A great activity for everyone

Two Truths and a Lie: Dreams and Nightmares Edition

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Two Truths and a Lie: Dreams and Nightmares Edition
By Jon Zajac

What is Two Truths and a Lie: Dreams and Nightmares Edition?

The “Two Truths and a Lie: Dreams and Nightmares Edition” icebreaker is an engaging activity that encourages participants to share their dreams and nightmares while fostering interaction, camaraderie, and active listening. The purpose of this game is to create an open and inclusive environment where participants can share memorable experiences from their subconscious, allowing others to guess which stories are true or false. This version of “Two Truths and a Lie” focuses on the surreal world of dreams, inviting players to distinguish between reality and imagination in a fun and mysterious way.

To play, each participant recounts three dreams or nightmares, two of which are genuine experiences and one that is fabricated. The challenge lies in making the lie believable while ensuring the truths aren’t too obvious. After sharing their stories, other participants discuss and vote on which dream they think is the lie. This process helps develop critical thinking skills as players look for subtle cues and discrepancies in the narratives.

Engaging in this icebreaker weaves threads of vulnerability and trust within the group, deepening interpersonal connections and promoting empathetic listening. As a bonus, it highlights creative thinking and showcases the vivid imagery present in human dreams. While I’ve described the basic concept here, there are many ways to adapt and customize “Two Truths and a Lie: Dreams and Nightmares Edition” for various group sizes and settings, making it an versatile and enjoyable icebreaker activity.

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Rules for Two Truths and a Lie: Dreams and Nightmares Edition

  1. Participants must recall and select two genuine dreams or nightmares and one fabricated dream to share with the group.
  2. Each participant shares their three “dreams” in turn, trying to deliver each story with neutrality.
  3. After a participant shares, others in the group discuss and guess which of the three dreams they think is the lie.
  4. The participant reveals which dream was a lie and may offer insights into their thought process for both the lies and truths.
  5. Group members can engage by sharing why they chose what they did, what cues they picked up on, or offering interpretations of the dreams mentioned.
  6. Repeat steps 3-5 until all participants have shared their dreams and nightmares.
  7. After concluding the game, discuss the overall experience, share surprising moments, and reflect on new insights gained about dreams, nightmares, or trust in the group.

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Materials needed for Two Truths and a Lie: Dreams and Nightmares Edition

  • Notebooks or paper: Participants can jot down their dreams and nightmares to help with recall
  • Pens or pencils: Writing instruments for participants to use with their notebooks or paper
  • A quiet space: A location where the group can gather, sit in a circle or around a table, and comfortably hear each other speak
  • Optional: Digital meeting platform For remote teams, a video call platform that includes polling features can be used for anonymous guessing

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Setting up for Two Truths and a Lie: Dreams and Nightmares Edition

To set up for the “Two Truths and a Lie: Dreams and Nightmares Edition” icebreaker activity, you’ll need to ensure that you have a quiet space large enough to accommodate your group. Participants should be seated in a circle or around a table to promote inclusivity and equality.

Begin by introducing the concept of “Two Truths and a Lie,” emphasizing that this edition focuses on dreams and nightmares, requiring participants to share genuine experiences rather than fictional tales. Encourage participants to recall and select two memorable dreams or nightmares they have experienced and one that they invent. Make it clear that the challenge lies in making the lie believable while ensuring the truths are not too obvious.

Once participants have had some time to prepare, they can begin sharing their three “dreams” with the group. Encourage a neutral delivery style to maintain an atmosphere of suspense and intrigue, engaging the audience in the mysterious world of dreams. After a participant shares, allow others to discuss and guess which dream they think is the fabrication before revealing the lie and offering insights into their thought process for both truths and lies.

Remember that this activity should last approximately 30-45 minutes, depending on group size. Engage participants in discussion after each reveal, sharing why they chose what they did, what cues they picked up on, or offering interpretations of the dreams mentioned. This phase can enhance camaraderie and spark intriguing conversations about the subconscious.

For remote teams, conduct the game over a video call, using digital meeting platforms’ polling features to anonymously guess the fabricated dream. Emphasize active listening and paying attention to subtle cues and discrepancies in narratives shared to detect lies among truths.

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How to play Two Truths and a Lie: Dreams and Nightmares Edition

  1. Introduction to the Activity: The facilitator explains that the group will play “Two Truths and a Lie: Dreams and Nightmares Edition,” where participants share three dreams or nightmares, one of which is fabricated. Emphasize that the focus is on personal experiences, not fictional tales.

  2. Preparation Time: Give participants a few minutes to recall and select two genuine dreams/nightmares and one invented one. Encourage them to make their lie believable while ensuring the truths are not too obvious.

  3. Sharing: Invite participants to take turns sharing their three “dreams” with the group, maintaining a neutral tone to avoid revealing the lie.

