

  • Table or flat surface: A sturdy and level area to set up the game grid.
  • Masking tape: To create the 3x3 grid on the table or flat surface.
  • Disposable party cups in 2 different colors: To represent the players’ moves on the grid, with different colors for each team.
  • Drinks: Beverages of your choice to fill the party cups and add a fun twist to the game.

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Setting up for Tic-Tac-Toe Drinking Edition

To set up for the Tic-Tac-Toe Drinking Edition game, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Find a table or flat surface where the game can be played.
  2. Use masking tape to create grids of 3 x 3 on the table or flat surface.
  3. Pour drinks into disposable party cups and ensure that there are enough drinks for each player on both teams. Use different colored party cups for each team to make it easier to distinguish between them.
  4. Group players into two teams, ensuring that there is an equal number of players on both teams.
  5. Have one player from each team stand side by side, ready to grab a cup filled with drinks and finish it when the game begins.

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How to play Tic-Tac-Toe Drinking Edition

  1. Prepare the game area: Before starting the Tic-Tac-Toe Drinking Edition Game, set up the playing area by creating grids of 3 x 3 with masking tape on a table or flat surface. Place disposable party cups filled with drinks in two different colors on each side of the table.
  2. Divide into teams: Divide players into two equal teams and ensure they understand their team’s color for easy identification during gameplay.
  3. Start the race: Have one player from each team come to the edge of the table, grab a cup filled with drinks, and finish it. Once done, they must place the empty cup upside down on the grid by performing a flip cup at the table’s edge. If successful, they can put the cup anywhere on the grid; if not, they must continue attempting the flip cup until successful.
  4. Continue with additional players: Once the first player has placed their cup on the grid, allow the next player from their team to come and repeat steps 3 until all players have had a turn.
  5. Winning the game: The game ends when either team successfully performs the flip cup and conquers the grid in the middle of the table by placing cups horizontally, vertically, or diagonally without any obstructions from the opposing team’s cups.

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Benefits of Tic-Tac-Toe Drinking Edition

  • Encourages Social Interaction: Playing the Tic-Tac-Toe Drinking Edition game helps to break the ice among guests by encouraging social interaction and teamwork, making it a perfect way to bring people together at parties.
  • Improves Hand-Eye Coordination: The need for good hand-eye coordination in this game makes it an excellent way to develop and improve this skill, which can be beneficial in many areas of life.
  • Enhances Memory and Strategic Thinking: By requiring players to remember their moves and anticipate those of their opponents, the Tic-Tac-Toe Drinking Edition game helps to enhance memory and strategic thinking skills.
  • Boosts Confidence and Self-Esteem: Successfully completing a challenging task in front of others can help to boost confidence and self-esteem, making this game an excellent way for individuals to showcase their abilities and feel good about themselves.
  • Provides Entertainment and Fun: Above all, the Tic-Tac-Toe Drinking Edition game provides entertainment and fun for all players, creating memorable moments and helping to make parties more enjoyable and exciting.

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Skills built with Tic-Tac-Toe Drinking Edition

  • Balance: Playing the Tic-Tac-Toe Drinking Edition game requires good hand-eye coordination, especially during the flip cup challenge. This helps to improve my balance and fine motor skills as I need to quickly place the cup on the grid after successfully flipping it.

  • Teamwork: The game encourages team play, as players must work together to finish their drinks and complete the flip cup challenge before their opponents. This helps to strengthen my ability to collaborate with others and communicate effectively to achieve a common goal.

  • Competitiveness: The game’s objective of conquering the grid first adds an element of competition, which can be exciting and motivating. This helps to enhance my competitiveness and strategic thinking skills as I try to outmaneuver my opponents and win the game.

  • Adaptability: The game’s fast-paced nature requires me to think on my feet and adapt to changing situations quickly. This helps to improve my ability to adjust to new challenges and be flexible in different environments.

  • Responsibility: The game involves drinking, so it’s essential to ensure that all players are of legal drinking age and consume alcohol responsibly. This helps to develop my sense of responsibility and awareness of the consequences of my actions.

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Why I like Tic-Tac-Toe Drinking Edition

I like the Tic-Tac-Toe Drinking Edition icebreaker because it is a fun and engaging game that can be enjoyed by groups of all sizes. The twist of adding drinks to a classic game like Tic-Tac-Toe adds an extra layer of excitement and competition, making it perfect for parties. I also appreciate the flexibility of this game, as it can be played both indoors and outdoors and with or without alcohol.

The preparation required for the Tic-Tac-Toe Drinking Edition game is minimal, yet the payoff is a memorable and interactive icebreaker that gets everyone involved. I also like that the game can be tailored to the group’s size and age range, making it inclusive and enjoyable for all.

The aim of the game is simple and easy to understand, yet the added challenge of performing a flip cup adds an element of skill and balance. This makes the game more dynamic and engaging than traditional Tic-Tac-Toe.

Overall, I find the Tic-Tac-Toe Drinking Edition icebreaker to be a great way to bring people together for a fun and interactive experience. Its unique twist on a classic game, combined with its ease of preparation and inclusivity, make it a go-to choice for any party or gathering.

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Tips for making Tic-Tac-Toe Drinking Edition more inclusive

  • Use non-alcoholic drinks: Instead of using alcoholic drinks for the game, you can use non-alcoholic drinks to make it more inclusive for people who don’t drink or are underage.
  • Modify the rules: You can modify the rules of the game to accommodate players with different abilities. For example, you can allow players to take smaller sips or have more time to perform the flip cup challenge.
  • Create a supportive environment: Encourage everyone to participate and create a positive atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable. Avoid making fun of players who struggle with the game, and instead offer help and support.
  • Mix up the teams: Consider mixing up the teams throughout the game to encourage interaction between people who may not know each other well. This can help break down barriers and make the game more inclusive.
  • Include other icebreaker activities: Consider incorporating other icebreaker activities into the game to help people get to know each other better. For example, you could have a trivia quiz or a scavenger hunt before or after the Tic-Tac-Toe Drinking Edition game.

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Reflection questions for Tic-Tac-Toe Drinking Edition

  1. What was your strategy in placing your team’s cups on the grid? Understanding the participants’ strategies can give insight into their problem-solving skills and ability to work under pressure.
  2. How did you feel when you successfully performed a flip cup? This question can help facilitators gauge the participants’ self-confidence and competitiveness.
  3. Did you encounter any challenges while playing Tic-Tac-Toe Drinking Edition? If so, how did you overcome them? This question can provide insight into the participants’ resilience and ability to adapt in challenging situations.
  4. How did working in a team impact your performance in the game? This question can help facilitators understand the participants’ teamwork and collaboration skills.
  5. Did you feel that the game was fair, considering it required players to consume alcoholic drinks? Why or why not? This question can provide insight into the participants’ views on responsible drinking and their ability to make informed decisions.
  6. If you were to modify the rules of Tic-Tac-Toe Drinking Edition, what changes would you make and why? This question can help facilitators understand the participants’ creativity and ability to think outside the box.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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