A great activity for everyone

Screaming Viking

Unleash Your Inner Viking in This Hilarious and Interactive Party Game!

Screaming Viking
By Jon Zajac

What is Screaming Viking?

The Screaming Viking icebreaker is a fun and engaging game that I enjoy playing at parties or gatherings with friends and family. The purpose of this activity is to promote interaction, laughter, and lighthearted competition among players. At its core, the game involves one person in the middle of a circle trying to get someone on the outside to make a mistake by commanding them to perform funny motions and make silly noises along with the two people sitting to their left and right.

The Screaming Viking icebreaker is an excellent way to break the ice and create a lively atmosphere at any event. With various actions such as the “Screaming Viking,” “Smurfs,” “Chia Pet,” and “Jello,” players must work together to perform these motions correctly within ten seconds, or risk taking the place of the person in the middle. This game encourages communication, collaboration, and quick thinking, making it an enjoyable and memorable experience for all participants.

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Rules for Screaming Viking

  1. Players sit in a large circle with each person facing the middle.
  2. The person in the middle points to one person in the circle and commands an action.
  3. Three people (the person pointed to and the two people sitting to their left and right) must perform the action within ten seconds.
  4. Actions include:
    • Screaming Viking: person in the middle forms horns with fingers and screams, while the two people next to them make rowing motions.
    • Smurfs: three people interlock arms and sing the smurf song.
    • Chia Pet: three people sing “Ch-ch-ch-chia” with one person in the middle as the plant and the other two forming a pot.
    • Jello: person in the middle wobbles like jello, while the other two form a bowl with their arms.
  5. If any of the three people make a mistake within ten seconds, that person becomes the new person in the middle.

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Materials needed for Screaming Viking

  • Circle formation: Have everyone sit in a large circle, with each person facing the middle. This requires enough space for all players to comfortably sit down while forming a circle.
  • Facilitator: The game calls for someone to teach all the various motions and actions required for playing the game. This person should be familiar with the rules and have good communication skills.
  • Timer or stopwatch (optional): While not explicitly mentioned, having a timer or stopwatch can help keep track of the ten seconds given for each action. This ensures that mistakes are accurately identified within the allotted time frame.
  • Video demonstration (optional): The game suggests providing a video link to demonstrate how the game works. Showing this video before starting the game will help players understand and visualize the actions and motions involved.

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Setting up for Screaming Viking

To set up for the Screaming Viking icebreaker activity, there is no need for any special materials or preparation. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Find a suitable location where you can gather a group of people in a large circle. This could be indoors or outdoors, depending on the size of the group and the availability of space.
  2. Arrange chairs or have people sit on the floor in a circle, with each person facing the middle. Make sure there is enough space between each person to allow for movement and gestures.
  3. Choose one person to be the facilitator who will explain the rules and actions of the game. The facilitator should stand or sit in the middle of the circle where everyone can see and hear them clearly.
  4. Before starting the game, the facilitator should teach everyone all the various motions for how to play. This includes demonstrating the Screaming Viking, Smurfs, Chia Pet, Jello, and any other actions that will be used in the game. It’s important that everyone understands the movements and sounds associated with each action so they can perform them correctly during the game.
  5. Once everyone is familiar with the actions, you are ready to start playing Screaming Viking! The facilitator should remain in the middle of the circle and serve as the judge who determines whether a mistake has been made by any of the three people performing an action.

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How to play Screaming Viking

  1. Setting Up the Game: I gather everyone and have them sit in a large circle with each person facing the middle. I ensure that everyone is seated on the outside of the circle and make sure there is enough space for movement.
  2. Explaining the Rules: I explain to everyone that the goal of the game is to avoid becoming the person in the middle. I also mention that if someone makes a mistake, they will have to take the place of the person currently in the middle.
  3. Demonstrating the Actions: I demonstrate each action that can be performed during the game, including the “Screaming Viking,” “Smurfs,” “Chia Pet,” and “Jello.” I explain the motions and sounds associated with each action clearly and make sure everyone understands how to perform them.
  4. Choosing the First Person in the Middle: I choose the first person to be in the middle by randomly selecting someone or using a different method of my choice.
  5. Starting the Game: The person in the middle points to someone on the outside and commands an action. The three people involved (the selected person, and the two people seated to their left and right) must perform the action without making any mistakes within ten seconds.
  6. Determining a Mistake: I carefully observe the actions of the three people performing the activity. If any of them make a mistake, such as not completing the action on time or not doing it correctly, that person becomes the new person in the middle.
  7. Continuing the Game: The game continues with the new person in the middle pointing to someone else and commanding an action. I ensure that everyone gets a turn being in the middle and encourage them to have fun and be silly during their turns.
  8. Ending the Game: I decide when to end the game based on the amount of time available or when everyone has had enough fun. I thank everyone for participating and encourage them to try the game again at future events.

