A great activity for everyone

Electric Current

Experience the thrill of lightning-fast reflexes in this silent yet exhilarating hand-squeeze game!

Electric Current
By Jon Zajac

What is Electric Current?

The Electric Current icebreaker is a fun and engaging game that involves quick reflexes and teamwork. Its purpose is to encourage communication, cooperation, and active participation among group members, making it an ideal activity for large groups at camps, youth retreats, or other gatherings. The game resembles two fast-moving electric currents, as players pass a “current” down the line by squeezing each other’s hands in response to a coin toss.

In this silent game, participants form two lines and hold hands, with their eyes closed except for those at the front of each line. When the facilitator shows “heads” after a coin toss, the first players in each line squeeze the hand of the person next to them, initiating the electric current. Players then quickly pass the squeeze down the line, aiming to be the first team to grab the object placed at the end of their chain. The winning team is the one that correctly responds to the coin toss and reaches the object first, earning six points before the other team. This enjoyable and fast-paced game fosters camaraderie and friendly competition among participants while providing a memorable icebreaker experience.

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Rules for Electric Current

  1. Gather two teams of equal length and have everyone hold hands to form a chain.
  2. Everyone except for the two team leaders at the front of each chain should close their eyes.
  3. The game is to be played silently.
  4. At the start of each round, the facilitator will do a coin toss. When “heads” is showing, the facilitator taps both team leaders’ shoulders simultaneously, signaling the start of the electric current.
  5. The two people at the front of each team squeeze the hand of the next person in the chain as fast as they can.
  6. The next player who receives the hand squeeze should quickly squeeze the hand of the next person in the chain, continuing to pass the electricity down the line.
  7. The first team to grab the object (paper cup or foam ball) at the end of their chain wins the round.
  8. If someone grabs the object but there was no “heads” coin toss, that team loses a point.
  9. Change up the team order after each round if desired.
  10. Play continues for several rounds until one team reaches six points. That team is declared the winner of the Electric Current icebreaker activity.

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Materials needed for Electric Current

  • Coin: A small coin, such as a quarter, is used for the coin toss that determines when the game begins.
  • Two small objects: These can be items like paper cups or foam balls, and are placed at the end of each line to serve as the objective that teams race to grab.
  • Long lines of people: Everyone participating in the game will form two lines, with all players holding hands as a chain. Each team should have approximately equal numbers of players.
  • Facilitator: This person is responsible for overseeing the game, doing the coin toss, and keeping track of points to determine the winning team.

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Setting up for Electric Current

To set up for the Electric Current icebreaker activity, follow these steps:

  1. Find a suitable location: Choose an indoor or outdoor space that can accommodate two long lines of people. Make sure there is enough room for players to form chains without bumping into each other or any obstacles.

  2. Divide participants into teams: Split the group into two teams of approximately equal size. Have everyone stand in line, facing forward in the same direction.

  3. Establish the start and endpoints: Appoint two team leaders at the front of each line. At the other end of both lines, place a small coin (like a quarter) and two small objects (such as a paper cup or foam ball) that can be grabbed.

  4. Position the facilitator: The person overseeing the game should stand where they can easily observe both teams and have a clear view of the start and endpoints of each line.

  5. Instruct players on rules and expectations: Before starting the game, remind all participants to close their eyes during gameplay, except for the team leaders. Emphasize that the game should be played silently and that they must wait for the facilitator’s cue to start passing the “electric current.”

Now you are ready to play the Electric Current icebreaker activity! Remember to keep the game fair by waiting several seconds between coin tosses and deducting points when players grab the object without a “heads” coin toss. The first team to reach six points is the winner.

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How to play Electric Current

  1. Gather materials: Before starting the game, I make sure to have a small coin, a paper cup, and a foam ball at hand. These objects will serve as markers for each team.
  2. Set up teams: I arrange players into two long lines of people, ensuring that both teams are approximately equal in length. Each player holds hands with the person next to them, forming a human chain.
  3. Prepare for gameplay: I ask all players to close their eyes, except for the two people at the front of each team. This will ensure that the game is played silently and that the element of surprise remains intact during coin tosses.
  4. Begin the game: I start by doing a coin toss. Whenever “heads” is showing, I simultaneously tap the shoulder of both team leaders, signaling the start of the electric current. The two people at the front of each team squeeze the hand of the next person in the chain as fast as they can.
  5. Pass the electricity: Players continue passing the electric current down the chain by squeezing the hand of the person next to them. The goal is to be the first team to grab the object (paper cup or foam ball) at the end of the chain.
  6. Prevent false starts: I ensure that there are several seconds between coin flips and that players don’t grab the objects without a “heads” coin toss result, as this would deduct points from their team.
  7. Change team order: After each round, I may choose to change up the team order for an added challenge and to keep the game exciting.
  8. Declare the winner: The first team to reach six points, by winning rounds where “heads” was shown during coin tosses, is declared the winner of the Electric Current icebreaker game.

