A great activity for everyone

Two Truths and a Lie: Childhood Edition

Discover the Juicy Secrets of Your Teammates' Childhood with Two Truths and a Lie: Childhood Edition!

Two Truths and a Lie: Childhood Edition
By Jon Zajac

What is Two Truths and a Lie: Childhood Edition?

As a facilitator of group activities, I find the “Two Truths and a Lie: Childhood Edition” icebreaker to be a powerful tool for fostering connections and building trust among participants. This game invites individuals to delve into their past experiences, unearthing memorable anecdotes that reveal their personality, values, and background. By sharing these stories in a safe and supportive environment, participants not only learn more about one another but also develop a sense of camaraderie that can greatly enhance the overall group dynamic.

What sets this icebreaker apart is its focus on nostalgic content, which tends to evoke positive emotions and create a warm atmosphere conducive to open communication. As participants reminisce about their childhoods, they often discover shared experiences or interests that serve as common ground for further discussion and engagement. Additionally, the game’s structure – where each person shares two truths and one lie – encourages active listening, critical thinking, and collaborative problem-solving, skills that are essential for building strong and effective teams.

One of the key challenges in facilitating this icebreaker is ensuring that all participants feel comfortable sharing their stories. This requires creating a safe and non-judgmental space where individuals can be authentic and vulnerable without fear of ridicule or rejection. As a facilitator, I make it a point to establish clear guidelines for respectful communication, emphasizing the importance of empathy, active listening, and open-mindedness.

Another consideration when facilitating this icebreaker is managing time effectively, especially in larger groups where multiple participants need to share their truths and lies. To keep the game moving at a brisk pace, I set a clear time limit for each person’s turn and encourage the group to make quick decisions when guessing the lie. This not only maintains the energy and momentum of the activity but also ensures that everyone has an equal opportunity to participate and contribute to the discussion.

In conclusion, the “Two Truths and a Lie: Childhood Edition” icebreaker is a versatile and engaging tool for fostering connections and building trust among group members. By inviting participants to share their childhood stories in a supportive and inclusive environment, this game creates opportunities for meaningful conversations, shared laughter, and deeper understanding of one another’s unique experiences and backgrounds. As a facilitator, my role is to create the conditions for this magic to happen, ensuring that all participants feel safe, valued, and empowered to share their stories in a way that enriches the group dynamic and strengthens our collective bonds.

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Rules for Two Truths and a Lie: Childhood Edition

  1. Each participant thinks of two truths and one lie about their childhood.
  2. Determine the order in which participants will share their statements.
  3. The participant shares their three statements without revealing which is the lie.
  4. Others discuss and guess which of the three facts is the lie.
  5. The person reveals which statement was the lie.
  6. Repeat for the next participant until all have shared.

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Materials needed for Two Truths and a Lie: Childhood Edition

  • Index cards or sticky notes: Write down two truths and one lie about your childhood on separate cards or notes to help keep track of them during gameplay.
  • Pens or markers: Use pens or markers to write down your truths and lies if you choose to use index cards or sticky notes.
  • Optional timer (if using for larger groups): A timer can be helpful in keeping the game moving at a brisk pace, especially if you have a large group of participants. This could be a simple kitchen timer, phone app, or digital clock.

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Setting up for Two Truths and a Lie: Childhood Edition

To set up the “Two Truths and a Lie: Childhood Edition” icebreaker activity, you’ll need to consider the following aspects related to preparation and setup:

  1. Select an appropriate group size - This activity is suitable for both small and large groups; however, make sure that the environment is conducive to open and friendly discussion.
  2. Choose a fitting setting - A relaxed atmosphere where participants can feel comfortable sharing personal stories from their childhood is essential. This could be a living room floor circle or a more structured classroom or meeting room circle.
  3. Decide on the order of sharing - You may choose to have participants share in a predetermined order, such as going around in a circle, drawing lots, or volunteering to go first.
  4. Establish ground rules and expectations - Ensure that all participants understand the game’s objective and that they create an open, non-judgmental space for sharing personal stories from their childhood. Encourage asking follow-up questions and showing genuine interest in other participants’ experiences.

