A great activity for everyone

King and Queen

Become the Ultimate Leader in This Hilarious Group Game of Movement, Strategy, and Challenging Commands!

King and Queen
By Jon Zajac

What is King and Queen?

The King and Queen icebreaker is a fun and dynamic group game that is sure to liven up any gathering. Its main goal is for the chosen leader (the King or Queen) to give commands to the rest of the group, who act as peasants in this playful scenario. As the peasants move in a circle, the King or Queen issues orders such as jumping on one leg, running on all fours, or pretending to fly. The challenge lies in keeping up with these ever-changing demands, as failing to comply results in being kicked out of the game. The last peasant to successfully follow all commands becomes the new King or Queen, and the cycle begins anew. This engaging activity is suitable for groups of any size and age, requiring no preparation or materials, making it a fantastic option when searching for group game ideas.

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Rules for King and Queen

  1. Choose a king or queen to be the leader, and the rest of the group will play as the peasants.
  2. The peasants have to keep moving in a circle.
  3. If the king or queen becomes displeased, they should say “Hurry up!”. Once this order is given, the peasants should move in the opposite direction at a higher speed.
  4. The king or queen should give orders to the peasants that they should follow.
  5. The orders should get harder and more challenging as the game goes through. Examples of commands include jumping on two legs, jumping on one leg, run on all fours, rise the arms, pretend to fly, marching, sliding, stomping, galloping, etc.
  6. If a peasant cannot keep up with the commands, they are kicked out of the game and the game continues until only one peasant is left who wins and becomes the king or queen of the next round.

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Materials needed for King and Queen

  • Group of friends: All you need is a group of friends to play the King and Queen game. No special preparations or materials are required.

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Setting up for King and Queen

To set up for the King and Queen icebreaker activity, there is no need for any special preparations. You only need to gather a group of people, preferably of over 3 individuals, as this game is suitable for groups of any size. The age range for this game is also flexible, making it a fun option for kids, teenagers, and even adults. Once you have your group, designate one person to be the king or queen, and the rest will be the peasants. The game can take place indoors or outdoors, with no time limit set but typically lasting between 10-20 minutes per round. No materials are needed, making it easy to start playing immediately.

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How to play King and Queen

  1. Choose the King or Queen: I start by selecting one person to be the king or queen, and the rest of the group will play as the peasants.
  2. Peasants Circle Up: The peasants form a circle and start moving in it.
  3. King/Queen Gives an Order: When the king or queen becomes displeased, they say “Hurry up!” and change the direction of the circle. Then, they start giving commands for the peasants to follow.
  4. Peasants Follow Commands: The peasants must follow the given commands while moving in a circle. The commands can include actions like jumping on two legs, one leg, run on all fours, rise arms, pretend to fly, marching, sliding, stomping, and galloping.
  5. Elimination Process: If a peasant cannot keep up with the commands, they are kicked out of the game. The last peasant to stay in the game wins and becomes the king or queen for the next round.

Remember that this is an active and engaging group game suitable for any age group, especially kids and teenagers. It requires no preparations or special materials, making it easy to play anytime, anywhere.

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Benefits of King and Queen

  • Encourages Active Participation: The King and Queen game ensures that everyone is actively participating, making it an excellent icebreaker to get people engaged and involved in the group gathering.
  • Develops Focus and Concentration: By following increasingly complex commands while moving in a circle, players improve their focus and concentration skills, which can be beneficial in various aspects of life.
  • Boosts Creativity: The king or queen can get creative with the commands they give, encouraging peasants to think outside the box and engage their creativity when performing these tasks.
  • Enhances Physical Fitness: Running, jumping, and moving on all fours are just some of the physical activities involved in this game, promoting an active lifestyle and improving overall fitness.
  • Fosters a Sense of Community: The King and Queen game creates a fun and inclusive environment that helps build stronger bonds among group members, fostering a sense of community.
  • Improves Adaptability: Rapidly changing commands require players to adapt quickly, which can help improve adaptability in real-life situations.
  • Builds Confidence: As players successfully follow commands and avoid getting kicked out of the game, their confidence grows, making them more likely to participate enthusiastically in future group activities.