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Benefits of Electric Current

  • Builds Teamwork and Communication Skills: By holding hands in a chain and passing the “electric current” down the line, players must work together and communicate effectively to win the game. This helps to build teamwork and communication skills that can be useful in other areas of life.
  • Encourages Quick Thinking and Reflexes: The game requires players to think quickly and have fast reflexes in order to pass the “electric current” down the line as fast as possible. This can help to improve cognitive function and coordination.
  • Promotes Active Participation and Engagement: Since everyone in the team is holding hands and involved in the game, it encourages active participation and engagement from all players. This can be especially beneficial for introverted or shy individuals who may need a little extra encouragement to get involved in group activities.
  • Provides a Fun and Energetic Icebreaker: The Electric Current icebreaker is a fun and energetic game that can help to break the ice and create a positive atmosphere at camps, youth retreats, or large group events. It’s a great way to get people moving and interacting with one another in a lighthearted and enjoyable way.
  • Develops Focus and Concentration: By playing the game silently and requiring players to close their eyes, it helps to develop focus and concentration skills. Players must stay alert and pay attention to the game in order to win, which can help to improve overall attentiveness and mental clarity.

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Skills built with Electric Current

  • Teamwork: The Electric Current icebreaker game encourages teamwork as players must work together to quickly pass the “electric current” down the chain and grab the object at the end before the other team. This helps build a sense of camaraderie and cooperation among participants.
  • Communication: Since this game is played silently, it emphasizes non-verbal communication and the importance of paying attention to subtle cues from teammates. Players must be attentive to quickly notice when their hand is squeezed and then rapidly squeeze the next person’s hand in the chain.
  • Reflexes: The Electric Current game helps build quick reflexes as players need to react promptly to the hand squeeze, passing it down the chain as fast as possible. Improved reflexes can benefit participants in various aspects of their lives, from sports to everyday activities.
  • Focus and Concentration: Closing one’s eyes during gameplay helps develop focus and concentration, as players must pay close attention to the sensation of hand squeezes without being distracted by visual cues. This skill can translate into better performance in academic or professional settings requiring intense concentration.
  • Sportsmanship: Learning to accept wins and losses gracefully is essential for any team game, and the Electric Current icebreaker is no exception. By emphasizing the importance of following rules and respecting the outcome, this game fosters a positive attitude towards competition and sportsmanship.

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Why I like Electric Current

I enjoy the Electric Current icebreaker game for several reasons. First, it’s a simple yet effective way to engage a large group of people in a fun and interactive activity. The game requires minimal setup and can be played almost anywhere, making it a convenient choice for camp events or youth retreats.

As someone who enjoys games that involve quick reflexes and teamwork, I find the Electric Current game to be both challenging and exciting. The added element of a coin toss adds an extra layer of suspense, keeping players on their toes and engaged throughout each round.

I also appreciate that the game is silent, which can help create a more focused and attentive atmosphere among players. This is particularly useful in situations where there may be distractions or noise from other activities.

Additionally, the fact that the Electric Current game can be played multiple times with different team orders adds to its replayability and keeps things interesting. The competitive aspect of trying to be the first team to grab the object at the end of the chain also adds a fun element of competition to the game.

Overall, the Electric Current icebreaker is a simple yet engaging game that requires quick reflexes, teamwork, and strategy. Its minimal setup and ability to be played multiple times with different team orders make it a great choice for large group activities.

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Tips for making Electric Current more inclusive

  • Tip: Provide visual aids or sign language: To make the game more accessible for players with hearing impairments, consider using visual cues such as flashing lights or sign language to indicate when the game has started. This will ensure that everyone can participate fully in the activity.
  • Tip: Use objects that are easy to grip: For players with mobility or hand strength issues, make sure to use lightweight and easy-to-grip objects for the end of each line. This will help ensure that everyone can participate comfortably and safely.
  • Tip: Offer alternative ways to communicate the signal: Instead of relying solely on hand squeezes, consider offering alternative ways for players to communicate the “electric current” to each other, such as using a series of predetermined taps or verbal cues. This can help accommodate players who may have difficulty with hand squeezes or who need to use their hands for other purposes.
  • Tip: Be mindful of sensory sensitivities: Some players may be sensitive to touch, loud noises, or bright lights. As a facilitator, be aware of these sensitivities and make accommodations as needed, such as offering alternative ways to communicate the signal or dimming the lights during gameplay.
  • Tip: Encourage teamwork and communication: The Electric Current icebreaker is a great opportunity for players to work together and build communication skills. As a facilitator, encourage teams to strategize and communicate with each other to improve their chances of winning. This can help create a more inclusive and collaborative environment for all players.

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Reflection questions for Electric Current

  1. What did you enjoy most about playing the Electric Current game? This question can help participants reflect on what they found enjoyable or fun about the game, which can be useful for facilitators to know when planning future activities.
  2. How did your team communicate and work together during the game? This question can help participants think about how their team functioned as a unit and how communication affected their ability to win.
  3. What strategies did your team use to try to win the game? This question can help participants reflect on the tactics they used and whether or not those strategies were effective.
  4. Did you notice any differences in the way that each team approached the game? If so, what were they? This question can encourage participants to think critically about how different teams operate and what factors might contribute to their success or failure.
  5. How did it feel to be part of a team that was working together towards a common goal? This question can help participants reflect on the benefits of teamwork and collaboration.
  6. What did you learn about yourself through playing this game? This question can help participants think about how they responded to challenges, communicated with others, and worked as part of a team.
  7. Would you play this game again in the future? Why or why not? This question can help facilitators gauge whether or not the activity was successful and what changes might be needed to improve it for next time.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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