  4. Guessing: After a participant shares, allow others in the group to discuss and guess which dream they think is the fabrication. Encourage participants to vote anonymously using a show of hands or calling out their guess.

  5. Reveal: The sharing participant reveals which dream was a lie and may offer insights into their thought process for both truths and lies.

  6. Feedback and Engagement: Prompt the group to share their reasoning behind their guesses, discuss cues they picked up on, or offer interpretations of the dreams mentioned. This phase can enhance camaraderie, spark intriguing conversations about the subconscious, and delve into discussions on dream interpretation.

  7. Continuation: Repeat the process until all participants have shared their dreams/nightmares.

  8. Reflection and Closure: Conclude with a discussion on the overall experience, what participants found surprising, and any new insights they’ve gained about dreams, nightmares, or deception.

Variation for Remote Teams In a virtual setting, conduct the game over a video call. Use digital meeting platforms’ polling features to allow anonymous guesses. This fosters interaction and engagement in a remote setup.

Educational Insights This icebreaker emphasizes creative thinking, showcases vivid human dream imagery, and encourages mindfulness and attention, as detecting the lie requires actively listening for subtle cues and discrepancies.

Psychological Ties Sharing dreams demands openness, fostering vulnerability, trust, deeper interpersonal connections, and empathetic listening within the group.

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Benefits of Two Truths and a Lie: Dreams and Nightmares Edition

  • Fosters Creative Thinking: By requiring participants to invent a dream that seems authentic, this game encourages creativity and imagination, allowing players to exercise their storytelling skills in a fun and engaging way.
  • Deepens Understanding of Dreams: Recalling and sharing personal dreams can lead to discussions about the nature and meaning of dreams, providing an opportunity for participants to learn more about their own subconscious experiences and those of others.
  • Encourages Active Listening: In order to guess which dream is a lie, players must pay close attention to each other’s stories, picking up on subtle cues and discrepancies in the narratives being shared. This active listening skill can be beneficial in both personal and professional settings.
  • Builds Trust and Vulnerability: By sharing something as intimate as their dreams, participants create an atmosphere of trust and openness within the group, which can help strengthen interpersonal relationships and facilitate more meaningful conversations.
  • Enhances Empathetic Listening: As players listen to each other’s dreams, they are encouraged to consider the emotions and experiences that might have inspired those dreams, promoting empathy and understanding among group members.
  • Provides Entertainment and Engagement: The suspenseful nature of guessing which dream is a lie makes this game inherently enjoyable, keeping participants engaged and entertained throughout the activity.
  • Encourages Mindfulness: Carefully crafting two genuine dreams along with one fabricated story helps participants be mindful of their thoughts and experiences, potentially leading to increased self-awareness and introspection.
  • Adaptable for Various Settings: Whether conducted in-person or remotely, this game can easily be tailored to fit the needs and constraints of different group sizes and contexts, making it a versatile and inclusive icebreaker option.
  • Promotes Interpersonal Connections: By sharing personal experiences and listening attentively to others, participants can form stronger bonds with one another, leading to improved communication and collaboration within the group.
  • Enhances Group Dynamics: As players engage in discussions about their dreams and nightmares, they have the opportunity to reflect on shared experiences, values, and perspectives, which can contribute to a more cohesive and harmonious group dynamic.

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Skills built with Two Truths and a Lie: Dreams and Nightmares Edition

  • Creative Thinking: Playing “Two Truths and a Lie: Dreams and Nightmares Edition” encourages participants to think creatively when inventing a dream that feels authentic and plausible, as well as when trying to guess the fabricated dream of others. This process stimulates imagination and problem-solving abilities.

  • Active Listening: To successfully detect the lie among truths, players must hone their active listening skills, paying close attention to details and subtleties in the stories being shared. This helps participants become more attentive and engaged in conversations, both within and outside of the game context.

  • Vulnerability and Trust: By sharing personal dreams and nightmares, participants expose a part of their inner world, fostering an atmosphere of trust and vulnerability among the group. This experience can help individuals feel more comfortable opening up to others in various settings, leading to stronger interpersonal connections.

  • Empathetic Listening: Engaging in this icebreaker encourages empathetic listening as participants try to understand the experiences of their peers by guessing which dream is false and discussing why they made that choice. This practice can lead to greater compassion and emotional intelligence, as players become more attuned to the feelings and thoughts of others.

  • Mindfulness: “Two Truths and a Lie: Dreams and Nightmares Edition” promotes mindfulness by requiring participants to be present in the moment and fully engaged in the conversation. This heightened state of awareness can improve focus, mental clarity, and overall well-being, both during the game and in daily life.

  • Interpersonal Communication: The game offers opportunities for participants to practice their interpersonal communication skills by expressing themselves clearly and effectively when sharing their dreams and guessing those of others. These interactions can lead to stronger relationships and a better understanding of different perspectives.