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How to play Two Truths and a Lie: Childhood Edition

Two Truths and a Lie: Childhood Edition Icebreaker Game Instructions

  1. Explain the Rules: Begin by explaining the rules of the game to all participants. Each person will come up with two truths and one lie about their childhood. These statements should be related to events, accomplishments, mishaps, or unusual facts from their youth.

  2. Decide on the Order of Sharing: Determine the order in which participants will share their truths and lies. This can be done in a circle, through drawing lots, or by volunteering.

  3. Sharing the Statements: When it’s a participant’s turn, they share their three statements (two truths and one lie about their childhood) without revealing which is the lie. It’s essential to deliver all statements with equal confidence and neutrality to maintain the challenge of the game.

  4. Guessing the Lie: After a participant has shared their statements, others in the group get the opportunity to discuss and guess which of the three facts is the lie. This encourages conversation and curiosity as participants might ask follow-up questions or seek more information to accurately deduce the correct answer. However, it’s crucial that the sharer doesn’t reveal anything further until a consensus on the guess is reached or each participant has made a guess.

  5. Revealing the Truth: Once guesses have been made, the person reveals which statement was the lie. This is usually met with surprise or laughter and sometimes a brief sharing of the stories behind the truths.

  6. Proceed to the Next Participant: The game continues with the next player in the predetermined order, repeating steps 3-5 until all participants have shared.

Points to Consider

  • Truths and lies about childhood should be interesting, unique, or surprising enough to make the game engaging.
  • Facilitators must ensure a safe and non-judgmental space, as sharing personal childhood stories may make some participants vulnerable.
  • For larger groups, setting a time limit per participant can help maintain a brisk pace throughout the game.


The Two Truths and a Lie: Childhood Edition icebreaker game offers many benefits for fostering connections and camaraderie among participants. It allows people to find common ground in their past experiences, laugh at each other’s childhood follies, or admire unique or impressive childhood achievements. The game reflects the diversity of upbringing and experiences within the group, promoting deeper understanding and empathy among participants.

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Benefits of Two Truths and a Lie: Childhood Edition

  • Fosters a Sense of Connection: By sharing personal stories from their childhoods, participants can discover shared experiences or interests that help establish common ground and build rapport.
  • Encourages Active Listening and Engagement: As group members listen to each other’s two truths and a lie, they practice active listening skills and become more invested in understanding their peers, which contributes to an overall atmosphere of engagement and inclusivity.
  • Promotes Vulnerability and Trust: Sharing childhood memories can be a vulnerable act, especially when the stories are personal or surprising. This vulnerability helps create trust between participants as they open up about their pasts and show their true selves.
  • Boosts Morale and Enjoyment: The lighthearted nature of this icebreaker game creates a fun and enjoyable atmosphere where laughter and good-natured camaraderie are encouraged, ultimately contributing to higher morale among the group.
  • Develops Critical Thinking and Deduction Skills: Guessing which statement is the lie challenges participants’ critical thinking abilities as they analyze each story for inconsistencies or implausibilities, further engaging their minds and keeping them focused on the activity.
  • Provides Insight into Individual Backgrounds and Values: The truths and lies shared during this game can offer valuable insights into a participant’s background, family values, and upbringing, allowing others to better understand and empathize with their unique perspectives.
  • Cultivates an Atmosphere of Openness and Acceptance: By encouraging participants to share personal aspects of their lives in a safe and non-judgmental space, this icebreaker game promotes an atmosphere of openness and acceptance, where everyone feels valued and heard.

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Skills built with Two Truths and a Lie: Childhood Edition

  • Active Listening: By paying close attention to other participants’ stories and guessing which statement is the lie, individuals can hone their active listening skills, ensuring they are fully engaged in the conversation and able to respond thoughtfully.
  • Empathy and Understanding: Sharing personal childhood experiences can help others understand the background, motivations, and emotions that have shaped each participant, fostering a deeper sense of empathy and mutual understanding within the group.
  • Interpersonal Communication: This game encourages open and honest communication between individuals, as participants practice sharing stories from their past, asking questions, and expressing opinions in a respectful and engaging manner.
  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Guessing which statement is the lie requires participants to analyze information, weigh probabilities, and make logical deductions, all of which contribute to the development of critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities.
  • Confidence and Public Speaking: As participants share their stories with the group, they can build confidence in public speaking and storytelling, learning to articulate their thoughts clearly and persuasively while maintaining a level of vulnerability and authenticity.
  • Cultural Competence and Diversity Appreciation: By discovering the unique upbringings and backgrounds of other participants, individuals can enhance their cultural competence, appreciate the diversity within the group, and celebrate the richness of different experiences and perspectives.