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Benefits of Screaming Viking

  • Encourages Physical Movement: As a stationary/active game, Screaming Viking gets players moving and physically engaged. This can help improve overall fitness and reduce sedentary behavior.
  • Boosts Creativity: By requiring players to act out various actions such as “Screaming Vikings” and “Chia Pets,” Screaming Viking promotes creativity and imaginative thinking.
  • Fosters Social Interaction: The game’s interactive nature encourages players to engage with one another, helping build relationships and strengthen communication skills.
  • Increases Confidence: By having to act out various actions in front of others, players can gain confidence in their ability to perform and entertain in front of a group.
  • Improves Reaction Time: The fast-paced nature of the game requires quick thinking and reflexes, helping improve reaction time and decision-making skills.
  • Provides Entertainment: Screaming Viking is a fun and engaging icebreaker that can provide hours of entertainment for children and adults alike.
  • Promotes Teamwork: By having to work together to properly perform the actions, players can learn the importance of teamwork and collaboration.

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Skills built with Screaming Viking

  • Communication Skills: Players need to effectively communicate and work together in order to perform the required actions within the given time frame. This helps improve their overall communication abilities and promotes active listening.
  • Teamwork: The game encourages teamwork, as players must collaborate with those seated next to them to successfully complete an action. This fosters a sense of camaraderie and cooperation among participants.
  • Creativity: By acting out various actions like the “Screaming Viking,” “Smurfs,” or “Chia Pet,” players can tap into their creative side and think outside the box.
  • Confidence Building: As players are required to perform silly actions in front of others, this game can help build self-confidence and self-esteem, allowing individuals to feel more comfortable expressing themselves in public settings.
  • Physical Coordination: Performing the various motions and actions involved in the game can help improve fine and gross motor skills, as well as overall physical coordination.
  • Stress Relief: The lighthearted and humorous nature of the game provides an opportunity for players to relax, laugh, and enjoy themselves, contributing to stress relief and improved mood.
  • Critical Thinking: Players must quickly think on their feet and react to the commands given by the person in the middle, promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

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Why I like Screaming Viking

I enjoy the Screaming Viking icebreaker for several reasons. First, it is highly interactive and encourages participation from everyone involved. This makes it an excellent game for parties and large groups, as it helps to engage and entertain all participants.

Another reason I like this icebreaker is that it is suitable for children aged 9 and up. The silly and funny actions required for the game make it appealing and accessible to kids in this age range, while still being enjoyable for adults.

I also appreciate that Screaming Viking does not require any special materials or setup. This makes it a convenient and flexible game that can be played almost anywhere, whether indoors or outdoors.

Additionally, the rules of the game are simple and easy to understand, but there is still enough variety in the actions required to keep things interesting and engaging. The use of different actions, such as the “Screaming Viking,” “Smurfs,” “Chia Pet,” and “Jello,” adds an element of surprise and excitement to the game.

Overall, I find the Screaming Viking icebreaker to be a fun and entertaining way to bring people together and encourage interaction. Its simplicity, accessibility, and variety make it a great choice for parties and large groups.

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Tips for making Screaming Viking more inclusive

  • Tip: Consider using actions that represent a diverse range of cultures and interests. For example, you could incorporate actions related to different types of music, dance, or sports from around the world. This can help make the game more inclusive and interesting for all players.
  • Tip: Make sure to explain each action clearly and give examples, so that everyone understands what they are supposed to do. This will help ensure that everyone has an equal chance to participate and succeed in the game.
  • Tip: Encourage players to come up with their own actions to share with the group. This can help make the game more interactive and give everyone a sense of ownership and investment in the game.
  • Tip: Be mindful of the language you use when explaining the actions. Avoid using jargon or insider terms that some players may not be familiar with, and try to use simple and clear language that everyone can understand.
  • Tip: Create a supportive and non-judgmental environment by reminding players to be kind and respectful towards each other. Encourage players to laugh and have fun, but also to be mindful of others’ feelings and to avoid making fun of or mocking their teammates. This will help make the game more inclusive and enjoyable for everyone.

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Reflection questions for Screaming Viking

  1. What was your favorite action to perform during the game? This question can help participants reflect on which parts of the activity they enjoyed the most, giving the facilitator insight into what types of movements and actions were popular among the group.
  2. Did you feel nervous or self-conscious when it was your turn to be in the middle? Why or why not? This question can help participants reflect on their feelings of vulnerability during the game, which can be an important aspect of building empathy and understanding within a group.
  3. How did you feel when someone made a mistake and had to go into the middle? This question can help participants reflect on their reactions to others’ mistakes, which can be an opportunity to discuss the importance of kindness and support in group activities.
  4. Did you notice any patterns or trends in the types of actions that were chosen by the person in the middle? This question can help participants practice critical thinking skills and pay closer attention to details during group activities.
  5. What did you learn about yourself or others during the game? This open-ended question can allow participants to reflect on any insights or observations they had during the game, which can be a valuable way to build self-awareness and social connections within the group.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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