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Skills built with King and Queen

  • Acting skills: The King or Queen must act as a leader and give orders to the peasants, while the peasants must act out the commands given to them with enthusiasm and creativity.
  • Balance skills: Some of the commands may require the peasants to balance on one leg or maintain a specific posture, which can help improve their overall balance and coordination.
  • Running skills: When the King or Queen says “Hurry up!”, the peasants must move in the opposite direction at a higher speed, which can help improve their running and agility skills.
  • Creativity skills: The King or Queen has the freedom to come up with new and challenging commands, allowing them to exercise their creativity and problem-solving skills.
  • Teamwork skills: All players must work together and follow the same commands in order to avoid being kicked out of the game, promoting cooperation and communication among group members.

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Why I like King and Queen

As someone who enjoys bringing people together and creating a fun, engaging atmosphere, I appreciate the King and Queen icebreaker for its simplicity, versatility, and inclusivity. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. No preparation or materials needed: One of the things I like most about the King and Queen game is that it requires no advance planning or special equipment. This makes it an ideal last-minute activity or a spontaneous way to liven up a gathering.
  2. Suitable for all ages and group sizes: Whether I’m hosting a family reunion, a birthday party for kids, or a team-building event at work, the King and Queen game is always a hit. Its flexible rules allow it to be adapted to various age groups and group sizes, ensuring that everyone can participate and have fun.
  3. Encourages physical activity and creativity: The King and Queen game gets people moving and thinking on their feet, which I believe is essential for maintaining a dynamic and engaging atmosphere. Additionally, the game’s creative command cards encourage players to think outside the box and come up with new, challenging commands, keeping the game fresh and exciting.
  4. Fosters teamwork and communication: As the King or Queen, players must clearly communicate their commands to the group and make sure everyone understands what they are expected to do. This helps build trust, active listening skills, and collaboration among participants.
  5. Provides a sense of accomplishment and friendly competition: By challenging players to keep up with increasingly difficult commands, the King and Queen game creates a fun, competitive environment where individuals can test their limits and celebrate their successes. The last peasant standing not only wins the game but also earns respect and admiration from their peers, creating a positive and uplifting mood.

In conclusion, I like the King and Queen icebreaker because it is an accessible, adaptable, and engaging activity that brings people together, encourages physical activity and creativity, fosters teamwork and communication, and provides a sense of accomplishment and friendly competition. Whether I’m planning a small gathering or a large event, the King and Queen game is always on my list of go-to icebreakers.

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Tips for making King and Queen more inclusive

  • Tip: Modify the commands to accommodate different abilities. For example, if running is difficult for some players, replace it with “skipping” or “side-stepping.”
  • Tip: Encourage the king or queen to give positive reinforcement and compliments, rather than just criticism. This can help build confidence and make everyone feel valued.
  • Tip: Consider adding a rule that the king or queen must give at least one command that benefits all players, such as “everyone take three deep breaths” or “everyone stretch your arms above your head.”
  • Tip: Allow for self-selected groups within the larger group. For example, if some players are more comfortable with physical activity and others prefer less active tasks, create two circles (one for each group) that move in opposite directions. The king or queen can still give commands to both groups simultaneously.
  • Tip: Make sure everyone understands the commands before starting the game. Consider demonstrating the commands or providing written descriptions to ensure clarity.
  • Tip: Encourage players to suggest their own commands, allowing for individual creativity and ownership in the game.
  • Tip: Remind players that the goal of the game is to have fun and build connections with each other, not just to “win” or be the last one standing. This can help create a more inclusive atmosphere and reduce competition-related anxiety.

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Reflection questions for King and Queen

  1. What was your favorite command given by the king or queen? Understanding which commands were most enjoyable can provide insight into the types of activities that are engaging for the group.
  2. How did you feel when you were unable to follow a command? This question can help participants reflect on feelings of frustration or disappointment, and think about how they can cope with similar situations in the future.
  3. Did you find it challenging to keep up with the commands while moving in the circle? Why or why not? This reflection can help participants consider their own physical abilities, as well as strategies for improving their ability to multitask.
  4. What qualities did the king or queen exhibit that made them a good leader? By reflecting on effective leadership qualities, participants can think about how they can develop these skills in themselves and support others in leadership roles.
  5. How did you feel when you were “kicked out” of the game? This question can help participants consider their own resilience and ability to bounce back from setbacks, as well as strategies for supporting others who may be struggling.
  6. What did you learn about yourself or others during the King and Queen icebreaker? Reflecting on takeaways from the game can help participants deepen their understanding of themselves and their group members, and think about how they can apply these insights in other contexts.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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