  • Critical Thinking: Players must use critical thinking to discern inconsistencies and uncover the lie among the truths presented by their peers. This mental exercise strengthens analytical abilities, decision-making skills, and judgment, contributing to overall cognitive development.

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Why I like Two Truths and a Lie: Dreams and Nightmares Edition

I am drawn to the “Two Truths and a Lie: Dreams and Nightmares Edition” icebreaker because it offers a unique and engaging way for participants to connect on both personal and imaginative levels. By sharing dreams, people reveal glimpses of their inner worlds, fostering trust and empathy within the group. The element of mystery introduced by the lie adds an exciting twist that keeps everyone engaged and guessing, making it a fun and interactive experience.

As a creative icebreaker, I appreciate how this activity sparks curiosity and encourages participants to think outside the box when crafting their fabricated dream. This fosters critical thinking and showcases each individual’s storytelling abilities, contributing to an overall positive group dynamic.

Moreover, as someone who values mindfulness and attentiveness, I find that “Two Truths and a Lie: Dreams and Nightmares Edition” encourages active listening and observation skills. Participants must pay close attention to subtle cues in the stories being shared to correctly identify the lie, making it an excellent exercise in focus and awareness.

Lastly, this icebreaker has educational value as it highlights the importance of creative thinking and the vivid imagery present in human dreams. It can even lead to interesting discussions on dream interpretation and the role they play in our lives. All these aspects make “Two Truths and a Lie: Dreams and Nightmares Edition” an enjoyable, enlightening, and memorable group activity.

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Tips for making Two Truths and a Lie: Dreams and Nightmares Edition more inclusive

  • Consider cultural differences: When interpreting dreams, be mindful that different cultures may attribute various meanings to symbols present in dreams. Emphasize the importance of sharing personal dream interpretations without judgment, fostering an inclusive environment where everyone feels comfortable participating.
  • Be aware of potential triggers: Some nightmares can evoke strong emotions or traumatic memories. As a facilitator, be prepared to address participants’ concerns and ensure that the activity remains respectful and supportive for all involved. Encourage participants to use their discretion when sharing potentially distressing dreams.
  • Promote active listening: Encourage everyone in the group to actively listen to each participant’s dreams without interrupting, ensuring a safe space where people feel heard and respected. Model this behavior by demonstrating attentive listening during the activity.
  • Provide alternatives for neurodivergent individuals: Consider offering alternative forms of participation for neurodivergent individuals who may struggle with verbal storytelling or remembering dreams. This could include writing, drawing, or using visual aids to share their experiences.
  • Use gender-inclusive language: When discussing and sharing dreams, be mindful of your language choices and use gender-inclusive terms to ensure all participants feel included and respected.
  • Acknowledge diverse perspectives: Emphasize that dreams can be interpreted in many ways, and encourage participants to share their unique perspectives without fear of judgment or criticism. This open-minded approach fosters an inclusive atmosphere where everyone’s viewpoint is valued.
  • Accommodate language differences: If the group includes individuals who speak different languages, provide accommodations such as translation services or bilingual facilitators to ensure that everyone can participate fully and comfortably.
  • Be sensitive to physical abilities: Make sure the seating arrangement and materials used in the activity are accessible for participants with various physical abilities. This may involve providing raised seats, large print materials, or other accommodations as needed.

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Reflection questions for Two Truths and a Lie: Dreams and Nightmares Edition

  1. What was your experience sharing your dreams and nightmares with the group? This question can help participants reflect on their comfort level with vulnerability and self-disclosure, which are important aspects of building trust within a group.

  2. Did any of your dreams or nightmares spark an interesting conversation or connection with another participant? If so, what was it about? This question encourages participants to think about shared experiences or interests that emerged during the activity, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie.

  3. How successful were you in distinguishing other people’s lies from their truths? What strategies did you use to make your guesses? This question promotes active listening and critical thinking skills, as well as self-reflection on how participants processed the information shared by others during the game.

  4. Did any of the dreams or nightmares shared by others seem particularly memorable, vivid, or bizarre? Why do you think that was? This question can help participants explore the nature of dreams and their role in processing emotions, memories, and experiences.

  5. How does sharing and discussing dreams and nightmares affect your understanding or appreciation of the subconscious mind? This question invites participants to consider the psychological aspects of dreaming and how they relate to individual identity, emotional well-being, and interpersonal relationships.

  6. What did you learn about yourself or others while playing “Two Truths and a Lie: Dreams and Nightmares Edition”? This question encourages self-awareness and empathy, helping participants recognize the value of vulnerability and authenticity in building connections with others.

  7. How might this activity influence your future interactions with group members or your approach to icebreakers in general? This question promotes continuous learning and growth by asking participants to consider how their experiences during the game can inform their behavior and attitudes moving forward.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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