A great activity for everyone

Two Truths and a Lie

Uncover surprising truths and dreams in this engaging get-to-know-you icebreaker game!

Two Truths and a Lie
By Jon Zajac

What is Two Truths and a Lie?

Are you looking for a fun way to break the ice with a new group of people? Try playing the Two Truths and a Lie game! This simple yet entertaining activity involves sharing three statements about yourself, two of which are true and one of which is false. The goal is for the other players to guess which statement is the lie.

To start the game, each player takes a turn sharing their three statements. After making their statements, the other players can ask questions to try to determine which one is the lie. Once everyone has made their statements and the questions have been asked, the group takes turns guessing which statement was the lie. The person who guesses correctly gets to go next.

The purpose of this activity is to get to know each other better and have some fun in the process. It can be a great icebreaker for new groups, whether in a classroom, office, or social setting. However, it's not ideal for groups that already know each other well or for settings where some participants may be uncomfortable sharing personal information.

If you want to add some extra fun to the game, you can encourage players to come up with creative or outrageous statements to make it more challenging for the others to guess. You can also keep score to make things more competitive. Overall, Two Truths and a Lie is a great way to get to know each other and break the ice in a fun way. Give it a try at your next gathering!

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Rules for Two Truths and a Lie

  1. Players arrange themselves in a circle.
  2. Each player thinks of three statements about themselves: two true and one false.
  3. The statements should be unique and interesting.
  4. In each round, players share their three statements to the group.
  5. The goal is to determine which statement is false.
  6. After the group votes, the player reveals which statement was the lie.

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Setting up for Two Truths and a Lie

To set up for the Two Truths and a Lie icebreaker activity, follow these steps:

  1. Choose the right group size: This game is suitable for small, medium, or large groups. Ideally, you should have 6-10 people in your group to ensure active participation.
  2. Select an indoor setting: Any indoor location will work for this icebreaker game. Make sure there’s enough space for all participants to gather in a circle.
  3. Inform participants: Let the participants know about the activity, its purpose, and how it works. Request them to prepare two true statements and one false statement about themselves beforehand.
  4. Organize seating or gathering space: Arrange chairs or ask participants to stand in a circle, ensuring everyone can see and hear each other clearly during the game. This formation encourages interaction and connection among players.
  5. Set ground rules and expectations: Clearly communicate that the objective of this icebreaker is to guess which statement is false for each participant. Remind them to keep their statements unique and engaging, avoiding commonplace facts like “I like ice cream.”
  6. Encourage active listening: Stress the importance of attentive listening during the game. Each participant should be engaged in the discussion while also observing fellow participants’ reactions and body language.
  7. Prepare for different ages: This game is appropriate for all ages, but ensure that your instructions, examples, and questions are tailored to the age group participating in the activity.

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How to play Two Truths and a Lie

  1. Gather a group of people: Find a group of friends or colleagues who are willing to play the game. The more people you have, the more fun it will be!
  2. Introduce the game: Explain the rules of Two Truths and a Lie to everyone. Let them know that each person will take turns sharing three statements about themselves - two of which are true and one is a lie.
  3. Share your statements: Start off the game by sharing your own two truths and a lie. Make sure to keep it interesting and try to make it difficult for others to figure out which statement is the lie!
  4. Guess the lie: After you’ve shared your statements, ask the other players to guess which statement they think is the lie. Give everyone a chance to discuss and make their guesses.
  5. Reveal the lie: Once everyone has made their guesses, reveal which statement was the lie. If someone correctly guessed the lie, they can earn a point!
  6. Rotate turns: Continue playing by rotating turns to the next person in the group. Each player should take turns sharing their two truths and a lie, and the others try to guess the lie.
  7. Keep playing and have fun!: Repeat steps 4 to 6 for each player in the group. Enjoy the game, laugh at funny stories, and get to know each other better through the process!

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Benefits of Two Truths and a Lie

  • Helps Build Trust: Two Truths and a Lie is an amazing icebreaker activity that allows people to get to know each other in a fun way. It's a great way to break the ice and start building trust within the group.
  • Encourages Creativity: The game also encourages creativity as players try to come up with believable lies that will trick the other players.
  • Boosts Communication Skills: Playing Two Truths and a Lie can help improve communication skills by forcing players to think on their feet and explain their choices to the group.
  • Creates a Fun Atmosphere: The game is a lot of fun and can help create a relaxed and positive atmosphere, particularly in a new or unfamiliar environment.
  • Increases Collaboration: Collaboration is another benefit of playing Two Truths and a Lie, as players need to work together to determine which statement is the lie.

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Why I like Two Truths and a Lie

We enjoy Two Truths and a Lie because it's a casual way to learn more about each other while adding a bit of friendly competition. It promotes curiosity and leads to entertaining stories.

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Reflection questions for Two Truths and a Lie

  1. What was the most surprising lie you heard? This question encourages participants to reflect on their experience during the activity and think about which lie they found the most unexpected or shocking.
  2. Did you correctly guess someone's lie? This question invites participants to think about their own performance during the game and whether they were able to accurately identify a lie.
  3. How did you feel when someone guessed your lie? This question prompts participants to think about their own emotions and reactions during the activity and identify how they felt when someone successfully identified their lie.
  4. Did the activity help you learn anything new about the people in the group? This question encourages participants to think about the purpose of the icebreaker activity and whether it was successful in achieving its goal of helping people get to know each other better.
  5. Would you use this icebreaker activity again in the future? This question invites participants to reflect on the activity as a whole and whether they found it enjoyable and useful, and whether they would consider using it again in a different context or with a different group of people.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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