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Why I like Two Truths and a Lie: Childhood Edition

I enjoy the Two Truths and a Lie: Childhood Edition icebreaker because it effectively fosters a sense of camaraderie and trust among participants by sharing personal stories from their early years. The focus on nostalgic content creates an engaging atmosphere, allowing individuals to connect on a deeper level through shared or relatable experiences.

The game’s structure encourages active listening, inquiry, and communication, as participants discuss and guess which facts are truths or lies. This leads to dynamic conversations that help break the ice and establish connections among group members. The rules are simple and adaptable to various settings and group sizes, making it a versatile tool for facilitators.

Moreover, I appreciate how the Two Truths and a Lie: Childhood Edition icebreaker can reveal the diversity of upbringing and experiences within a group. By sharing unique or surprising childhood stories, participants gain insights into one another’s backgrounds, fostering empathy and understanding. The game also offers an opportunity for people to reminisce about their past, laugh at childhood follies, or admire impressive achievements, adding positivity and enjoyment to the experience.

Overall, I find this icebreaker activity valuable as it encourages meaningful connections among participants while maintaining a fun and engaging atmosphere.

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Tips for making Two Truths and a Lie: Childhood Edition more inclusive

  • Tip: Encourage a wide range of experiences: To make the game more inclusive, remind participants that their two truths and a lie can encompass various aspects of childhood, such as cultural traditions, family structures, school life, hobbies, and personal achievements. This encourages a broader representation of experiences.
  • Tip: Be mindful of potential sensitivities: As the facilitator, be aware that certain topics (e.g., financial status, health issues, or family dynamics) might be sensitive for some participants. Gently guide the discussion away from these areas if necessary to maintain a positive atmosphere.
  • Tip: Consider language accessibility: For multilingual groups, ensure that all participants can understand the game rules and share their stories comfortably. Provide translated materials or use simple, clear language to help everyone participate equally.
  • Tip: Emphasize shared experiences: Highlight similarities between participants’ stories to promote a sense of belonging and unity. This can involve acknowledging common emotions, challenges, or joys that different people experienced during their childhoods.
  • Tip: Foster an open mindset: Encourage participants to be curious about each other’s backgrounds and upbringings. Emphasize that everyone’s experiences are unique and valuable, promoting respect and empathy among group members.

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Reflection questions for Two Truths and a Lie: Childhood Edition

1. What did you learn about your fellow participants through this game? Playing “Two Truths and a Lie: Childhood Edition” can offer insights into the unique experiences and backgrounds of others. By listening to their stories, you might discover shared interests, values, or challenges that bring you closer together.

2. How did it feel to share personal childhood memories with the group? Sharing personal anecdotes can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. Reflecting on how it felt to disclose aspects of your youth may help you better understand your comfort level when discussing sensitive or intimate topics in a group setting.

3. Which participant’s truth or lie resonated with you the most? Why? Identifying stories that stood out to you can reveal shared experiences, inspire empathy, or simply provide entertainment. Exploring why these particular anecdotes piqued your interest may foster deeper connections and appreciation for your peers.

4. How did guessing others’ lies influence your perception of them? Engaging in the process of deducing which statement was a lie might have affected how you view certain individuals. Reflecting on these shifting perspectives can help you recognize any biases or assumptions and encourage open-mindedness when getting to know new people.

5. What did you realize about your own childhood while playing this game? Playing “Two Truths and a Lie: Childhood Edition” might have led you to reconsider certain aspects of your youth, whether positive or negative. This reflection can provide valuable self-awareness and personal growth opportunities.

6. How can we apply the insights gained from this game to foster better connections in future interactions? Understanding more about one another’s backgrounds and experiences can pave the way for stronger relationships. Consider how you can use the knowledge gained during this icebreaker activity to create a more inclusive, empathetic, and connected environment moving forward.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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